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Everything posted by UtterlyUrban

  1. I am sure that they are quite a bit more than Warangal, India or Sukhothai, Thailand.
  2. It will have its own Rush hour for the upper floors. my word, if you park in 13, it will take longer to get to the street than from the street to your hypothetical house in the heights!!!
  3. Wow! That's big news! Thanks Tigereye and CREguy! Tigereye: if it's a downtown company already then occupancy rates in the CBD will stay the same. That's too bad, I was hopeful it would be a new tenant so occupancy would go up. when will the name of the new tenant be public?
  4. Has shell vacated? Was it really 60% of the building? any news on leasing to a new tenant(s)?
  5. Are car seating positions normally prototyped with plywood? Their website indicates that they will be delivering cars to pre-order customers tentatively in "late 2018 or early 2019" for those who plunk down a $15k deposit. based on this post, , should one infer that they are on-track to meet that timeline or not?
  6. Wow, guys. I have never cosndered taking a vacation "10 blocks away". But, I guess it really doesn't matter if the staycation is 10 blocks or 10 miles. Same concept. Glad you enjoyed!
  7. You live downtown and you have rented a hotel room at the Marquis for a vacation?
  8. Where does that "Post oak bus thingie" connect to? I wonder if they will build it there? That would tie the city into the "economic development"?
  9. The kids and concert goers manage must fine now at the existing school. No cover there, right? Nothing since 1982. Must not have rained much back then. My post "art students can't get wet" was a joke. As is the point above. The idea that this small underpass will "help" with traffic is probably true. But, frankly, the underpass is likely too small and cars and vehicles will still line the roads at peek times. i can't wait for this school to open. Hundreds of bright, young, creatives will bring so much energy to downtown every day. Even when it rains. Exciting times.
  10. If this garage stays like this, the developer should be ashamed.
  11. That car in front is likely stopping by to see if he could rent a storage unit. this building is ugly in Pictures and in person.
  12. I'm glad you like the place. The developers seemed to do a first rate job on it. does the train blow its whistle at night?
  13. Travis, depending on the location of your jobs, you may wish to consider neighborhoods that are closer into town (especially if y'all are working inside loop 610 -- "the loop"). Inside the loop A few neighborhoods like Montrose and the Heights stand out as areas where historically family situations similar yours are not uncommon. Depending on the age of your kids, the public elementary schools in each neighborhood can me fine. It might get more challenging in middle school and high school. Take a look at school rankings. otherwise, the quality of the schools in most of the Houston suburbs (like the woodlands) are totally fine -- k-12 -- I can't speak to the "tolerance" question that you raise as I just don't know. I can say this however: I think that you will find that many of the Houston suburbs are loaded with folks from "somewhere else".... virtually everyone is a transplant from another state. They all moved here for a job or with a corporate move. It will be a nice mix of folks. You will be very surprised how many people you meet who are "new" to Texas........ best wishes and welcome to Texas! My bet: you'll end up loving it here.
  14. I seems to me that downtown hotel space has exploded over the last 4 years and I just have a nagging sense that it is getting over built. 6 years ago it could be hard to find a room in downtown on any given day. Now, that really doesn't seem to be the case. But, I know zip about the lodging business and what "over built" means.
  15. There is something odd with that picture. There are grey streaks in the sky around the edge of the tallest buildings.
  16. Despite the moves of several high profile companies lately to "reign in or restrict" work from home policies, I think that there continues to be a strong push from companies wanting to use it as a way to eliminate (or reduce) office lease expenses.
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