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Everything posted by native_Houstonian

  1. I think you may be right. I'm not that familiar with Idylwood, but I'm pretty sure that area right next to the bayou does flood. They need a beach-house type design there - something way up high.
  2. I knew it! When that builing was erected some 20 years ago, they took out approx. 12-15 homes. Now, they are going to put homes there once again. Circle of life!
  3. I have an older home in Oak Forest and am looking for suggestions for a good, honest landscaper. I am not one to spend a lot of time keeping up the yard, so I am interested in low maintenance ideas. I probably would like to go with native plants - I want them to be hearty in this climate. Any suggestions for landscapers in the area that would have reasonable rates? Thanks.
  4. Resurrecting this topic.... I drove by the old Eckerd at 11th and Yale last night. I noticed there was no FOR LEASE sign posted. I thought I saw one there before. Does anyone know if this property has been leased? Any info? Thanks.
  5. East TJ Jester and Ella? Isn't there some other French restaurant there, or will it be a new building??
  6. Thanks for the correction. My information came from my mother, who is very straight-laced. It sounds like there were loose women there, and that's close enough for my mother to call them whores.
  7. Oh my gosh! It is a small world!! I would have been on the show probably sometime between 1976 and 1978. I probably did 5-6 performances total.
  8. Don't know about the 1913 Red Light District, but in the 40's and 50's it was on Mid Lane. Mid Lane is about 1/2 mile east of the West Loop and runs between San Felipe and Westheimer. Don't know about the 1913 Red Light District, but in the 40's and 50's it was on Mid Lane. Mid Lane is about 1/2 mile east of the West Loop and runs between San Felipe and Westheimer.
  9. The Mosquito Cafe on 14th and the Sunflower bakery/cafe across the street from the Original Mexican Cafe are both very good. Also, for a good view of the beach, check out the new Chico's Paradise at Broadway and the Seawall.
  10. Perry's Steakhouse on Bay Area Blvd is very nice and very good. I don't remember how much the entrees are, and the prices aren't listed on the menu on the web. But, it would be worth it for you to stop by before you plan on eating there and checking it out. Perry's Restaurants
  11. Oh, I'd have to agree with Sammy's at 2016 Main. Great 70's funk and R & B. Oh yeah....just thinking about it makes we wanna shake my groove thing.
  12. Wow. I'm kinda jealous, Torchlight. These are my current stats: 1. 1400 sq. ft. home 2. 1960 3. $205 4. reliant And, I keep my thermostat at 78 degrees. However, my a/c unit is 13 years old. Do you have a high efficiency a/c? Really good insullation? This is the highest bill I've ever had, and I've lived there 3 summers now.
  13. Sorry I couldn't make it. Who went? Did y'all have a good time?
  15. I've been saying it with a long A, rhyming with waif.
  16. Ricco, Thanks for organizing this, unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. I hope all of you HAIFers have a great time and I'll help organize the next one.
  17. 1970 Green Pontiac LeMans. It was my grandfather's car, then my brother's car, then mine. We figured out that the seatbelt buckles also doubled as bottle openers. I guess I have something in common with Mayor White's daughter! We called it the Tuna Boat, because of it's size. When I looked over the hood, all I saw was a sea of green.
  18. I think what LWood was trying to say was that if you paint the stucco it helps with preventing moisture from seeping in.
  19. I would not recommend purchasing a stucco or stucco type home in Houston. We just have too much humidity and moisture for this type of building. I've known of 2 different families who have had to re-do the entire exterior of their homes because of mold and moisture problems with their stucco.
  20. My mother, who is 70, still refers to this store as the Sears on South Main. I think it's because that's what it was called when she went there as a young girl.
  21. Everytime I get taken in, they take me to Mykawa. When my pimp-daddy and I compare notes, Mykawa is a lot nicer facility than downtown. And, I have a good relationship with Myra, the night baliff. Sometimes, she'll let me make 2 phone calls if my p-daddy's line is busy.
  22. See, this is the kinda car that just makes a girl wanna jump in the back seat!
  23. I agree with Martha! Let's get this set!
  24. Crystal Beach, just across the fairy from Galveston, has been known for some girls going topless. However, be prepared to see some girls missing teeth, flying the Confederate Flag from the back of their pick-up truck.
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