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Posts posted by houstonmacbro

  1. If there's any specific statistic you're interested in, let me know and I'll see if I can dig it out.

    What about what operating systems people are on? How many of us are Mac, Linux or Windows users. Thanks!

    Do you have any stats on what links/buttons are clicked the most on HAIF? I'd guess "view new posts" is number one. I was wondering how much people use the "top" button to go to the top of the page. It's definitely one of my favs

    Okay, I have been a HAIFer for how long now, and I am just now seeing that button! Thanks for the tip.

  2. The traffic increase is a visible downside, but the invisible upside from various studies is that larger cities generate more wealth, productivity, and innovation per capita. Growth always seems painful at the time, but I don't think many people would want to go back to the Houston of 1975 or 1950...

    But what about quality of life. Some places (cities) have a fraction of Houston's population, but are far more livable. I want quality over size.

  3. I did read it before it was 2theadvocate, it was better. The front page now just seems so disorganized, and most of the links seem like they go to ads or random crap.

    huh...I haven't been there since I started using ad-block with Firefox (it's turned off for HAIF!!!), it's much easier to look at. I still don't like it. Even the news page is just a very long, unorganized list with headlines and shorts. I like the chron website's categories better.

    You can subscribe on your iPod. It is much leaner content.

  4. They're trying. But going completely online right now will just put them out of business immediately.

    Maybe, but they're going to keep bleeding money with print if they keep this up. NO ONE READS PRINT any more.

    Well, a few people, like my 70 year old mom who can't imagine reading a paper online, but who else?

  5. Sounds like something out of a 1950's B horror flick. Reminds me of the original "Night of the Living Dead" corpses walking across fields, etc. :lol:

    Bear traps come to mind.

    It's not nearly that bad ...

    ... but it makes you wonder how the economy is affecting all aspects of life here in Houston. From the looks of it, they (day workers) are not getting work like they used to.

  6. Noticed today that the Chron is getting noticebly smaller. Today the Business and City&State sections were combined. Might as well be. Last time I picked up a copy the Business was 4 pages (singlefold). I'm also noticing fewer and fewer local stories. Still lots of pulled AP stories, as always.

    How long before it's gone?

    The writing is on the wall for printed papers. They really should go the way of other papers and go completely online.

  7. Does anyone know why the Gulfgate Home Depot has SO MANY day laborers, when the Gulfgate Lowe's doesn't have any (nor does the West Loop Home Depot for that matter)? It is really getting out of control; you can barely even drive down the side street due to the car- and pedestrian traffic. Heck, my partner won't even go to Home Depot anymore because of them.

    You would think they would spread themselves out a bit between locations just to make the chances of getting picked for a job that much more likely. And while "accosted" isn't the correct word, I do tire of constantly having to say "no thanks" when loading heavy items into the car.

    I will say this: I'm FAR more likely to give them money than I am the people on the corner of Cullen/45, who seem happy enough to just take without giving something else (labor) in return. Yikes, I think I am losing my liberal 'hood cred!

    I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, I just can't find the thread...

    If you're interested, and have the courage, take I45 north to Aldine Bender. Man, it is beginning to look like Westpark with all the day laborers set up and camped out in the parking lots.

  8. Okay.... and what does it mean when black folks, Hispanics, and others have been voting for whites for years (sometimes when whites were not the only 'race' on the ballot)?

    I believe that race is sometimes, but not always, a motivating factor for OR against.

    Sometimes a candidate is just a candidate and the best one out there.

    Personally, I do not goto the voting booth and say "Oh, I am gonna vote for this one because she's Jewish, or that one because she's Asian, or NOT that one because he's Hispanic."

    Maybe some folks do, but I hope I don't know any of them as friends or family.

  9. I am on the Greater Greenspoint mailing list. This was in the latest issue of their e-newsletter:

    Program Launched to Help Greenspoint Apartments


    The Greenspoint District is kicking its public awareness campaign into high gear with a new program targeting the unique challenges of area apartments. In addition to arming the community with information that can reduce the likelihood of being a victim of crime, the District is offering apartment owners incentives for property improvements that enhance curb appeal and make for a safer environment.

    Click here for the full story

    New Executive Director Targets Projects along Greens Bayou


    Bayous have long been a part of Houston's landscape, providing both challenges and opportunities. A local advocacy group has stepped up its efforts to bring flood remediation projects and additional park development to north Houston communities along Greens Bayou.

    Click here for the full story

    Free Immunizations, Channel 13 Blood Drive


    The Harris County Hospital District's Troubleshooters Immunization Program will be at Greenspoint Mall on Friday, March 20, to administer immunizations and flu shots. Immunizations are free and available to anyone age 21 or younger. Flu shots are available for all ages at a cost of $10. The event will be held in the Greenspoint Mall Community Room, near the food court, from 1 - 5 p.m. For more information, contact the Troubleshooters at 713-873-8687.

    Click here for the full story

    Click here to download the PDF version of this issue.

  10. Over a heated conversation with my sister in law came the following topic....Should you be able to vote in FEDERAL elections if you do not pay any FEDERAL taxes? (IGNORE LOCAL ELECTIONS) Do we need a reverse tea party? No representation without taxation? I say yes!

    When you look at it objectively (hard to do for some) it makes sense to me - that if you do not have an actual stake in the outcome you should not have a say in the decision. This does not include something to recieve....you must have something to lose, something that is not already a handout...One must pay to play so to speak. Redistribution of wealth has become a very hot topic recently, and what truth is there to the statements that it is occurring? Well, Obama actually ran on this exact redistribution of wealth during the election; promising more to those who have not, and more taxation for those who have. At what point is enough, enough? Do the "Wealthy" consume more services in relation to what they pay in?

    Remember - Corporations are taxed separetly from the individual in many cases. Small business owners are the hardest hit, when they must file their business income as their own personal tax return.

    When is enough enough? Can there be a cut off in the right to vote for Federal officials? This is Democratic Socialism, Socialism via Democratic process. People voting themselves access to the earnings and property of others.

    Some Objective numbers as up to date as I can find from tax year 2006:

    Taxes paid

    Top 1% - 39.89% of all taxes ($388,000+)

    Top 5% - 60.14% of all taxes ($153,542+)

    Top 10% - 70.79% of all taxes ($108,904+)

    Top 25% - 86.27% of all taxes ($64,702+)

    Top 50% - 97.01% of all taxes ($31,987+)

    I for one am sick of it, and I say enough is enough - no right to a federal official, unless you pay something in taxes to the government. If you dont make enough to have to pay taxes, you should not be allowed to vote for officials to legally do that which you could not do on your own, that is - Steal from your neighbor.

    Not sure where the conversation has gone since your original post, but I don't think voting should be tied to how much taxes you pay.

  11. Okay, I know the mall gets a bad rap but I went there Sunday on my hunt for a new Macbook. I have to say, I was impressed. No armed gunmen jumped me, I guess the roving heards of pirates and thug must have been sleeping or maybe they're off on Sundays, but no one hijacked me or hit me on the head ...even as I walked around the mall and to my car with about $2k of new Apple goodness.

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