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Everything posted by native_Houstonian

  1. I like the ones mentioned above. My favorite of all time is the view from Scott Gertner's Sky Bar. This pic is taken from Tiki Bay Bar and Grill in Baytown website. I've been there at sunset, and it is beautiful.
  2. It's hailing in the Heights right now. Accumulated about an inch of hail on the ground.
  3. Mark's is on lower Westheimer. It's expensive - have only been there once, but the food and service were outstanding. Will be going again this Saturday night for the office Christmas party. I'll give a new review then! Mark's Restaurant
  4. Well, I'm not up on all of the hip places Downtown, but that would be where I would concentrate. My suggestions would be: 1. The bar at the top of the Hilton of the Americas - great view of downtown 2. Check out a few of the places on Main street - Live Sports Bar at 407 Main is cool as is Flying Saucer at 705 Main. 3. To finish out the night, take the train to Sammy's at 2019 Main. Great bar, great music, and you get a choo-choo ride! There are a lot of places close to Live Sports Bar - so as long as the weather is good, wander around and see what strikes your fancy. Have fun!
  5. How far we have come from the days when there was actually a "smoking section" on the planes. The back of the plane looked like a London fog. Everyone was lighting up - matches, lighters, blow torches.
  6. Pillow Perhaps she should get one of these....
  7. Received my Harris County Tax Statement in the mail this weekend. It was DOUBLE last year's taxes. I freaked out. Then, I realized that HISD taxes were included in this statment. Evidently, Harris County will now be collecting the taxes for HISD. So, taxes were up just a little (about 3-4%). Has anyone else received their statements yet?
  8. Ok, since we never spent a lot of time in Galveston when I was a child, I only have 1 memory of the Galvez Mall. We were spending the weekend at our parent's friend home on Tiki Island, and with our luck, it was raining. My mother asked my brother to take me to a movie at the Galvez Mall. What did my brother take me to see while we were at the beach? Jaws. I want to say it was the original Jaws movie, which would have been the summer of '75, but, I would have only been 5 years old. Even my brother wouldn't have done that to me. It must have been Jaws 2 in the summer of '78. I would have been 8 years old. I didn't want to step foot in the water the rest of the weekend.
  9. No, unfortunatley, I didn't have my camera with me. I plan on going back in the spring. If I do, I'll post pics then.
  10. Just got back from a weekend in Vegas (no, no one ask for a loan, I left it all there)! Anyway, went to see what Tillman had done to the Golden Nugget, located downtown Vegas. I have to say that they have done a nice job in giving the old girl a bit of a face lift. He has added a beautiful new porte cochere at one entrance, and has dressed up the interior a bit. However, the best addition has to be the new Aquarium that sits over the pool area. The 3 story water slide goes through the aquarium. Very cool. And, of course, most of his restaurants are included on the site. I know there is a Vic and Anthony's and a Grotto that are new since the last time a visited.
  11. Any chance this is in the Heights area?
  12. Want to cook a nice fish dinner tomorrow night, and I was wondering where fellow Haifer's have found the freshest fish in Houston? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  13. I don't remember the Open sign, but maybe they have one... Is it Mark's Restaurant?
  14. Is that part of Offenhauser Company on Telephone?
  15. Maybe we should have another "Mixer" at Warren's one evening.
  16. Is it part of an institution of higher learning?
  17. You know, I used to have some sort of respect for you TJones, now I just don't like you. Is that clear enough for ya?!?!?!? J/K!!
  18. Yes- Yes- Thank you! I would much rather have a statement like that and I know exactly where you stand, instead of you saying something like: "I'm not sure that I totally agree with the stance that native_houstonian has taken. In this global environment in which we reside, I would think that there would be some opposition to her statement."
  19. Ok, after reading a recent post on the words "orphanage" and "daughter" and "mental hospital", I found myself filling with anger and disappointment. How did we let ourselves become a bunch of mumbling, trembling pansies! Oh how I long for the days when people could say what they wanted to say, without fear of retribution for not being politically correct! We are so concerned about hurting someone's feelings, that no one comes right out and says "you're an idiot" or "you're wrong" or "no one owes you anything, pull yourself out of the gutter!" When did it all go downhill??
  20. Just out of curiosity - who's getting your vote and who do you think will win?
  21. Funny stuff. Obviously, you must also specialize in aluminum toys.
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