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Everything posted by plumber2

  1. Several of those girls look like LBJ's daughters! Ha!
  2. There is another Main St and Main St intersection just up the road from that one, (Main St and West Main St.), although South Main Baptist has taken over that part of West Main street as their own recently. Christian Annexation I guess.
  3. Nah, my office is in the Medical Center. I like Jos. A Banks, and have been in another one a couple of times to get a suit and pants. I did not know they had a downtown store, but still, the mid town Sears is so much more convenient. You can park right at the front door, and I mean right in front of it (burglar bars and all).
  4. Although I've never been a fan of Ronald Reagan, mainly because he surrounded himself with a bunch crooked buffoons, however Nancy was not one of them. She trusted very few of those "close" aides, and for good reason. She knew that they were all just using her husband to get their own agenda accomplished. She therefore had no problem with using them to get what she wanted for herself and her husband. And if one of them crossed her, she made it clear that they would get no more access to her husband. She was pretty smart on how that all worked. On a lighter note, I think one of the funniest moments was when she was adjusting her chair on stage at some function that the president was speaking at, and fell off the back of the platform. After confirming that she was okay, the president commented to the audience "If she wanted to get my attention all she had to do was speak up".
  5. I was inside this store yesterday. Needed a tie for a meeting. Even impulse bought some socks and t shirts. This store is perfectly located, easy to park, easy to get to, and easy to shop. I can't even have imagine trying to go the Galleria in the middle of the day to buy a tie and get back to my office without killing someone.
  6. "A Weekend in September" is the best of all the 1900 Storm books.
  7. I've commented before about this, but yes I remember the Price's on Bellaire at Stella Link. This particular location had a painted board cut out of "Humpty Dumpty" mounted outside on the fence. Kids could walk up to the figure and talk to "Humpty Dumpty". There was a speaker and microphone mounted behind the board where the clerk inside could converse with us kids. The whole thing was cheap and cheesy, but as a 4 or 5 year kid, we loved it.
  8. RachSmith, Yes of course we are interested. There are a whole slew of us out here, that come to HAIF to read about and comment on Houston's unique and seldom documented past.
  9. Yeah, I'm a big history buff and don't like to see things changed like this, but I'll have to agree the decision here. These names need to be history books, on memorials or at museums and such. Our public school buildings are not the place for them. However I'd have to guess that most of the students don't give a crap, and probably aren't even aware of who Jeff Davis or Sidney Lanier are.
  10. Those large oak trees surrounding the Richmont Square apartments were there when this was the site of the Convent of the Good Shepard. The convent which faced Richmond Ave. closed sometime in the early 60's.
  11. Also note how Gulfton and Glenmont have different names, Oak and Sycamore.
  12. I too knew the family that lived in this house. I went to school with one of their daughters. I always wondered why the up and left. Surfing! who would have guessed? Knew the family next door on Willer's Way also, and the family across the street (Willer's Way). That family had a woman who drove a new Cadillac every year. My brother once asked her why she had to get a new car every year. She responded "Well darling, it's because the ash trays were full!".
  13. It doesn't matter what their college degrees are in, they are both still pin heads when it comes to their opinions on all things "science". In fact I think I heard one of these knot heads reply that "he was not a scientist" when questioned about climate change.
  14. There is mod on the tip of Bolivar peninsula built in the early 70's that is also rumored to be influenced by the Jackie Gleason house. The Van Luezen home at 322 Overton.
  15. I heard this several years ago from someone high up at TMC when Methodist was planning the Outpatient Center. This person told me that the City of Houston and TMC both "encouraged " Methodist to include opening John Freeman Blvd. through to Main St. as part of their plan for that building. He also told me that any new development on the west side of Main St. between University and Holcombe would be dependent on the opening of Travis Street through to Holcombe. But like I've stated, I guess he was wrong.
  16. I'm really surprised that this is actually happening. I was told that the City of Houston would not issue any further permits on these properties unless the developer paid for the purchase of the Burger King property at the end of Travis, so that the street could be opened up through to Holcombe Blvd. Guess that was untrue.
  17. "Forts to ports" makes much more sense to me, because I can't imagine any one of our current congressional representatives openly supporting any tax funded project, unless it supports the military of course.
  18. Doesn't appear that they got finished. Looks like they got the mast up though. Look for another Main St lane closure soon so they can set the boom and counterweights!
  19. The mall you are poiting out was built as Deauville Mall. There were several of these built around town, usually close to existing major shopping malls. There's an old thread about it here on HAIF somewhere.
  20. I was born at this hospital, so no I don't want to see it shut down, but damn they need to find some better management folks, or it looks grim for sure.
  21. One last time and I'll quit. This one happened just a couple of weeks ago. I was on a clinic floor at the Medical Center on my way to a meeting when I decided to stop off at the men's room beforehand. I had no more than taken my place at the urinal when in comes two international ladies with a boy in tow. A gwntleman in the only stall was just finishing up as the trio waited outside his door. As both of us made our way to the lavatories, mother took Neenyo inside the stall while grandma stayed outside the stall talking back and forth to each other. The guy and just looked at each other in the mirror as we dried our hands, both of thinking to ourselves, "this is just too weird". I kind of felt a sorry for the kid because he certainly appeared old enough to handle a bathroom visit on his own. But they were clearly from another country so I'll give them a pass.
  22. Here's another one that happened a few years later, this time in 90's. I was headed into the shop one morning to drop off some job reports and time sheets. Two cups of coffee and a traffic jam latter I breezed in heading straight to the men's room passing by my invoice clerk's desk on the way. She spotted me and while holding up a folder hollered out that she wanted to talk to me about a project billing. Not taking kindly to my brush off she proceeded to follow me right into the men's room while I myself had made to the urinal "just in time". So there she was behind me, propped up against the lavatory quizzing me about my math and the amount of labor I was charging to this certain project while I answered her over my shoulder the best I could. At some point during all of this, a coworker walks in, but obviously not wanting to be part of this bathroom exchange spun around a left as quickly as he came in. We both laughed about this months later, but her, being the task master she was, was strictly taking care of her business, while I on the other hand was taking care of mine.
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