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  1. Starting this because I couldn't find it anywhere else. Pearland Town Center on Broadway, just west of 288, has a lot of potential, a catchy (and misleading) name, however it is nothing more than a pretty basic shopping center surrounded by surface parking lots. My understanding was that this development was supposed to be akin to Sugar Land Town Square or something similar, with a mixed used development, civic gathering places, shopping, apartments, etc. As is, it is nothing more than an outdoor mall that is rarely busy, some apartments, a patch of green Astroturf, a motel, and an absolute SEA of surface parking lots. Part of the plan was zoned for development of a true community amenity (a theater, a park, etc.) but currently stands as empty field and a retention pond. Back in 2021 the developers asked the Pearland Zoning Commission to allow them to develop some of their property into 142 townhomes; however, the plan was shot down. However, just this week, the developers won their battle to rezone ~37 acres due south of the development (see yellow area on map below) originally earmarked for the community amenity into a 400 unit apartment building. https://communityimpact.com/houston/pearland-friendswood/government/2024/03/26/a-portion-of-pearland-town-center-rezoned-for-apartments/ The apartments seem fine, and perhaps needed, but to add that much parking when Pearland Town Center is already lousy in parking seems like bad design all the way through and through.
  2. Agreed. There is so much room for development and redevelopment around this part of town, in prime location close to everything, that shouldn't just be limited to the healthcare field and adjacent industries.
  3. Funky. Almost looks like it's in the same design/utility as the condos at where Westheimer becomes Elgin. 101 Westheimer.
  4. Not impressed? Why? Is it because the brochure's marketing language described it as "pedestrian oriented" and then the site plan renderings showcase about 75% of the space dedicate to surface parking lots? It also interestingly says that the zip code there produces ~7% of the TMC's workforce withover 86,000 vehicles a day take 288 NB (presumably with majority into TMC and Downtown.) I suppose doing anything to address that insanity with public transportation is just crazy talk.
  5. At least we now have that parking garage to compliment the existing surface parking lots. I was worried we wouldn't have enough in Midtown.
  6. I saw the plans for this floating around a while ago. Pretty sure this is going to be the new area command for the TSA, so corporate offices, plus a chapel/meeting hall and perhaps a cafe where the community can come or people in need can begin intake and receive services. I do not believe this will be a shelter.
  7. Is it? I thought it was only going to be like 25-26 stories and not done until 2027?
  8. Is this the funding for the aforementioned new building for the School of Public Health to be located on OST, behind/in front of the Dental School, or something else entirely inside the TMC3 Helix?
  9. Thought this topic had it's own thread and can't find it, so replying here: it looks like work, after a 1-2 year hiatus, has started again on the new Hefley's/Fuzzy's Taco building. Dupont Tyvek siding has been going up this week.
  10. This little two block neighborhood, Merwin and Ingersol west of Lancashire, are technically a neighborhood called Atwood Villas and not part of Afton Oaks. That's why you have the old duplexes turned into town homes, duplexes serving as office buildings and dental practices, in this section. I lived on Merwin for nearly a decade in my twenties. The neighborhood was mostly divorcees and confirmed bachelors of folks who most likely grew up in Afton/River Oaks in the 60s-80s and wanted the "prestige" of a 77027 zip code without the cost.
  11. That entire interview is great. Very insightful and should be required reading for Houstonians. Wish we could get more elaboration on her quote: "People talk about needing more density to support transit use. Well, we've fixed it so a whole bunch of the city can never be in the next 40 years dense enough to support transit."
  12. I go to Mass there regularly enough. One thing I’ve never had an issue with: parking. (One thing I do have issue with: Fr. Jason’s 20-25 minute homilies and mass lasting 90 minutes). Even for a very packed, high profile, weeknight funeral, parking was easy downtown. This tear down is just to get the liability of the building burning down from squatters off their insurance. The plaza idea part is alright and traditional, but the need for it to be majority parking is insane. This idea fired me up so much I finally registered an HAIF account after years of reading/lurking.
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