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Everything posted by Montrose1100

  1. It's on par with Memorial City Memorial Hermann Robot building. It's so bad, it's almost good? Love the darker blue glass which is refreshing to see since every new glass curtain is the light blue in the middle. The Aqua glass is awful, and the garage wrap is laughable. But hey, it's different, and It's not a parking lot? The bar is low in this town. Could be redeemed if they welded the Maman sculpture horizontally on the garage wrap facing San Jacinto. Then It would be a masterpiece.
  2. It's kind of cheesy. Gaudy maybe? Lots of design and ideas for the sake of having them to sell it as luxury. Replace the concrete with Stucco and remove half the stuff on the garage and It's a RD condo tower. The Lobby is how tall and looks smooshed under the weight of this fortress with air fins. Always thought of Downtown as being this classy institution and free from gimmicky Galleria area style buildings. The Aris is a fine building and compliments the area so well. Then you have this bright concrete busy box.
  3. This building is ugly. The fine details are nice - I'll give it that. The glass curtain and curve are the only saving grace. Podium is oppressive. The west side is awkward. In fact the whole structure is. It's like unbalanced in the worst way. It's even worse when looking from afar. Squatty blank window cleaning crane utilitarian tower. Market Square Tower is boring but at least it blends in. I know you all love it but I'm super disappointed in this Hines project. It's exactly what Randall Davis' projects should look like.
  4. @Urbannizer Is this building really that large or does it just seem so relative to the slimmer towers Austin has?
  5. Hi, welcome to the forum! We appreciate your suggestion, but this topic is specifically about Photographing churches, rather than suggesting people try them out. If you'd like to elaborate more on your experiences at your church - feel free to start a new topic in the religious section.
  6. The Heights was loud with train horns and gun shots in the 90s too. You could hear the trains in the Jackson Hill area. It wasn't relentless horns like the east end. I've had fantasies of throwing eggs at the trains late at night but decided to buy a white noise machine. Now addicted to sleeping with said machine who travels with me everywhere. Also hear gun shots but they're mostly celebratory on holidays (hopefully). Actually deleted the citizen app because I was tired of being paranoid about everything. Anyways, I knew what I was getting into when I bought over here. Sure the horns are annoying, so is the stopped ones that block the crossings. You know what else is annoying? The Galleria area traffic. Couldn't wait to leave that place. What's worse than that? The elder and out of state drivers around the TMC. Perhaps even worse is the commute from the burbs on any freeway (IMO). It's all relative. Hold out if for investment purposes. Or rent out the house! It should more than cover your mortgage.
  7. That's probably how I'll remember the Houston skyline when I'm 85. The 5th side of 600 Travis on this side actually adds a bit more character to whole skyline.
  8. Would take it with a grain of salt. Most of the people outside of HAIF don't really keep their fingers on the pulse like we do or have the leaks. The Hotel could be breaking ground as soon as they open/lease the upper floors, RH could be in discussion, anything is possible.
  9. I toured both Hanover Autry Park & Parkview yesterday. Leasing agents couldn't confirm Restoration Hardware and said they heard RH backed out (Idk if they both were told to say that or both heard the same rumor). Assume Turner's Cut is the steakhouse they mentioned going at the base of the tower. Lick Honest going in the midrise. I'm sure it was mentioned here before... but the Hotel Tower will be a park until they break ground. Or the agent in the tower was just saying that because the westward view would be gone. Both beautiful properties with amazing amenities. Except the midrise didn't have guest parking which I thought was strange. The street spots will go to the retail spaces as they fill up.
  10. It's actually the best freeway we have. Lanes are wide enough, it's smooth like butter, and makes visiting friends & family out there a breeze. Compare it to the narrow pot holed mess that is 45 N & S, sharp curve and dump trucks on 59 N, random lane drop offs & merges on 59 S, it's amazing. That being said, I hope this new development brings some fresh restaurants to the area. Tired of going to the same old places in City Centre and the chains scattered along the freeway.
