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Everything posted by UrbaNerd

  1. It is uuugly. But, it does lok like a prison, which is somewhat of justice in itself.
  2. They should make a transitional plaza, which would be a large sunken plaza accesible by stairs and maybe an elevator, too, and the plaza would have its own shops, and it could be terraced. That would be cool!
  3. 317,000? Don't some of the units in the Shamrock start at 180,000?
  4. Hmm..looks like it got affected by the Orion somehow.... Still, looks cool!
  5. The rendering looks waaay different from the real thing. if you look, the real one has more arched windows. And I was wondering- is that borwn facade part of the new design, or will it be painted?
  6. I like it. It looks like some expensive skyscraper that would be built in Hong Kong or dubai or something.
  7. Great stuff, man! It is a huge shame that some of these beautiful buildings were torn down!
  8. Thats not nice.... What if one of the tenants had a gun, and the people walked in while he/she was showring or something?
  9. Yeah, there is a massive need for nurses. The TMC seems to be the fastest growing district in HOU so far, with several buildings popping up every year, and many more planned. I love it. Oh, and about it doubling in size- if anyone has seen the Channel 11 report from a few weeks ago, they said that they might even expand into midtown, and towards other areas.
  10. Well, as long as POST does not do all of the properties- the quality isnt too good... Post isnt the best mixed use developer, either. If anything, I would prefer several different developers mixing stuff up for the neighborhood.
  11. Nice building, but bad quality of construction and service. It sure beats the Calais, though!
  12. Is this a new building, or is it a rennovation?
  13. Wow, they are adding retail to the Greenway one! Too bad the area isnt "urban" enough. It is essentially an office park. oh well. Hopefully other stuff pops up.
  14. Updates and photos for Sugar Land Town Square will go here.
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