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Posts posted by houstonmacbro

  1. ..................and that's when they SPIT in your food. Don't piss off the drive-thru people. Did you learn NOTHING from "Fight Club" !?

    well, they're not just asking out of the kindness of their hearts. the machines that they work for know that if one thousand extra people order an apple pie, that $500 extra dollars ... just for asking a simple question. multiply it by the thousands of restaurants and you get the picture... big bucks.

    that said, it bugs me too .. "no, i do not want a meal ... i just want a sandwhich ... if i wanted a MEAL i would have ordered it that way ... trust me!"

  2. Seems like it's all about the concerts now more than before. I haven't been in about 5 years. Last rodeo I attended was the one with Enrique Iglesias performing. Man, he was embarrassingly bad and cheesy.

    The cookoff the weekend leading up to the rodeo is what I like. My aunt and uncle always participate, so I'm able to get into theirs and eat for free. Mmm, that's good. Haven't done that in several years, though.

    don't get me wrong. i think the entertainment is fine (country western, black heritage, and tejano performances), but it's like you hardly ever even hear about the other sides of the event. after all it is the houston livestock show and rodeo.

    oh well, i haven't really patronized it in years, so i guess i don't have much to complain about.

  3. Can anyone explain why Brokeback Mountain, starring two of Hollywood's biggest stars, is only being shown at 1 cinema in Houston (It came out on Dec 9)?

    where is it showing? i'd like to see it.

    Also, it doesn't matter that this is a watershed movie with tons of pre-hype. The core of the issue is, it's a low-budget film from an independent label with no A-list stars. I can name about 10 movies from this year alone that should have played on multiple screens (at the local multiplex) but didn't because they came from independent distributers.

    it really is the sad state of movie going. we get king kong and mr. and mrs. smith rammed down our throats, but good story-telling filmmaking gets ignored in this country. i end up watching a lot of foreign films.

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