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Everything posted by houstonmacbro

  1. Has the old honey gotten the message yet...?
  2. I've always wondered why the city doesn't ban cars on certain thoroughfares. That would increase ridership. I mean, if you couldn't DRIVE down Westheimer, but had to park at a central station and use buses along that strip that ran every 1-2 minutes, I bet you'd get a lot of takers. (Radical concept I'll prolly get stoned for even mentioning, but hey ... why not think outside the box). In fact, take it one step further and make travel into the city on certain major freeways the same way. But Metro better have their acts together if they even try a stunt like this.
  3. 1. Finish graduate school 2. Test for and gain my Texas realtor's license 3. Buy a rental property 4. Focus on selecting a doctoral program 5. Get a bike and ride when I can
  4. Or increase frequency of buses on those routes. That would help.
  5. Right. Isn't there a park in NYC that is built over sewage depot?
  6. Not sure if this had been shared yet (I did a search on the page and didn't see any reference to it): Burger Porn http://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/view/203318
  7. Editor I kind of agree. I mean, neat concept, but who benefits. I realize they need park space in that area (or so they claim), but damn, I mean, converting a freeway into a park when Los Angless (according to that article) could see traffic on the underground come to a 2 mph crawl in the future because of it. Just not sure this has reall been thought out all that well.
  8. Well, they had t-shirts, development plans, the mayor of Pearland, the lady who is heading up Nano World, and city councilmembers from Pearland. They are definitely digging out the canal and apparently gaining traction in moving forward. It was interesting to me to see the plans, see the progress being made on construction, and visualizing the final development and the presidential park. I don't live in Pearland so do not know how it will take with residents there, but if it is anything like the anchor Woodlands Waterway (or whatever it is called) this place is going to be a hit with residents, businesses, and visitors to the Houston region.
  9. I always just call it 59. But on the maps software it is indeed called the Eastex Freeway. Go figure.
  10. I went to the groundbreaking on Thursday. It was really interesting and they have already started digging out the canals. Had a chance to meet the developers too. Really cool people with Historic Real Estate.
  11. The Internet is global. What affects other countries may, and sometimes does, affect us.
  12. Okay, that is just not cool. When I used the library during the aftermath of Ike, it was not like that. People were quiet and respectful and I used the 2nd and 3rd floors with WiFi on my laptop. It was really a nice experience. Sorry to hear about the masses on the first floor. I did notice it was like a cattle-call when they would open and people would rush the machines. Nothing like public porn viewing.
  13. This just in: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/ap/20081219/twl-m...ge-1be00ca.html http://timesonline.typepad.com/technology/...e-internet.html Terrorism?
  14. And it's pretty much the same in the printed press: See Why I Don't Like Reading The Local News
  15. This would be a good thing. I love going to Galveston, but personally do not like driving there for the reasons you mentioned.
  16. I kind of like the idea of small parks where you can just curl up with a book or sit and enjoy the weather in peace, instead of throngs of people at larger parks.
  17. Damn, even the security people ain't safe. I have family that goto the resorts all the time, but they do not venture too much into the cities (a pity in my estimation because the resorts seem so boring).
  18. Nice looking car. Hope it sells quickly.
  19. Someone sent me that Christmas shoes song and it was SO utterly depressing.
  20. I can't believe this is already being blamed on Obama. President elect Obama has done more to put competent leadership on this issue than the current administration has done in the past 8 years. And he's not even in office yet.
  21. It's free although as with any church, donations are accepted. Honestly, I take offense at a LOT of ministries but for some reason I really see the good in Lakewood. Give you a case in point. When my mother was laying in the hospital about 3 years ago, very ill (gravely ill) Lakewood outreach ministries came to the hospital nearly EVERY day to talk with us, pray with us if we liked, and just to be a comfort. If we (the children) weren't there, they'd leave a card or a note. Some days mom wasn't conscious and others she would tell us that someone was there but she didn't remember a lot of it. We are not even 'members' of the church and someone else called to ask them if they could they put my mother on their list. That says a lot to me about their spirit and their caring for others no matter their condition, affiliation or whatever. As I said, I am not 100% behind everything they do or say, but they are A-okay in my book.
  22. I walked the dogs about an hour ago and I swear I felt droplets of ice. Maybe they're on to something.
  23. I think you hit the nail on the head. I am put off by most religious people and most churches, however, I feel right at home with the spiritualism at Lakewood. I agree that it is usually a feel-good message, the band rawks (did I just say that), and people aren't afraid to smile while they're there ... it's not separated by black or white or Hispanic (although there is a service in Spanish), or gender and isn't that what 'Heaven's' gonna be like anyway (for those of you that believe in Heaven ... not sure I do, but wanted to put it out there)? If you believe in God, then you're supposed to feel good, not ashamed, scared, and outcast (the way some churches and ministries and religions make you feel). I think the Osteens take the best of 'Christ's' teachings and probably do downplay the other doctrines of the bible (but they've been distorted by man for centuries, so I call it an even bet). Your comments about agnostics and atheists is on-point. Even they would feel welcome there as well as the lite-and-doubting-want-to-be-but-find-it-hard-to-be-believers (like me). While I do not condone everything Lakewood or the Osteens do, or believe in, or display, it is the closest thing I have come to finding a church 'home' here in Houston.
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