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Everything posted by Vertigo58

  1. This new shopping center is beginning to look like a shopping center. Sure got off to a slow start. Will we finally see a nice brand new Cleaners? A brand new donut place like Dunkin Donuts would be perfect too!
  2. Hey marmer, I do apologize. I got you confused with tmariar on that other thread. I am almost certain she is a female. but I do appreciate that topic. Actually thats a good example to use for this discussion. Sometimes when I talk to ladies I call them darling or honey, etc but in an effectionate way not in a "hitting on" way. Another may take it as a pass or trying to get to 1st base I guess. If you listen to some of the older folks or relatives many of them still talk like they did in the 40's & 50's like "would you get that for me dear" or How are you today doll". Simply being polite and affectionate. Listen to most of the song lyrics of those days they are filled with romance!Nothing wrong with being romantic!I thought most ladies love that?
  3. You would really have to wonder if this guy is being totally truthful. Soon will write a book and then a film, etc. His name has never been brought up in the last 35 yrs that most native Hostonians can think of. He seems just as creepy as the rest of those ghouls. He could have had his hand or had part in some of these bizarre events. Did people learn their lesson of getting into cars with strangers 35 years later? Nope.
  4. but getting back to the question or topic, this jerk Duchovny is mereling using this "addiction thing"as a cop out for wishing he were single again that simple...Super, big rat. and the list goes on with others like him: Scott Peterson Joey Buttafucco John Bobbitt the guy that got run over by wife Harris, etc. These guys simply regret getting married.
  5. All true, in fact it has alot to do with the one watching and perceives as flirting, for example: when meeting a person, then hug or kiss on the cheek another may see as flirting when in fact the person could be an old friend or relative. The viewer just doesnt know and assumes the person is wild and cannot contain themselves. It would be great if we had a sub forum on true stories of some real experiences that we have come across. Hence to be labeled a sex maniac. When in a very visible position where you meet many people on a regular basis, that person is bound to know many people, so when in a crowd many will come up and kiss and or hug or both as a sign of affection. Maybe its a cultural thing too. Some cultures are way subdued and are not as openly affectionate as hmm some. On a recent trip, I met many people from Spain and they thought it was unusual that I just shook their hand. The ladies (gorgeous of course) all kissed me on both sides of the face and a good tight hug. How can you turn that down? Italians are even more.... Santo cielo! I wouldnt call this sex addiction, but thats me.
  6. Thank you! I did it just for reaction and it worked! All about advertising. but seriously many guys period, are not faithful. Maybe some find that hard to believe. Super rats! but wait a minute! There are also many flirtatious married women that do the same. Yeppers!
  7. All's I can say is most of the married guys I know are not faithful. They mess around more than the single people I know. Too much flirtation abounds... everywhere. Just a hint of advice, do not marry an attractive, fit, outgoing person. Unless its a business deal. lol
  8. Speaking of this place (not sure if discussed before on Haif) but they have some of the rarest fabrics & rare materials available to the public. It is more expensive than the average fabric store but they got what you need. I think mostly designers and hardcore fabric enthusiasts visit on a regular basis. One of the sales clerks said they import items from all around the world. I believe it. It is very similar to another place in So Cal called Hyena Silks. We have a friend that own her own folkloric dance org and they always buy their costume materials here and have professionally made for stage. You must visit both buildings when possible. Its mind boggling. and very similar material Socal store - Hyena http://www.hyenaproductions.com/index.asp
  9. This historic church had its annual Fall Bazaar yesterday. It was trip back in time. The place was packed solid and the weather was perfect! Plenty of food and LIVE music and dancing in the parking area next to the school. This is the time of year all Churches of all deniominations have festival's and bazaar's, check listing's. Try to take time to attend one of these functions and see how great they are. These are the kinds of events that hark back to the good old days of wholesome, clean fun.
  10. This is one of the most fantastic photos ever to be put on Haif! PS, I found a VHS tape that has best of WWII films clips of celebrity commercials and moral boosters aimed towards the war effort. There is a great clip of one of the 3 Stooges doing a very similar spoof on these same dictators. Classic.
