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Posts posted by houstonmacbro

  1. had a chance to stop by the new Krogers in Shadow Creek and the new HEB off 518...I prefer the Krogers much more compared to the HEB as the HEB was too chaotic and bunched up while the Kroger was laid back and spacious...

    once more people find out about Kroger it may change but they have my vote now....

    when will the Luby's open?

    I've discovered the HEB there and love it. Try to visit whenever I am out on that end of town.

    As for traffic. Pearland is getting nightmarish in terms of traffic at those major intersections and all up and down 518 and 2234 (no lights). They better get a handle on that.

  2. All these are valid reasons, but most of them stem from children. If you ever have one, no matter how much you love urban environments, suddenly all its flaws will reveal themselves. You'll as some point debate the suburbs the exact same as we have: better (public) schools, percieved to be safer, more quiet, and more assimilation which seems less stressful.

    I know to any urbanite these are horrible things to wish for, but I'm telling you, kids will make you at least consider it - and in most cases make it happen. To those that are brave enough to stay in the city with children I commend you though. It takes twice as much money and/or work to give your kid the same amenities as the suburbs. I wish I was as brave/wealthy as a friend of mine who raises his kids in Pecan Park on the southeast side. Actually, I wish my wife was! :lol:

    Well, you're absolutely right. I blame the news media. If they would start reporting on all the white on white crimes, versus choosing to racially single out Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims as the criminal element in the suburbs, maybe those living in said suburbs would start to change their thinking.

    As for the gay-hating, blame your local church. I'm no major proponent of homosexuality (not for it, not against it), but I refuse to go to a church that wastes it time "scaring everyone straight". Actually, since moving to the burbs four years ago, I have YET to go to church. Yay for me! (I hope my wife never reads this.. :unsure: )

    You make some good points. I feel there is a lot of inner-loop snobbery on this board. It seems that if you're not inside the Loop (610 not the Beltway) you're somehow a weirdo or whacko.

    As I've said before, people often live where they can afford and what makes sense for their lifestyles and commutes.

    I bought a house here (well, actually the bank did and I am just leasing it from them) because it is 5 miles to my suburban job. I'd love to live IN the city, but I'd have a 20+ mile reverse commute which seems pretty illogical to me.

  3. When I fly into the DC area I really prefer BWI (Baltimore-Washington International). It is really closer to Baltimore, but I like the design and the in-and-out ease in which it was designed, over the madhouse I consider at Reagan National.

  4. That's a great idea. Maybe put it in Tranquility Park downtown. I wonder if it would fit?

    That's an even better idea. Or maybe place it somewhere along Buffalo Bayou so that the de-facto skyline photograph of Houston becomes a big honkin' space shuttle with the skyline behind it. Houston would never be mistaken for Dallas by outsiders again!

    How big is a space shuttle... say... compared to Heritage Plaza?

    Answered my own question -- 122 feet long, 78 feet wide according to Wikipedia.

    Tranquility Park would be a fitting place for it. Aren't the water towers there supposed to be symbols of the rockets for manned missions..?

    Yeah, some kind of glass enclosure world work.

    Or you could just tell NASA that you're going to keep it inside, and then don't. What are they going to do? Repossess it? If it's bought and paid for you can do whatever you want with it.

    And not really understanding why they are SELLING it ... weren't tax dollars used to pay for it many times over any how?

  5. Y'all think there are a lot of anit-Israel HAIFers????

    And hey, this can be practice for self control in 2012 :P

    Anti-Israili and anti-Hamas. Both groups hate each other equally.

  6. I don't see this thread going anywhere good.

    Just like abortion, homosexuality, school funding, and many other topics, the solution will not be found in a HAIF discussion.

    Thanks for the voice of reason. I see this thread becoming a flame war.

  7. There are two obstacles to such a thing happening:

    • Most HAIFers probably couldn't stop nit-picking and bickering long enough to form a relationship.

    You got that right! Everyone on here has an agenda to prove. And most of the agendas are them proving they're right.

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