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Everything posted by skwatra

  1. india's is one of the better indian restaurants right now. on richmond near chimney rock. check out b4-u-eat.com for reviews, lots of restaurants on there. and bombay brasserie was the best in town, not sure if they reopened yet (they had a fire). also located on richmond just west of the galleria. all the places mentioned before that are actually in "Little India" are good too, Raja's Sweets being my favorite. Just walk around Hillcroft and you'll find plenty. out of the Dim Sum i've tried here (Ocean Palace and Kim Son) Ocean Palace has more variety, and better food in my opinion. For dinner Kim Son is better.
  2. I wouldn't say the crashes were "mainly due to poor design and planning" the number of incidents has decreased dramatically, and there has been little change to the rail. some more signs yes, but mainly drivers learning to to interact with the rail. it took some getting used to, and things are much better now. there are plenty of cities around the world with much more interaction between trains and cars. my main complaint about the surface rail is the time it takes to get places. i remember seeing an estimate of 1 hour from Hobby to downtown in some plan. that's ridiculous, why would i make a visitor take that when i could get them there in 15 minutes? i was just in mexico city, and we take the subway to get downtown from the airport. it took an hour to go 12km, which was annoying. but i asked around, and they said it would have taken 1.5 hours by taxi, and we spent $0.20 rather then $30. so it made sense. i would prefer elevated in downtown and other dense areas towards the galleria, and dedicated surface otherwise.
  3. is he still commentating? after he stopped coaching the dolphins, he has stayed close to the game. i'm sure it wouldn't take much for him to get right back in there.
  4. i was headed east on NASA 1 towards Seabrook, and saw what i thought was new club. large concrete building lit up with purple 'Club Exotica' type lighting. then i realized the logo on the building was the same as the one for the endeavour condos, maybe its their sales office? website is up: http://www.endeavourcondo.com/
  5. skwatra


    ^yup. new ones starting next week lost epsiode guide
  6. ^they already have the Giant, which is newer and bigger. so would you rather see the Cyclone destroyed, or up in another park? it would be nice to see it survive, but i agree it would be a slap in the face...
  7. i was there last weekend, and it did look pretty cool. thankfully my friend lives in the west side so i didn't have to see all that Sox stuff every time i looked up. i did find this amusing (at ESPN Zone): and i had a cubs fan buy me a drink cause i was wearing an astros hat. sorry i know this is about lighting, hopefully houston will do something about our downtown lighting, or lack of...
  8. i watched it, but i didn't enjoy it. fox commentators were crappy. that really slow guy during the NLCS... don't get me started. much better to mute and listen to Milo, but that doesn't work because HD is a few seconds behind...
  9. i knew you were going to bring that up Red. there were similar statistics or lies last from year, but i can't find them (when the roof was open/closed). but if you assume it was open until june 2nd april to june 2 - .536 home june to october - .623 home Difference - .087 increase april to june 2 - .583 road june to october - .526 road Difference - .057 Decrease so they were better at home late in the season with the roof closed, and they were worse on the road. and you also have to include the capacity, its not that loud (compared to the playoffs) open or closed during the regular season. bottom line is the players prefer it closed as many of them stated (can't argue with that one), MLB has never said anything before, and it definately would make a psycholigical difference in their game, especially making a change that late that the astros were not expecting.
  10. first off, i'm not blaming the roof for why we lost. we lost because of what you said, i'm not trying to come up with excuses. i argued all the following points with friends just before game 3- the stadium is plenty loud with the roof open, buts its louder, even intimidating with it closed. and closed is what the astros are used to from june on. more then anything, i think it was a big psychological hit. baseball is quite a mental sport, and the players are generally very superstitious. suddenly changing the environment a few hours before game time for something you feel hurts you, not good. and look at the stats which you can't argue with. are record is so much better with the roof closed. why i'm pissed about it - we've been at MMP for 6 years, 4 playoff runs. did MLB ever come in and say anything? why wait for the most important games in franchise history to step in? that's BS.
  11. completely disagree. it was an engineering marvel at one time, there was nothing like it in the world. it's a symbol of our city, and they could find a very good use for it, whether it be for soccer, evacuees, or a mall/hotel/convention center. and now with astroworld going, maybe parking can be resolved with reliant.
  12. nope, as far as i remember that fell through when Fox Sports decided to offer Fox Sports Houston and show the rockets/astros. it was cheaper since they are able to use the existing infrastructure (Fox Sports Southwest) and they made a better deal for the teams.
  13. too bad the deal didn't go through for an astros/rockets station. that could have turned into a national station if it went well. but fox sports came in and offered a cheaper deal to show all the games.
  14. part of our home field advantage may be going bye bye: MLB likely to have final say whether roof is open or closed BS if you ask me. if they want control of it, they should do it all year, not just the most important games of our season.
  15. someone from san antonio was telling me they were joking about the San Antonio Saints, and how that's SAS (which is the already taken San Antonio Shoes).
  16. i can attest to that, i lived there for 4 years and was glad to be out. they do have good fans (for the cards and blues only, but those teams have been pretty good the last 20 years so that's expected), i'll give them that. but that's about it.
  17. i don't agree that you walk pujols. you pitch around him yes, and yes lidge screwed up with his location. but you don't walk and put the go-ahead run on base and the tying run in scoring position with sanders on-deck. pick your poison, sanders would have crushed that pitch as well.
  18. actually we're using "home-field advantage" nothing wrong with that, the stadium was approved by mlb, so we can use it however we want.
  19. someone should remind them what the series is at. the hands-down best team in the majors is having this much trouble, and losing to a wild card team. let them party, we'll concentrate on wednesday. i don't think anyone's giving up on the astros. we're just dissapointed, and depressed, and there's nothing wrong with feeling that way after last night, we just need to bounce back. it would have been nice to cap it off last night, but winning four in a row isn't easy, and we have just as good of a chance in games 6 and 7 as we did in game 5. yes, we have to play in their yard, but the pitching matchups are in our favor.
  20. i'm usually amused by the 94.5 morning show, and they get a lot of good guests to call in.
  21. sorry, i thought you were serious. i can't keep track of who's who on here sometimes... i didn't get a chance to see the snowbirds other then when they were practicing since i was Inside the loop all weekend. a friend told me their formations were impressive, but with no speed or sound it was exactly that. hopefully next year we'll go back to having some real action.
  22. there are two girls on there that are pretty good looking. i'll admit to watching a few episode since it was in a city i'm quite familiar with to see where they went and what they did. haven't been following though. here's a girl MTV got right, not sure what she does but she's on the cover of maxim:
  23. didn't the city approve the TIRZ for this? the balls in the developer's court now.
  24. skwatra


    i heard that too. the show is going to be a set number of seasons (5 maybe?) and they already know the whole story.
  25. orlando is the city i've found to be the worst when it comes to consistency. so many tourists coming from all over, all renting cars and they have no idea where they're going. i'm sure i add to the problems in houston, i learned to drive in delhi where there are no rules probably similar to what htoniniraq was saying. but i'm usually in the left lane going 80+ with no problems other then rush hour. i'm glad i rarely deal with the stuff some of you are complaining about, i love driving here compared to other cities most of the time.
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