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Everything posted by houstonmacbro

  1. There are ways to accomplish the same thing in the the browser, but I forget all the keystrokes at times.
  2. Yeah, sometimes we are not very nice to one another.
  3. I really would have thought Mexico would be a lot higher up the list.
  4. I think we have a long way to go to the bottom and once there, I think it is going to languish for awhile.
  5. What about what operating systems people are on? How many of us are Mac, Linux or Windows users. Thanks! Okay, I have been a HAIFer for how long now, and I am just now seeing that button! Thanks for the tip.
  6. But what about quality of life. Some places (cities) have a fraction of Houston's population, but are far more livable. I want quality over size.
  7. Okay, now I do know "Downtown." I really liked that song. Why couldn't Feb 1, 1966 have that as a hit. That other song drew a complete blank for me.
  8. Good heavens. Now we'll have that many folks to contend with on Houston freeways. Growth is not always a good thing.
  9. Is that in the mall too? Food court or restaurant? That's interesting. I wonder if Reagan knew who he was at the time?
  10. It's not that the look is so bad, it's the functionality. I feel lost using it now.
  11. I've really never had a problem with Chron's speed.
  12. You can subscribe on your iPod. It is much leaner content.
  13. During the holiday season there were a TON of 'marketing' experts on Twitter. They were all trying to show how to maximize sales, etc. They seem to have gone away of late or at least toned down their messages.
  14. A random sampling of recent tweets from my followers: Mustang the original http://tinyurl.com/b3ypz2 Interesting Valuation of Web 2.0 properties http://tinyurl.com/bfptl5 One Million Followers On Twitter? Big Deal. (Perhaps A Very Big Deal Indeed.) | Twittercism http://bit.ly/ZKzgS With daughter at indoor peewee baseball skills evaluation - Photo: http://bkite.com/05vfD http://twitpic.com/23b2e - my new newphew lol... RT @SusanCosmos Barack Obama:
  15. No one (except you guys) are saying Twitter is anything. I use it but certainly don't try to initiate you are convince you to use it. I would say that those who do not USE it but have all these ideas about it are haters. The same way I call haters of people that rag on me for being on HAIF all day, but have never used the site. Use it (Twitter) or not. It's no sweat off my back. Red, people find it weird that people like us (HAIFers) that post so much don't have a life either. I beg to differ. I think we have a life, just a different life. Also, looking at your HAIF count, of over 9,500 posts, makes you one busy little bee on this site, ranking you second only to music.
  16. And I'm a novice really. There are people on Twitter with THOUSANDS of friends (followers). But really, is it so different... We collect HAIF friends and I certainly don't 'know' all of you. I've never met you in person, I've never been to your house (or you mine). It's really the same thing but on a bigger scale. It's just different. Certainly not disturbing. I will agree with the meet-ups though. I went to one for Technology Bytes on KPFT held at Coffee Groundz (I think that's the name) and it was odd. There were like a few people that knew each other and the rest (like me) were just kinda there, sitting, and not sure who to interact with. I left after downing a wine and sandwich. LOL
  17. It's not so much that I like hearing about people's intimate or boring lives all day, but I get information and news I otherwise wouldn't. Kinda like being on HAIF and watching the View New Posts link. I am not sure why there is so much hatred towards something especially when most of those doing the hating haven't even tried it. If you're interested (probably not) in my tweets, you can follow me at http://twitter.com/houstonmacbro.
  18. My mother, the one person I know that actually buys the Chron, does. I think she feels she is living in the future.
  19. Maybe, but they're going to keep bleeding money with print if they keep this up. NO ONE READS PRINT any more. Well, a few people, like my 70 year old mom who can't imagine reading a paper online, but who else?
  20. It's not nearly that bad ... ... but it makes you wonder how the economy is affecting all aspects of life here in Houston. From the looks of it, they (day workers) are not getting work like they used to.
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