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Prisclynn, here's a link to a pdf article on the house........


the last picture (page 2) on the bottom left hand side is the palm room. You'll recognize the floor and the fireplace's art deco freize on the left side of the picture.

Ah yes...I see it now. I'm wondering if the ceiling was damaged that they had to cover it with tiles. The ceiling in the ballroom still looks the same though...loved the wooden beams.

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Thanks so much, prisclynn, for those interior photos!

The photos are great Pris, but, speaking just for myself, I really wish you hadn't done this. I don't think it's a terrific idea for the world to know how easy it was for you to get into the West mansion. That story is now "out there" on the Internet, complete with photographic evidence.

I hope others with motives that are, shall we say, not as pure as yours, won't see it and decide to go in and take some of the expensive antique fixtures and sell them on the antiques black market.

Things like that really do happen, and there really is a black market for architectural antiques from famous old houses, buildings and even old graveyards. The Fayette County Judge told me last year that in recent years they've been forced to beef up sheriff's department patrols around the famous Painted Churches that dot the countryside in that area.

He said several of the beautiful old churches have been broken into and many 19th century paintings and statues have been stolen. They caught three guys in the act one day a couple of years ago in the Dubina community near Weimar. A deputy drove up and caught them loading a U-Haul truck with stuff from the church. The judge said he thinks it may be due in part to all the publicity the Painted Churches get in newspapers and on television around the state. Publicity is a double edged sword.

Let us hope the same doesn't happen at the West mansion, and that the new owners will take steps to secure the place, and soon.

Edited by FilioScotia
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The photos are great Pris, but, speaking just for myself, I really wish you hadn't done this. I don't think it's a terrific idea for the world to know how easy it was for you to get into the West mansion. That story is now "out there" on the Internet, complete with photographic evidence.

I hope others with motives that are, shall we say, not as pure as yours, won't see it and decide to go in and take some of the expensive antique fixtures and sell them on the antiques black market.

Things like that really do happen, and there really is a black market for architectural antiques from famous old houses, buildings and even old graveyards. The Fayette County Judge told me last year that in recent years they've been forced to beef up sheriff's department patrols around the famous Painted Churches that dot the countryside in that area.

He said in recent years several of the beautiful old churches have been broken into and many 19th century paintings and statues have been stolen. They caught three guys in the act one day a couple of years ago in the Dubina community near Weimar. A deputy drove up and caught them loading a U-Haul truck with stuff from the church. The judge said he thinks it may be due in part to all the publicity the Painted Churches get in newspapers and on television around the state. Publicity is a double edged sword.

Let us hope the same doesn't happen at the West mansion, and that the new owners will take steps to secure the place, and soon.

I have nothing to say other than..I have taken them off.

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No doubt. And that's sad about the painted churches, which are lovely. But I would still like to see the West house get more publicity, not less. Primarily because it came so close to being torn down, and because I worry about it being torn down in the future. While I don't know this for sure, I can't help thinking that the recent mini-surge in publicity helped protect the house from the most recent threat. I guess I'm just saying that, while I see the point you're making about publicity, in this case I personally think it has done more good than harm.

But I am concerned about the lack of security (even it it did mean we got to see some great photos). That is something that should be addressed, and here's hoping word gets to the right people before it gets to the wrong people. If I can think of someone to contact about it, I will.

Since I've been typing this, it looks like prisclynn took the photos down. That's prisclynn's call to make, but I'm still glad I got to see them. I'll check back later and, if others are taking down their posts re the security issue, I'll take this one off as well. But I'd hate not to be able to discuss the house's treasures, as I don't want them to be a secret.

I really didn't set out to be a grinch in this story. The West mansion is beautiful outside and in, and I like Prisclynn's pictures as much as anybody, but I just couldn't stop thinking how easy it would be for thieves to see the photos and get the idea to strip the place clean.

I think it's wonderful that we can all talk about places like the West mansion here on the HAIF, and it's great that we can share photos, but I think we should be careful about what sort of photos we post here. As you state, publicity is good, but sometimes it can work against a place like the West mansion. Photos of the outside are one thing, but photos of the interior -- well meaning but illicit photos I might add -- are something else again.

The good news is that the recent publicity about possible demolition probably did spur a developer to step up and buy it, with plans to preserve it and make it part of a larger project, and we can all be grateful for that. I think the HAIF played a role in that.

It's really amazing that the mansion has sat there vacant all these years without being vandalized, but that can't last forever. I hope it will be secured and protected as soon as possible. I think a call to somebody in Hakeem Olajuwon's Houston office might do the trick. The sale is only pending, not complete.

Mazel tov prisclynn.

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well, the information is still on this thread (ebay, selling, etc). might wanna edit that out, too, if it's a concern.

as far as the pictures, when the place is taken over and rehabbed (eek?) by the new owners, please please either repost them or make a home for them on the web (or i can provide a home for them, even!).

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I think a call to somebody in Hakeem Olajuwon's Houston office might do the trick. The sale is only pending, not complete.

I've got email addresses (see post #8), and will try those.

I deleted my last post.

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I'm sorry I caused this trouble.

You didn't cause any trouble. Nobody here "caused" any trouble. Everything that's been written and posted here was done with the best of intentions, and no one is faulting anyone for anything.

The discussion of the West mansion has been going on for months. It started long before one of our members went inside it and took some photos of the interior.