  11. If they consolidate on just the KHOU property, those two huge parcels of land right on the Bayou would be ripe for something spectacular. Hopefully that's the plan, and whatever they build on the KHOU site is taller and better than what they have now.
  12. I read the Texas Monthly link https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/three-gentlemen-one-ghost-and-a-skyscraper/ King Kirby posted on SSC. It's basically about how 601 Travis came to be. They were worried about Main becoming a slum, and adjacent properties closer to City Hall. Also talks about the Tunnel System. Wish they had more pictures, would love to see the models and all of the proposals.
  13. Assume they will be selling their current land/building? The KHOU lot is pretty small. Would imagine with a big garage under a building of similar size to the 2 they have now, would be significant. Do they also own the lot to the west?
  14. Every time a 6 Houston Center rendering shows up on the HAIF, it's a bad omen. The last time we saw oil prices plummet. Before that, the great recession of 2008. How many Houston Centers is too many? 6 apparently. It's the nicest version we've seen of it though.
  15. Editor, you hit the nail on the head. Everything this city does, apart from say a few local TIRZ, gets neglected with time. The only good maintenance I've seen in this city is Uptown/Galleria area. Buffalo Bayou park to, can be said, have done a good job with the continuous floods. Waste of money to build and then let rot. That's why I always complain about the Dallas Street Retail improvement. Why? By the time any retail actually gets built there, all the improvements will be trashed.
  16. Hey Lum, Of course the link to International style is the ribbon windows, which is exactly what this entire topic is about - specifically. As the OP mentioned, it appears in any city, giving several examples. They lack ornamentation, are all very uniform, no culture local to the city. These are exactly the type of buildings post modernism didn't want to be. However, Given they are not just complete rectangular boxes (well, not all of them), postmodernism does come into play. You're literally seeing history in this town as the world moves from pure boxes, to slight shape changes, then on to a solid example of postmodernism like 700 Louisiana. And of course not every building was built with a client in mind. However, to say they were all designed without one is untrue. The first picture in the thread was built for First City Bank. 3 Houston Center/Fulbright/Chevron was rumored to have mocked the Chevron logo at the top step feature. I don't have the time to dig through the history and development of every buildings used as examples on here. The only comparison I made with the style of Art Deco in New York is the given time period and economic boom enabling companies to build them. Look, I'm happy that you studied architecture, and have experienced travel, but that doesn't make you an expert. Or that you prefer to dig into philosophy so much when what I said is more geared towards history as a statement or view. What if New York didn't boom in that time period? Then they wouldn't have so many examples of art deco. Same with Houston. That was it.
  17. Hi Baxter, Welcome to the forum. I wouldn't advise you to showcase your telephone number to the world. Perhaps just tell anyone interested to personally message you. If you need help to edit it out of your post, let us know!
  18. I mean, the pool might have some cool views, on the north corner. Particularly when TMC 3 is fully "blossomed".
  19. This has to do more with time frame these buildings were built - the early 1980s, as you noted. When we were booming growing with our skyline this was the style. I believe it fits more in "International" rather than postmodern, but certainly has elements with the building shape. It would be similar to addressing "stepped" art deco skyscrapers with their abundance and birth in New York. Sure it also became the style in many other cities where there were not ordinances to have the buildings gradually step to avoid blocking sunlight. We own that time frame. You can tell when economic times were great in most cities, because there is usually a style more present than the rest (even in the burbs or outer lying business districts).
  20. I'm guessing this is looking north/west down Rusk? If so, shame whatever to the left is now a parking garage. And the building going up on the right, is currently black glass façade.
  21. I'm still holding on to my pettiness. The stone is nice stone. Just would have preferred something better visually facing Market Square.
  22. Yeah I think anything tourism related should definitely front our "main" park (and the views east/west/south would be spectacular). Otherwise, Other side of 59 from GRB would be good, but limiting. Somewhere in front of Heritage Plaza would also be nice.
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