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Everything posted by JLWM8609

  1. I was thinking some HAIFers would be there. Maybe they could hold up some signs that say "Hi s3mh!", take photos and post them here? I'm glad I have a place inside the loop where I can now purchase oil filters and frozen pizzas at 2am.
  2. Yep. Drive down Dowling from I-45 to about Elgin or Wheeler. It has a 1950s quality, I think Wolf's Department Store in all its mod goodness and the Art Deco Eldorado Ballroom helps give it that flavor. Runners up would be parts of Jensen near Kelly Rd. and Acres Homes.
  3. http://blog.chron.com/ultimatetexans/2012/10/houston-a-finalist-for-2017-super-bowl/
  4. Ulrich Franzen died the other day. His Houston connection was the Alley Theater. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/14/arts/design/ulrich-franzen-architect-of-new-york-buildings-dies-at-91.html
  5. Oh, no! Little obese Billy will waste away at school because he has to eat a piece of baked chicken and grapes for a lunch. How will he have enough energy to make it home to do important things like play his PS3 and eat a large bag of Funyuns and guzzle 2 liters of Mountain Dew as his pre-dinner snack? When I was in school, I brought my lunch if I didn't want what was being served, and that was often. I also knew how to make my own lunch. What's stopping these kids from doing it today? A sense of entitlement?
  6. United has scheduled the 787 on some domestic proving runs. I believe ORD (Chicago O'Hare) is one of the destinations, so you'll have a chance to try out the 787 before planes like it become the norm. Sidenote, I ventured out to IAH and saw the delivery flight come in on runway 8R. Unfortunately, the weather was sucky and I couldn't get any photos.
  7. There's more sections of the pre-alignment bayou further east. The bayou was straightened out once before the channelization of the 50s and 60s took place. In the 1920s before Riverside was built, the bayou was straightened and S. and N. MacGregor were built along each side. Old sections of the bayou can be seen in Parkwood Park between N. and S. Parkwood, also in that park on Calumet at Ennis just across the street from the Groovy Grille Mansion, and along S. MacGregor just east of Scott along that curve just before you come to the old Weingarten home.
  8. You're right. Curse that Eisenhower and his Interstate highway system. I was just fine taking 5 hours to get to San Antonio on congested, 2 lane blacktop.
  9. It came over the Third Ward area about 20 mins ago. It followed the Columbia Tap Trail going south and came right over TSU and Riverside Terrace.
  10. The viewing starts on Monday, followed by another viewing on Tuesday.
  11. http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Endeavour-to-visit-Houston-area-3853740.php
  12. I have no affiliation with the sellers. One is listed as a 1949 build for $799k. http://search.har.com/engine/3448-Macgregor-Wa-Houston-TX-77021_HAR19139843.htm The other is a 1966 build for $195k. http://search.har.com/engine/3807-Macgregor-Wa-Houston-TX-77021_HAR65524056.htm
  13. I'm surprised to see that direct connectors at the 288/BW8 interchange are not planned.
  14. Since we're dreaming here, how about moving I-45 one block south between Gray and Webster and depressing it instead of having an elevated structure? It would get rid of that bus station that's deplored so much. Then, the old Pierce Elevated footprint could be developed for businesses, downtown living, or turned into a park. Also, Instead of having 59 NB traffic navigate the 59/288 split and weave to get onto I-45, why not extend Spur 527 from its current terminus at Elgin and have it terminate at 45 instead, providing a direct link from 59 to 45 without the weaving at 288?
  15. It's now named State Highway 249 instead of W. Montgomery Rd https://maps.google.com/maps?q=13642+State+Highway+249.+Houston,+TX&hl=en&ll=29.919065,-95.4934&spn=0.009504,0.021136&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.547176,86.572266&t=h&hnear=13642+Texas+249,+Houston,+Texas+77086&z=16.
  16. I had my first on the road spotting of The Texas Classic yesterday on I-10 on the way to San Antonio. Once in San Antonio, I spotted more Texas Classic plates. Here's what NY's plates have looked like since 2010.
  17. Glad you enjoyed Houston! There's plenty more here besides Pleasure Pier, M-Lounge and the Galleria, though. You'll find that out when you come back, though.
  18. US 59 from the North Loop to Cleveland is about to get resigned as I-69. US 59 will not be decommissioned along this stretch though, it'll be a concurrent route, I-69/US 59. Signs should be popping up soon. http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Part-of-U-S-59-being-renamed-Interstate-69-3747886.php
  19. Third Ward qualifies as dangerous? It's not College Station, but it's not the south side of Chicago, either.
  20. Houston was going to use the stadiums they already had. http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=2000_3266351
  21. I didn't suggest that Chicago and Houston have similar development patterns because they were established in the same year. Samagon just asked for cities of a "relative similar age" and "similar geographical expanses" as an example. Chicago fits the bill for those two criteria.
  22. Chicago was established the same year Houston was, is pretty much flat like Houston, and their metro area (Chicagoland) is sprawling. They may not have low density sprawl like we do, but Chicagoland takes up about 11,000 sq mi, while the Houston metro area encompasses about 10,000 sq mi. Do people there have concern for living downtown?
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