Most HAIF'ers are fine folks, including the photographer, and it just didn't occur to her and most of us, at the time, that displaying those photos might not have been the best idea, because of what kind of ideas they might inspire in people with dishonorable intentions.

But once those concerns were raised, HAIF'ers responded immediately and reacted appropriately. They confirmed my belief that within these cyber-portals are some of the finest people in this town.

So let's not let this get us down. If anything we should feel glad that the HAIF has played a role in helping to save the West mansion from demolition, and perhaps in protecting it from thieves.

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Hey! Who are you calling a HAIFER! Just kidding! Thanks for making me feel a little better. :)

Haifmeister sounds a little better. I was about to comment on the wallpaper but cant blame them for deleting. It would seem almost impossible that the wallpaper was original though. There was that ugly one that looked like mid 70's. Wish I knew what the mantels looked like if still there?

and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? She was on this thread up above. Maybe writing another letter to daddy or to grab a bottle of scotch. ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

If the sale is complete, and the civil engingeering plans partially complete, I bet that they are going to start grading the land soon. What does the fence look like? I know either a short one (less than 3 feet tall) with wooden posts, and black plastic banding or orange webbing is a silt fence. Silt fences are designed to keep waste dirt and debris from leaving the property, going into the streets, neighboring properties, and storm sewers.

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If the sale is complete, and the civil engingeering plans partially complete, I bet that they are going to start grading the land soon. What does the fence look like? I know either a short one (less than 3 feet tall) with wooden posts, and black plastic banding or orange webbing is a silt fence. Silt fences are designed to keep waste dirt and debris from leaving the property, going into the streets, neighboring properties, and storm sewers.

portable chain link 4 or 5 feet tall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got the plans in from Rice. It's such a great house. The second floor is laid out beautifully, but the original first floor layout is a maze of small rooms. I guess that's why people build huge kitchen/family rooms. Included in the plans are the plans from the 1968 remodel. Rice removed a majority of the bathrooms on the second floor and turned them into offices. In addition, Rice moved around the walls and reconfigured Mr. West's and Mrs. West's bedrooms. Funny thing is that there was a miad's room across from their bed rooms orginally, right above the one on the first floor. Mrs. West had the largest master bedroom, but the smalles bath. Mr. West had the exact opposite. The music room/library and den had an interconnecting room in the middle for a secretary. In the den, there was a closet (with gun rack) with a "magic" door that hid the safe. Also, there was an adjacent dressing room, bathroom, closet, and entrance porch for the den that was only accessable through the den and service porch; not through the adjacent Palm Room. I could go on and on.....Sadly, I only got the elevations and floor plans. The others are not available; garage, room finished, landscaping, etc. The plans I bought are full size reproductions, but black and white copies; not color. Not bad for $40.00.

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  • 1 month later...
Were they moving dirt around when the fences were up? More than likely, the orange fence was a silt fence. They are used to keep debris and muck getting off the property.

I never noticed them doing anything. A temporary chain link fence was up for a few weeks and now its gone. Can't see that they had done anything.

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I sure hope that nothing happens to the house.

This home is near the waters edge right? That means that over the decades at least Hurrican Carla must have flooded the place?

The exterior sure looks like it has needed a sand blasting for years.

Anyway, the property is so low lying its must have had water inside several times? :(

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I don't think it's even been flooded. I've seen pictures of it (recent) on the inside and it looks like there is no interior flood damage on the first floor. We had some great pics of the house here a while back, but we had to take them down. I still have them on my pc at home, and I bought the plans from Rice. It's a special house.

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  • 6 months later...
I just got the plans in from Rice. It's such a great house. The second floor is laid out beautifully, but the original first floor layout is a maze of small rooms. I guess that's why people build huge kitchen/family rooms. Included in the plans are the plans from the 1968 remodel. Rice removed a majority of the bathrooms on the second floor and turned them into offices. In addition, Rice moved around the walls and reconfigured Mr. West's and Mrs. West's bedrooms. Funny thing is that there was a miad's room across from their bed rooms orginally, right above the one on the first floor. Mrs. West had the largest master bedroom, but the smalles bath. Mr. West had the exact opposite. The music room/library and den had an interconnecting room in the middle for a secretary. In the den, there was a closet (with gun rack) with a "magic" door that hid the safe. Also, there was an adjacent dressing room, bathroom, closet, and entrance porch for the den that was only accessable through the den and service porch; not through the adjacent Palm Room. I could go on and on.....Sadly, I only got the elevations and floor plans. The others are not available; garage, room finished, landscaping, etc. The plans I bought are full size reproductions, but black and white copies; not color. Not bad for $40.00.

Who did you talk to for the plans? I called and spoke with the Real Estate dept and she had no clue. She told me to contact the current owner. I have an 11 yr old who is fascinated by this house and has been begging me for years to find him the floor plans. I emailed a friend of mine who works in the Engineering Dept at Rice to see if he could help and then found your blog! Any leads at all would be much appreciated! Scoutmom.... ;o)

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Here are a few from my collection of that great old home... These were taken when the home was first built...I will have to scan some more to post but here are a couple of bedrooms plus the garden area out back overlooking the lake... It would make sense that a rich basketball player could spend a few of his millions to take care of the proprety he owns in our community.... oh well... Story III




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