  11. This was fantastic Houston history for Youtube. I remade or made copies rather of black n white pics my parents made with big bro & sis. I was not yet around but they are of near North East or Inglewood nabe streets covered in nice bright white snow. Have on Photobucket just got to transfer to here.
  12. Yes, it is discussed in another topic with great pics of its grand opening in the 1940's? Presently a depressing remuddled mess serves as either an HPD or HISD admin site. Gated like a prison until Ike smashed it down. We knew a girl named Becky that worked in the "Courtesy Booth" as the letters said above. She had one of those then stylish mid 70's Toni Tenille hairdos so it had to have closed shortly after so that would have been around 1978. It was so safe to walk from home to go buy a candy bar or little knick knacks light enough to carry home. No one and I mean no one ever thought of sneaking off with a shopping cart. The loading area in back was excellent for us kids riding bikes up the ramp and flying off like in mid air just like our idol, Evel Kneivil!
  13. Like in ex-punged? persona non Grata? Carpe diem! Seize the moment and enjoy the day!
  14. I think this is the kind of very traditional procession you are referring to although in Spain its still Roman Catholic. If you recall there was a scene in The Talented Mr Ripley where the same procession is seen but in Italia. It saddens me somewhat that mass has become so "modern" that everyone has lost the true protocol, most church's now are like a night at a typical stadium. Lost its origins big time. Your lucky to even fine ONE in Latin! Oops! other topic I know.
  15. Do you recall the intersection of the one on Park Place was??? That really has my mind racing. I only knew of the very, very convenient one we had on Telephone Rd and Mulford st? near the Stephen F Austin High School. It was a bit of a local teen hangout for Jackson Jr High and Austin kids too. We knew almost every cashier & manager there. I can still picture their faces at the time. I could always count on the newstand to have my latest issues of Mad Magazine & National Lampoon. They always sold tickets or lucky numbers rather for the "Let's Go To The Races" (Dick Gottlieb?) snippet they would do after the news at night. If the horse with your lucky # won you WON too like in $$$. This was way before Texas Lotto folks circa 1966-70? Wow more kiddie flashbacks.
  16. Exactly! Too good to be true! I am still reeling from hearing Rock, rock, Rock N Roll High School by the Ramones! was almost pogo-ing down the isles and not caring what the others around thought. It was one great 80's hit after another. I tell you my emails to the corporate offices must have made someone notice. If only you all could see what they said...hee hee. Now for some Nine Inch Nails & Ministry!
  17. Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the only ones I know of that still are hardcore "traditional" if thats what you are eluding to. Thats what some of us still love about them. Annunciation does or used to go out in the Garden for the Easter "Blessing of the Palms" but that was before they yanked out the garden and placed or enlarged the Girls shool next door. I just personally draw the line when they encourage parishoners to join in the anti abortion protests. Too dangerous and whole new topic. I personally always wanted to go into every church in downtown (regardless of faith) and see what I (and hundreds of others) have been missing out on for decades/years. I respect any and all denominations and its the architecture that fuels my interest anyway!
  18. Thank you for adding that, in that I guess St Nicholas and Holy Rosary are Roman Catholic? Sounds like it.
  19. I can only name the Roman Catholic churches/cathdedrals. If St Joseph is the one near Houston Ave then.. 1. St. Joseph 2. Annunciation Church on Texas Ave 3. Our Lady of Guadalupe on Navigation 4. The very GRAND Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral (and old one) There is a very tiny one in the basement on Main Street next door to CVS? If it still there? Many of us office workers used to all go there once a yr for Ash Wednesday but that is the only time. Cant think of the name though. If you blink you miss it. Very rare for such a mad world just up above. Annunciation is in real need of another overhaul.
  20. There was a short piece (local news last night) on the House Of Blues sign being added as we type? I missed the story though. Will this encourage patrons?
  21. That artist really deserves some recognition. Wonder what year it ended?
  22. The only High Street I remember seeing in person was the one in Oakland, Ca and everyone there seemed to be high! seriously though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakland,_California
  23. We have a much nicer nightime/daytime view of the downtown skyline from our 2nd story since Ike de-capitated most of the trees on the East Side of downtown.
  24. There is a website. Maybe it can divulge. Does seem to have that modern 50's look. http://www.stvincentcatholicchurch.org/
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