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University of Houston Campus Developments


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I love the new orientation of the stadium as it takes advantage of downtown's "Skyline" view! Need a better rendering of the exterior facade to make a judgement call. It looks to be another "breathable" metal exterior in the same vein as Dynamo Stadium. If so, that scares me. I'm certain it reduces costs but college football stadiums are built to last 50 plus years and I worry if a super modern look will be outdated in 10 years, but I'll withhold judgement until a more detailed rendering is available.

Thanks for posting!

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Please tell me it isn't pointing in that direction. The great thing about Robertson is that it was oriented to see the downtown skyline over the north end of the field. This would have it pointing off toward Memorial Park. That's a GORGEOUS stadium and I absolutely love it, but I was hoping that it would still be oriented to face downtown.

Where'd you get these images?

Edited by Golyadkin
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Please tell me it isn't pointing in that direction. The great thing about Robertson is that it was oriented to see the downtown skyline over the north end of the field. This would have it pointing off toward Memorial Park. That's a GORGEOUS stadium and I absolutely love it, but I was hoping that it would still be oriented to face downtown.

Where'd you get these images?

The field runs WNW to ESE. If it were a clock, the stadium runs on the 10:00-4:00 line. I have posted a true north map below. On that map below, downtown is NW. So the opening in the stadium allows the HOME stands and some of the Cullen end zone stands to have the skyline view.

I got the images from a document that UH released today. They've since pulled the document down. But I took screenshots.


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By the way, the stands are right on top of the field. You can't build stands any closer to the field than that. I love that.

The suite level/club level will be build in the middle of the home stands like TCU just built. Closer to the field than if we put them at the top of the home stands. And easier to access.

The lower bowl will be built below grade. It will have 25-28 rows. The main concourse will be about 5 feet above ground level.

The main concourse will have an unobstructed view of the field. Like Rice Stadium or Minute Maid. The concessions/restrooms will be built into the walls of the structure behind the concourse.

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I'm certain it reduces costs but college football stadiums are built to last 50 plus years and I worry if a super modern look will be outdated in 10 years, but I'll withhold judgement until a more detailed rendering is available.

It probably will look dated in 10 years. But then, it might look super-cool in 30 or 40 years, right before it gets torn down, presuming that it hasn't already been extensively remodeled into something bland and inoffensive.

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*begin rant*

Not if you get shot over there. You know what, this wave of crime on campus is starting to get more and more annoying. I'm not even worried! It's just a clear annoyance. UHPD has always been known to be a joke. I've lost a bike there and tons of other people I know have had things stolen there as well. Am I saying that UHPD should be able to stop all crime? Absolutely not... but I have always considered UHPD to be a false sense of security. I had a camera pointing right at my bike the day it was stolen. What did UHPD say? Oh, that camera hasn't worked in years. YEARS?! That camera is just there for show. And I hope all this crime is a wake up call for UHPD to get their act together cause just like the gunman last night, this stuff is making headline news! And who's going to want to go to a school where there are people getting robbed literally every week for the past month or so?

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*begin rant*

Not if you get shot over there. You know what, this wave of crime on campus is starting to get more and more annoying. I'm not even worried! It's just a clear annoyance. UHPD has always been known to be a joke. I've lost a bike there and tons of other people I know have had things stolen there as well. Am I saying that UHPD should be able to stop all crime? Absolutely not... but I have always considered UHPD to be a false sense of security. I had a camera pointing right at my bike the day it was stolen. What did UHPD say? Oh, that camera hasn't worked in years. YEARS?! That camera is just there for show. And I hope all this crime is a wake up call for UHPD to get their act together cause just like the gunman last night, this stuff is making headline news! And who's going to want to go to a school where there are people getting robbed literally every week for the past month or so?

Um...Yeeaahh about that


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My buddy had a trailer barbeque put stolen a few years back. There was video evidence, am eye witness and the guy who sole it still lived there. Nothing ever happened

Yup. That's how it goes. Oh well, looks like Khator is stepping up on some of the security on campus. Maybe that will help out cause I've talked to quite a few people who are second guessing about coming to UH now who either currently aren't in college yet or are either at HCC or UH-D. Really don't want that to happen :S

Edited by Triton
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Patrols have visibly increased in the past few years, and they built those little watch tower things in the parking lots so they are making at least a bit of an effort, but really they need to update security across the whole campus. Working security cameras and more than 1 cop for every 800 students would be nice. I also see "out of order" signs on those little emergency call stations way more than I would like to feel safe.

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Ultimately, increasing the number of students housed on campus will help as well. Just having lots of people out walking throughout the day should help curb crimes of opportunity. That being said, this is a large campus, and it doesn't seems like we have any more crime than any other university I've attended. When I was at the University of Minnesota we had a couple of robberies at gunpoint in faculty members' own offices.

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There was another UH robbery a day or two ago. In my opinion, UH has a lot more crime than I think most universities face.

My only other time outside of UH at a major university was at Texas Tech and we rarely got news of robberies and violence on campus. It seems as if UH sends out at least biweekly emails about these issues. Maybe UH is more informative that TTU was about these issues but I find myself always looking over my shoulder on campus because of the amount of crime. It is a serious serious issue that needs more funding and surveillance than I have seen.

Millions and millions of student tuition funding is going to new stadiums and buildings but a student can't feel safe on campus. Such a shame.

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Yep, UH actually has LESS crime than UT and ATM. That said, the crime at UT and ATM is more student-on-student crime (date rape, dorm theft, bike theft, etc...) whereas UH's is more random (car thefts and break ins and the recent wave of violent crime committed by people NOT affiliated with the school.

I attended UH for grad school and never had an issue with crime.

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Actually they installed those over a weekend about two weeks before Thanksgiving break. They closed Cullen late Friday afternoon and reopened it Monday morning.

Well then I stand corrected good sir. I do go that way every now and then and assumed they used the break to do it. They seem to be pretty rough, I guess they will fix that later on?

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