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Everything posted by YakuzaIce

  1. So why do you live in the woodlands? Or do you just shop out there?
  2. Yeah as red said that is completely wrong. But just wondering were you thinking it was the actual census in 2000 or one of the more recent estimates.
  3. Great pics. I have seen a few construction pictures of chase before, but all of these were new to me.
  4. I highly doubt it. But I wonder what a parking garage by him would look like.
  5. While I agree with you, we have also seen 1000 main built, Metro administration building, the cathedral (one block off), Mckinney Place (ground level retail), got rid of a suburban McDonalds, this is all stuff from about 2002 till now. I can't remember what may have happened from '95 till '02. I also think a few buildings have been redone for residential use.
  6. That is because you abandoned HAIF for a while, and missed his few months in whinch he made over 1500 posts. Towards the end he had arguments with a few members and edited most of his posts to read "..."
  7. That is exactly the thing, they are not going to tear down older complexes just because the new residents don't like them.
  8. Yeah it is. Unless it is the block that is one past it.
  9. That second one just looks like it is under a freeway, or in a ditch with a roof thrown on top.
  10. Just to let people know (who didn't check) this list is from '94. I found data from '04, but it would take a while to make it into a list.
  11. I had a similar problem with two of Subdue's pics in the unbuilt houston thread. It had never happened before or since then.
  12. Yeah, I think they look really good. Much better than the Downtown ones IMO. I mean I like the downtown ones, especially when you compare them to most other bus stops in Houston (namely the brown/blackish ones with the white bubble dome things on top, just not for me).
  13. I have to agree with torch, there are a few walkable areas in Austin, but not enough to classify it as a walkable city. For total area of walkability, I would say Houston easily has Austin beat.
  14. Umm, I have a digital camera I can attach to my PC. But I don't have a web cam, or something like that. Why do you ask?
  15. click where it says "click here".
  16. since 2000, about 25 over 12 stories (most 20+). I am sure I missed some though.
  17. Ok...you can usually find things cheaper at other places than walmart, you just have to check ads.
  18. Which would this be? Likely none of the above. I am surprised this hasn't been closed yet.
  19. India, Nepal, Butan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Iran are all like that where they are X hours and 30 minutes ahead/behind us. I believe several other islands along with central Australia are like that too.
  20. "I read some where it was put on hold. I can not remember my source though. I hope it still goes through though." -Houston rush http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread...472#post1687472 As I said in another thread, don't believe everything you read. semipro, what the hell are you talking about?
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