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JLWM8609 last won the day on November 30 2011

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About JLWM8609

  • Birthday 12/16/1986

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Houston, Tx (Riverside)

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  1. We exchanged a few messages 10 years ago about Bastrop on a post I made about the overpass opening on Hwy71 @ 304. a few weeks ago the overpass at 71 and 95 was completed. This means that there are no stops on 71 from I-10 all the way to 1209, the intersection just past Hwy21.

    Also, Hwy183 from Bergstrom to 290 in under construction. They are building a multi lane tollway complete with bike lanes and free lanes. What a mess now, but it sure will be nice when it is completed.

    1. JLWM8609


      I'm just seeing this. Conincidentally, I drove through Bastrop two days after you made this status and got to drive over the overpasses. 

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