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Everything posted by HNathoo

  1. Might be tough to tear down with Starbucks as a tenant - those leases generally contain tons of options tying the landlord into a suboptimal use for an extended period of time.
  2. I think the address is incorrect in the article. The only site that makes sense is the old eado playhouse.
  3. new pizza concept from Nancy’s hustle https://www.houstoniamag.com/eat-and-drink/2020/02/tiny-champions-nancys-hustle
  4. A member of the museum park neighborhood association just stated on nextdoor that museum park won’t have dedicated bike lanes and that the bike lanes would be shared with cars. I’m not quite sure how that would work or if there is even a purpose to do that.
  5. I believe it was mentioned that it would be rental townhomes, which would seem to allow them to bypass the 1,400 sq ft minimum lot size requirements.
  6. I picked up this flyer at the ICSC conference last week. Pretty cool looking project by levcor.
  7. Those are all just excuses for them to limit high density development. Residential buffering is zoning - it’s not going to ever fly in a non deed restricted neighborhood. With that being said, there is already a city-wide ordinance that prevents open garages of a certain height shining lights into residential neighbors. Market parking has never been an issue in this neighborhood- tons of paid lots that generally remain pretty empty. The issue is free street parking that everyone feels entitled to. The head of the MPSN is Kathleen O’Reilly. She lives next door to the Southmore high rise. There is plenty of info about her on the web that shows her real character.
  8. Surprise surprise look who doesn’t want to play ball... Museum Park Super Neighborhood TOD Letter to Planning The City of Houston Planning Department hosted a November 6 meeting at Covenant Church to introduce the proposed Transit Oriented Development Ordinance and the Walkable Places Ordinance, both of which will impact future development in Museum Park. Additional details can be found at https://www.houstontx.gov/planning/Commissions/committee_walkable-places.html Based on the goals of the Museum Park Livable Centers Study and the concerns expressed at the meeting, the MPSN Council unanimously approved a letter to the Planning Department requesting that Museum Park not initially be included in the ordinances. Museum Park Super Neighborhood Council members from the Museum District Assn., Hermann Park Conservancy, the High Rises, and MPNA followed up at the January 9 Planning Commission meeting (II). Focusing on the goals of the Livable Centers Study to realize multi-modal, transit oriented development as demonstrated by the Caroline Promenade Design, the speakers referenced several concerns including a reduction of green space, a lack of residential buffering, the impact of reduced parking in a destination district, and the goal of fulfilling the state-designated cultural district that encompasses Museum Park as a design district attracting 9-12 million visitors a year.
  9. yikes, that's depressing. I imagine that this project won't really work out given the time it's taken them to get to where they are now.
  10. I heard he may be selling some stuff in the near term. I believe the old Kirby mansion is already being marketed.
  11. This is definitely great for the neighborhood if it comes to fruition. It opens up lots of new uses for the adjacent warehouse buildings that have a ton of character.
  12. my understanding is that they plan on removing the 4 levels on top of the parking deck, and placing the pool directly on top of the garage.
  13. rice is thinking much bigger than this. the possible marginal revenue they receive off of this is meaningless relative to the projects scale. They should be more concerned about keeping the adjacent neighborhood happy - at least until they get their entitlements in place.
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