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Everything posted by mkultra25

  1. Paul Barabash’s Store There was a thread on Nextdoor about this a couple of days ago, but when I went to look for it just now I discovered that it had been removed. The gist of it was that a lot of people were upset about the demo, but as it turns out the demo apparently does not include the facade as pictured above - it is being preserved and will be incorporated into the new structure that is being built on the site. So, adaptive reuse as opposed to "scrape it all and throw up a townhome".
  2. Chrysler hasn't shared common ownership with Daimler-Benz since 2007. They subsequently merged with Fiat and are now under a larger umbrella group of multiple auto manufacturers called Stellantis. Even when DaimlerChrysler was still a thing, I don't recall there ever being any consideration of combined Mercedes/Chrysler/Dodge dealerships. Such an arrangement would have benefited Chrysler more than Daimler-Benz, and although at the time it was billed as a merger of equals, it was pretty obvious that the Germans were in the driver's seat, so to speak.
  3. I look forward to innumerable impotent rants on Nextdoor once this facility opens and the seniors living there start flocking to the post office right across the street from it. Before the old Heights post office on 11th at Yale closed, you could always count on someone being unable to resist expressing their impatience at being stuck in line behind elderly customers who moved at a glacial pace once they got up to the counter.
  4. I can neither confirm nor deny this, but I can say that the chances of encountering a pallet jack at H-E-B on a Friday night are quite high, as that's when they tend to restock the aisles.
  5. The inimitable Jerry Duncan, aka Jerry Anomie. He just passed away within the past couple of years. Legionaires Disease was the first Houston punk band, and has been said to be the first Texas punk band as well.
  6. I can't say that I've encountered that before, but I'm only an occasional user of those apps. It did get me thinking about a tangentially-related question, however - have a sufficient number of new transplants moved to Houston in the past 20-odd years (and/or a sufficient number of old-school natives passed away) to where "San Phillipy" is no longer a commonly-accepted pronunciation of "San Felipe"?
  7. Well, it's an active Masonic lodge (in fact, the oldest one in Texas, although it occupied various other locations prior to the current structure being built in the mid-1950s), so I'd assume lodge members hold regular meetings and other events there. For what it's worth, I'm not sure I've ever seen much (if any) discernable activity around any Masonic lodge. Google Maps has a few pics of the interior here: https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x8640bf7efc118941%3A0xc863aa40c09b2fc!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP3B7SC8jJvAusaJm6EbgvxFT7aXgNIAKlHwcp2%3Dw136-h160-k-no!5smasonic lodge montrose - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPqE550Ar13zpCf0vdZl5In9QwhHcaWo91Bi24L&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0uMDAh6P1AhVWmWoFHU6sDOcQoip6BAgtEAM
  8. The byline on the Texas Monthly piece reminded me that there's a new book out on the history of Houston underground newspaper Space City (Thorne Dreyer is one of the editors of the book). Haven't read it yet, but judging from this review I expect it will be of interest to folks who are likewise interested in the history of Montrose: BOOK REVIEW | ‘Exploring Space City!’: A dazzling authoritative book
  9. Caption contest entry: "First satellite campus of Paisley Park opens in Houston".
  10. I happen to have a PDF of the original article (see attached) - can't remember where I got it but it may have very well been from here at some point in the past. TexasMonthly-Montrose-0473.pdf
  11. Cal McNair can't even tank properly. Texans be Texaning.
  12. Longtime Montrosians may remember this building as the former site of the Black Dragon Tattoo Parlor.
  13. I've seen a 1960s-era photo of the building before, but don't have it at hand and wasn't able to find it online. Our family's go-to grocery stores were the W. Mt. Houston Henke's/Kroger, once it opened in late 1966, and the Piggly Wiggly on the other side of I-45. In later years we'd sometimes patronize the Safeway on Gulf Bank and the Randall's in Deauville Plaza. I also remember an A&P in the Northtown center but am drawing a blank on Randall's there.
  14. Knowing that there were at least a few Heights-area houses in the National Register, I went back to the database and searched for "Harvard", then scrolled down to Texas, expecting to find the late Bart Truxillo's house at 1802 Harvard. It was indeed there, but two things surprised me: 1) that it, like the former Post Office, was also listed as having only local significance, and 2) there are almost 20 other houses on Harvard listed in the Register, likewise flagged as being solely of local significance. The Truxillo house could be argued to have more than local significance, from the standpoint of being more architecturally-distinctive than the Post Office building, and being one of two remaining houses built by the original developers of the Heights. But the same can't be said for every other house on Harvard that's listed. Downloading the data set via the link on that page is a much easier way to work with the data. It's a csv file that can be filtered by Texas/Harris County/Houston in Excel to show that there are 282 listings in Houston out of a total of 96,643 listings.
  15. For what it's worth, the searchable table here: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/database-research.htm#table indicates a local level of significance but not a state, national, or international level of significance. Area of significance is listed as "Architecture; Politics/Government", along with a listing date of 2/2/2018. The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that a site does not have to necessarily have national or even state-level significance in order to be listed. Edit: I searched the table for "Barbara Jordan" to locate the building.
  16. I missed this when it was originally posted. That would have been the Fairway Food Center, and the family that owned it was indeed the Iio family (with two 'i's). I've lost the attribution for the attached photo, but I think it was uploaded to a Facebook group by one of the Iio children.
  17. When I was young, I used to get my hair cut by a "stylist" who worked out of several salons over a period of years before ultimately opening his own shop. Even back then, he wasn't cheap. When I hit middle age, I started going to an old-school barber shop that charged less than a third of what the previous guy did. Since the pandemic started, tonsorial care has transitioned to "slap a #2 guard on the clippers and have my wife run them over my head a few times". At first this was a matter of necessity, but over time I've come to prefer it. Your mileage may vary if short hair isn't your preference.
  18. There are now comments on that post indicating that a lockout notice was posted over a month ago, and someone that drove by there last week said the interior has been gutted. Such a huge loss - I hope that they are eventually able to come back in some form. 😩
  19. "Salty Donut" is far from an attractive name. It sounds like something that you'd look up at Urban Dictionary.
  20. There is a dentist as well as an optometrist and a primary-care medical clinic leasing space at MKT. It struck me as kind of an odd location for medical providers given that MKT seems to primarily be focused on fashion/lifestyle/dining.
  21. In a town with as many superior Tex-Mex options as Houston has, having food that doesn't really stand out in comparison with any number of other places combined with forcing customers to install an app on their devices to enable them to patronize your establishment is not exactly a foolproof recipe for success.
  22. They are going to add a new, twelfth residential college, in addition to the Hanszen rebuild. It was announced earlier this year but I'm not sure when they plan to have it completed.
  23. Nope, not a bar - the Center for Pursuit used to be located on Allen Parkway and was previously known as the Center for the Retarded, then as the Center Serving Persons with Mental Retardation before landing on the current name: https://thecenterforpursuit.org/ Their main focus is adults with developmental disabilities but they provide some elder services as well.
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