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Everything posted by JLWM8609

  1. She may get one already from being a former municipal judge and also District D Councilwoman in the late 80s and early 90s.
  2. One of the mansions is now a business park. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/trending/article/houston-suburb-manvel-mansion-real-estate-pearland-17858646.php?utm_source=marketing&utm_medium=copy-url-link&utm_campaign=article-share&hash=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaG91c3RvbmNocm9uaWNsZS5jb20vbmV3cy9ob3VzdG9uLXRleGFzL3RyZW5kaW5nL2FydGljbGUvaG91c3Rvbi1zdWJ1cmItbWFudmVsLW1hbnNpb24tcmVhbC1lc3RhdGUtcGVhcmxhbmQtMTc4NTg2NDYucGhw&time=MTY4MDQ3MTI0ODUyOA==&rid=YjcyYjExN2ItNDRhNS00YzM0LTk2NjktNzVlMWU0MWI5MGEz&sharecount=Mg==
  3. The restaurant scene was filmed at This Is It in 4th Ward at 239 W. Gray at Genesee in 1993. That building is now a doggie daycare (classic gentrification!). This Is It didn't move to the Blodgett location (former Family Cafe) until 2010.
  4. I see what you mean. https://goo.gl/maps/2hPQmcyM2E9exbk36 Maybe there's something wrong with the current foundations that requires total replacement? Sounds like something Dug Begely would be able to find the answer to.
  5. I'm trying to find info about that project at Scott St. on TxDOT's website, but can't find anything. Where'd you find out about it?
  6. I found out the City of Houston owns the property (confirmed ownership via HCAD). Supposedly, the plan is to put a dog park there.
  7. No other neighborhoods understandably want the hot potato that Greyhound represents. Where would it be relocated to? My money is on somewhere east of Downtown along the Green Line that could be developed similarly to what Austin has done with the new Mobility Hub that serves CapMetro, CARTS, and Greyhound. It's like METRO's old Intermodal station on a smaller scale.
  8. I know. It looks like a large forehead. And what's up with the giant rooster statue in the yard? I've seen similar roosters in other neighborhoods. Are they the pink flamingoes of the 2020s or something?
  9. I remember when the median of 288 near Brays Bayou used to be full of bluebonnets during the Spring. With the toll lanes added, I guess there's no room for the wildflower seeds anymore. Though I have seen them growing through cracks in the riprap.
  10. Isometric mapping. Care to join me? Why is there smoke coming from your horizon, Houston? That isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam from the steamed industries we're home to. Mmm, steamed industry.
  11. They basically stripped the original 1970s era tower down to the columns and beams, added floorspace and increased the height. https://www.cnn.com/style/article/australia-quay-quarter-tower-skyscraper/index.html
  12. That's close to the present day intersection of Braeswood and Fannin.
  13. The main thing I heard about Playland Park from older family members is that they could only go to the park on Juneteenth because of segregation. I'm guessing it never integrated since it closed in '59.
  14. That endorsement was weird. It reads more like a non endorsement. If they had issues with both candidates, did they really have to act like they spun a wheel and picked one? Couldn't they have been undecided?
  15. My money is on an electronic bulletin sign. I've been seeing more of them going up lately.
  16. A quick look at historical imagery on Google Street View shows a few green street signs having the S present in 2015 and blanked out by 2017 The ones that still have the S were signs installed by the Five Corners Management District. Interesting!
  17. Did it work? Are we a World Class city now? Also, how long until one of these gets hacked to display pornography?
  18. JLWM8609


    I was able to access some of the photos using the wayback machine. It's a slow process, but it's the only way now.
  19. I was thinking they would've been finished by now! I hadn't been that way in a couple of months and was wondering if it was complete.
  20. The Cypress Park and Ride already operates like this, correct? There's apartments and retail connected to it.
  21. I think proximity to refineries and the prevailing winds may play a part in why that area hasn't been as quick to develop as points north, south, and west of Houston.
  22. JLWM8609


    I hate that. They had quite a few historic photos from the 70s and 80s of Downtown Houston.
  23. It could be worse. They could replace Dilbert with Ben Garrison comics.
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