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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. I'm sorry Lockmat. I mean no disrespect. It was meant more as a slap in the face of the city of Dallas, which I despise, not you. I almost always agree with your comments so I don't mean to offend you. I take back my 'easily impressed' remark. But, I'm still not all that wowed by this project.
  2. Wow. Some people are so easily impressed. Yawn.
  3. Don't stop posting. Nobody cares what Niche thinks. If it wasn't for people like you, posting current photos of Houston on a regular basis , this website would be nothing but a bunch of know-nothing-know-it-alls typing useless gibberish and insignificant opinions all day. Don't take Niche's comments too seriously - I assure you no one else does. A photo is worth a thousand words. Anonymous internet opinions are worthless (except for mine, of coarse). Jax is a useful contributor to this website. Niche is not.
  4. I'm glad this post resonates with you because there is no one who has posted more baiting Houston bashing comments for the purpose of arguing, nitpicking, and trying to one up someone than you have. I hope you now see how so many of your posts have ensured the promulgation of ignorance for a very long time. There are a lot of fun things to do in Houston. Many Houstonians pride themselves on exactly the kinds of things that tourist enjoy, such as the theatre district, the museum district, the Galleria and shopping, the great collection of music venues, bars and restaurants, Hermann Park and Zoo, Memorial Park, NASA, Kemah Boardwalk and the great collection of close proximity of state of the art professional sport stadiums and the sporting events which take place in them. Also, I think Houston prides itself on the close proximity of Historic Galveston, Moody Gardens and other coastal activities. There are a few other things coming down the pike that tourist are going to love. If you are bored in Houston - it's probably you.
  5. I guess light rail, TODs and jumbotrons don't matter too much when you are talking about international cities.
  6. At #38, Houston is one of 9 American cities to make the list of the top 65 global cities. And it's the only city in Texas to appear on the list. Well done Houston! Take that Dallas! http://www.foreignpolicy.com/node/373401
  7. That was before the recession. Let's get real. Those barren looking stations along the majority of the DART line are going to remain that way for decades to come. If anyone wants to go to anywhere in Dallas, they drive.
  8. I'm most impressed with this station. I love the surrounding landscape. I bet the developers are standing in line to build a cool TOD on this great piece of real estate.
  9. Unless you want to take rail to a football game, a baseball game, a theatre, a museum or a zoo - then Houston's light rail is far superior. You can get where you want faster in Dallas by freeway than by Dart rail. That's why no one uses it. What good are 50 miles of unused slow light rail even if there is grade separation. Dart is slowly going broke and won't even be running enough trains to do anyone who would want to take it any good. Just because it looks good on paper, doesn't make it good in real life. DART rail has many flaws.
  10. The system in Houston will not be as dependent on future TODs because it will be serving existing, already well established developments, universities, employment centers, and mega-malls. This is why the Main St line has had high ridership numbers from day one. Any TODs that are developed later will be like icing on the cake. Midtown would be such a perfect area for a TOD, especially where the Main St. Line will intersect with the University Line. I know I've seen renderings for something very cool that was planned at one time for the Wheeler Station.
  11. The entire city looks likes one big parking lot. Dallasonians certainly love cement.
  12. One thing that is certain. The Houston Ritz will be much cooler looking than the Dallas Ritz. 713to214 is just jealous that Houston always gets the more impressive buildings, eventually. And unlike Dallas, people actually use them. And he's still bitter about the Victory Park fiasco and the Mandarin pipe dream that never had a chance of materializing. Here's my advice. Don't take the advice of anyone who has been proven wrong about his assessments of Houston time after time after time for years. This guy said that HP and light rail expansion were never going to happen either. I wouldn't worry too much over anything this guy has to say about anything.
  13. Now HERE'S a list with some credibility! Dallas ranked as #1 most boring place. http://www.ranker.com/review/dallas/806036 http://www.ranker.com/list/the-most-boring-cities-i_ve-been-to/mollie
  14. Why would anyone take an opinion list written on some nobody's blog seriously. Anyone who would give that list any credibility is an idiot.
  15. Maybe the ugly side of this building should have a giant 20-story jumbotron facing the park. Think of advertising revenue. All the haifers that want more lighting for DT at night would be so happy.
  16. 5 years later, and there is still nothing much happening on the streets of uptown dallas on a Wednesday night.
  17. This is very true. But in Velvet J's defense: since when did knowing what the hell you are talking about ever matter at HAIF. Suggesting that all those other cities don't allow ugly buildings to be built is asinine. Check out this beauty in dt dallas For all you haters out there, just be glad that a 19-story building like ES can't make that big of an impact downtown other than infill and to remove a part of a surface lot. But I would also suggest waiting until this building is finished to make your judgments.
  18. ...three things that all Dallasites are VERY familiar with because Dallas has all these things in abundance. And let's not forget about it's nationally recognized reputation for having bad taste and lots and lots and lots of empty offices downtown.
  19. Your welcome, I live to excite you. I'm just excited that there isn't a sign on the EarthQuest property that says 'for sale'. I think this is a good sign that progress is moving forward on this project if you'll forgive the pun. This is the first physical evidence at the site that anything is happing at all - so yes, I'm a little more excited than I was the day before the sign went up. A sign isn't exactly a sworn oath under penalty of perjury that the project will be built , but it's still better than no sign.
  20. I am also baffled by the behavior of perfectly able-bodied adults who choose to live in misery here in Houston when there are so many nice places on earth. Even in a depressed economy Houston is not the only city in America where one can find a job.
  21. I'm not trying to be a smartass or anything but, I guess nobody here understands the basic principle of PERSPECTIVE. Things that are closer appear larger. The block that 5 Allen is on is closer to the point from where that photograph (west of downtown) was taken. A 50-story building that is one block closer to the west will appear larger compared to the 50-story buildings behind it when viewed from the west. Notice how much larger the 53-story Texaco Heritage building appears than the 50-story Shell building which is one block east (or "behind it). Now apply that to the 50-story 5 Allen building which is a block closer to the west than Texaco Heritage and 2 blocks closer to the west than the Shell building. I think it is very possible that the above photograph is accurate. Now, if I ever see a rendering of 5 Allen from the north and for some reason it is significantly taller and wider than the Shell building - THEN I would agree that the the height and size of 5 Allen is exaggerated. Have a good day.
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