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Everything posted by HNathoo

  1. MPNA said the TLH is building a club across the street. As you would imagine, there was a lot of grumbling.
  2. The developers are looking to break ground in Q4. project looks good - seems like no stucco will be used. Unfortunately, no GFR. The cafe on their ground floor is for residents only. They would consider leasing it out a 3rd party if/when parking code is changed. As of now, they wouldn’t be able to build the additional parking the code calls for.
  3. I’ve heard the buyer isn’t really a developer. They owned an adjacent tract and are creating a larger development site. I wouldn’t be surprised if this hit the market soon.
  4. This looks to be coming together nicely. Without a garage in phase I, I’m not sure how they would handle overflow. I don’t believe this is the type of location where you can just look for street parking.
  5. There are some newly constructed condos for under $300psf in the Museum District. https://www.har.com/4820-caroline-street-207/sale_14235829 With that being said, I don't think the developer did well financially on this project.
  6. I was at the planning commission meeting last week. The neighborhood came out in full force against this development. They are adamant about emancipation being a retail corridor. The developer was seeking a 10’ setback in lieu of a 25’ setback on emancipation. They were about to have their variance denied, so the developer withdrew. Let’s see if he can somehow find a way to incorporate retail in this.
  7. I'd be interested to see if this is actually in midtown. This group tried to purchase a surface parking lot at the corner of W Dallas and I-45, so it's possible their development might be north of what we all consider midtown.
  8. I think the drop off on calumet was removed from the project. The only vehicular access point is la branch.
  9. The developer mentioned it would add 2 floors to the garage and 1 floor to the residential building. if he goes through with it, it’s a true lose-lose situation for the developer (extra costs)and the neighborhood association (taller building). I think the intent of having a smaller meeting was that they could negotiate with the heads of the association to offer up some concessions. Unfortunately, 50 people showed up saying this site wasn’t right and the developer should study the outcome to the Ashby high rise. The extra costs probably could’ve been shared with the neighborhood for some streetscape enhancements. Truly unfortunate outcome that helps no one.
  10. I’ve heard conservatory will be putting another food hall concept in Dan Brauns recent acquisition at W Alabama and Rice.
  11. The hotel guys can’t compete with the multi family guys on land pricing in midtown. It’s possible you might see some tighter sites being taken on by hotel guys once the parking requirements go away.
  12. As of now, I believe it’s just rail - see below link. https://www.houstontx.gov/planning/_urban/TransitCorridorStreet_Main_020110.pdf The new new ordinance being worked on by the walkable places committee also includes bus, but that hasn’t been approved yet.
  13. This has to be the best subdivision plat name ever. I think I'll tune into the Planning meeting just to hear the commissioner say the name.
  14. The transit corridor designation would allow the developer to build with a 15’ pedestrian realm (0’ setback from property line) by right, meaning the developer wouldn’t need a variance if he was building across the street. The walkable places committee is currently working working on expanding the current area of the transit corridor. https://www.houstontx.gov/planning/_urban/TransitCorridorStreet_Main_020110.pdf
  15. The transit corridor technically stops at the opposite corner of la branch and calumet - about 50’ away.
  16. They are asking for a very minor variance to reduce the building setback lines 5’ above the second floor for the garage and balconies. The neighborhood can only really chime in due to the request of the variance. The thought within the neighborhood is that if the variance is denied, the developer won’t be able to build the desired project and will drop the deal. They’ll do whatever they can at the hope the developer just goes away. I don’t believe the neighborhood is actually against the project, but the head of the neighborhood association is a well-known NIMBY who unsuccessfully tried to stop Parc Binz ( barnaby’s with medical office above), the Southmore (25 story Hines project), and the Mondarin condos. All of those developments have been valuable additions to the neighborhood. She even fought the holocaust museum variance for a reduced setback. Frankly the neighborhood would look a lot less appealing today had she gotten her way. It’s important if you live in the neighborhood to voice your support of the X Houston project to both the neighborhood association and the planning commission.
  17. It’s owned by the Boone bicycle family. They’re holding out hope they can turn this into a bicycle museum. I think they have a go fund me account for this.
  18. It was recently remodeled. Given how small the lot was, I imagine this is as good as we could hope for.
  19. I feel like they should build this much closer to the property lines. Don’t care for the setbacks.
  20. sounds like la branch is going to turn into a very vibrant corner. This neighborhood has all the makings of a great pedestrian environment.
  21. Why does anyone really desire dry goods retail? Just so you can look at the store front and not go inside? There are a few exceptions, but that ship has largely sailed. I’m perfectly happy with a street lined with restaurants and bars.
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