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Everything posted by cspwal

  1. Where do you think everyone is putting those mattresses they're buying?
  2. Long shot, but I wonder if it's related to the energy company? http://www.argentenergytrust.com maybe they want a fancy new headquarters in a mixed use development
  3. Could they be trying to soak the ground so that they can save money on piling and soil replacement?
  4. This is at the SE corner of MLK and OST. It looks like it's just a parking garage for now
  5. What was this building originally? The arches suggest something more interesting than your typical office block
  6. There is something going up at the corner of MLK and OST. I'll try to get a picture of it on my way home
  7. I have so many questions from this rendering It looks like another event designed to kill the grass of that main lawn. I like how CNN is banished to a corner, with Fox (who has the rights to broadcast the game) front and center. Will that field have people doing each play live with the game? What is up with the screens - what will they be showing, and is "HTX" on 3 big screens or just 3 big banners? What is the strange blue square up in the left hand corner?
  8. http://www.thehamiltondowntown.com The website is up. Looks like they are charging the same rent as block 334 - I guess they're not going to try to undercut the market at all. I don't know about spending $1400 a month minimum on an apartment next to the freeway and a ½ mile walk to anything else in downtown
  9. http://houston.culturemap.com/news/city-life/08-12-16-discovery-green-wants-a-stop-to-pokemon-go/ Looks like Discovery green doesn't like the increased traffic. I wonder how bad it is getting if they are requesting this - last time I was there it just seemed like a busy day at the park
  10. Maybe 2 houses on one slab? Duplex maybe? That does sound like 2 separate houses though
  11. Probably easier to get the concrete trucks in that way
  12. Is it possible to suspend accounts and creating new accounts?
  13. At first I thought it was just one spam bot username - and then I noticed they were all different names. At least it's only hitting "Going Up!" ...for now
  14. It's not fake. http://www.citylab.com/tech/2016/08/chinas-futuristic-straddling-bus-is-finally-here/494102/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheAtlanticCities+%28CityLab%29 This is crazy that they actually built it. It's more a fancy elevated train than a bus
  15. Time to buy some land for the railroad http://swamplot.com/land-purchases-beginning-along-proposed-houston-to-dallas-bullet-train-route/2016-08-02/ I wonder what their percentage of needed land they'll be able to buy. If it's only 20%, the stop the train people will have lots of ammo in a legislature fight over eminent domain. If they can get 90% of the land, there's no way the legislature blocks a multi-billion dollar project to help millions of Texans because 4 families don't want to sell.
  16. They could just clad the whole thing in glass like the Federal building - it would look like a mid-rise office building instead of a jail, and they wouldn't actually have big windows that you could escape through
  17. Interesting... I drive by that all the time and wonder what's up with it
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