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Everything posted by j_cuevas713

  1. Simple, clean, and a great use of the half block. We need more small buildings like this surrounding the ballpark.
  2. I mean at least it doesn't have a drive thru which is a plus
  3. I'm actually really surprised at the amount of No's for question#1. I think MSP is beautiful and it pales in comparison to what it looked like before.
  4. My bad I totally misread the article when I skimmed through it quickly and saw The Shops at West Gray. Ok now I'm excited .
  5. Great another ass shopping center with parking in the front. I knew by the name alone this wasn't going to be good. I hope I'm wrong.
  6. I personally think this is a loss for the neighborhood. This is what makes the area charming.
  7. At least that new Metro building will be a nice replacement for that hideous garage
  8. I think the Downtown Management District has a plan to move these restaurants to ground level. It's interesting that they would do such an extensive renovation unless that plan from the DMD isn't realistic.
  9. https://www.chron.com/business/article/houston-mayor-pauses-downtown-hotel-convention-18608131.php Looks like Whitmire is worried about how this development in it's current iteration will affect the bill that he helped pass recently to add an entertainment district around the GRB
  10. Just more BS. I was hoping for a full demo and rebuild of something nice, like residential with GFR.
  11. Because the $4 million covers the entire DFW region. The money Houston got is just for the SE part of the city.
  12. Was there any update on this? I guess the city wasn’t able to overturn the star’s decision?
  13. Man this building is never going to see the love it deserves
  14. Well first it prevents people who aren't paying a fare from getting on to begin with. I'm not saying the killer didn't pay but I'll bet anything he didn't.
  15. I agree, maintenance isn't the issue. It might not be the most beautiful fountain but I think it has potential if the square could draw more tenants. Also that waterwall thing that is never turned on needs to be removed.
  16. I just drove by coming from Ambrose Barbershop this morning. This development looks great! And the neighborhood is really starting to look much more aesthetically pleasing. I can't wait for East Blocks!
  17. I think when it comes to crossings like this, as people are coming from the freeway approaching Houston Ave, nice big signs saying SLOW DOWN PED CROSSING or whatever would help make drivers aware they are no longer on the freeway. Houston has a lot of "unique" intersections like this one where it would help.
  18. Knowing Houston drivers, someone will park here like a moron. I took the survey and I think the city needs to add more traffic lights and more pedestrian crossings. You can still sync the lights for car traffic, but it will slow drivers down and make them actually go the speed limit. That goes for all Houston stroads but yeah
  19. I got hammered there many times but that was like 5 years ago. The neighborhood is def going through a change with ACME closing and the redevelopment of the property. The old One/Fifth building is getting renovated and Drake's is scheduled to open as well.
  20. There was a murder on the Red Line yesterday. Metro needs to step it up and have Metro Police at all stations at all times
  21. Yeah I think that's exactly what's going to happen. There are a couple of other warehouses in the mix being renovated as well.
  22. What buildings are associated with Phase 1? I'm looking at their website and just see a start date of 2Q 2024
  23. I hope a new developer purchases it and restores it. The original facade is beautiful.
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