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Governor Kinky Friedman


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and where is this $100 million supposed to come from?

From your wallet and any thing else you got. A normal citizen can not get elected because it to expensive. People need to wake up.

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i just hate the fact that politrix has become such a big business and a farce. doesn't seem like there are truly any people anymore that really care about doing the right thing to improve society.

it's all games, money, and who can get what. and the little people get screwed whether its dems, republicans, or independents. once they get in office, they get weird.

it's interesting that arnold in california is now getting some COMMON sense and trying to do what is right for the people of california. some of those moves are in direct contrast to his party, and that is a good thing because it means he is THINKING and not just toting the party line.

i want to hear more about carol keeton strayhorn, but fear that she is really just a wolf in sheeps clothes. i mean, she was in austin for years. did she do anything against all the stuff she is now coming out against? or was she complicit in it all and now making it seem like she is trying to clean things up?

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From your wallet and any thing else you got. A normal citizen can not get elected because it to expensive. People need to wake up.

Exactly why I support a true independent. It's ridiculous that it takes million in a war chest to begin to consider running for office.

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Most people do not vote. Seriously: most people do not vote.

Do the math. How many are eligible to register? How many of them register? How many of those that do register vote?

If people were required to vote-as they are in many countries-who do you think our next govenor would be?

A: A guy with great hair and no ideas or real world solutions?

B: A serial divorcee [Carole Keeton McClellan Rylander Strayhorn] touting "family values" with no ideas or real world solutions?

C: A wild card democrat with no ideas or real world solutions?


D: a clown with colorful invective and no ideas or real world solutions?

It's up to you to do the work. Take what you're served up or pass it back and demand better.

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It's up to you to do the work. Take what you're served up or pass it back and demand better.


Btw, does anybody even know the name or the platform of the Libertarian candidate for governor? Funny thing about the politicians that get "served up" is that the newspapers always seem to get to do the serving.

...fourth branch of government... <_<

EDIT: Damn. Never mind. I just looked up James Werner (L). His campaign slogan is "A Regular Guy!" He's got ideas...gotta give him that...but no real world solutions. He'll get the Libertarian 2%.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i watched the debates last night and was highly disappointed in all of them. the only one (and i am not a supporter) that sounded like he had a clue was chris bell. he was articulate, thoughtful, well spoken, and knowledgeable

... but he has the personality of iceberg lettuce.

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My wireless keyboard is on the fritz, I should proof read before I send, Jez I do look high by that last post. Better change batteries. having to re-type every third letter.

Oh sure, just like Maxwell Smart would say, "The old dead batteries in the wireless keyboard trick." Now we know what the "F ." stands for Mark. "F lyin' High on the Hooka" :lol::lol::lol:

All I saw Rick Perry worried about was Mike Bell, since his only comments towards anyone in the debate were directed towards him.

Looked like Strayhorn got discombobulated. She was on the defensive most of the night. I don't think Kinky liked the forum much because he couldn't get off many of his colorful jokes. I did agree with him that you can't be afraid to offend someone, because as a politician you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try.

Edited by TJones
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Oh sure, just like Maxwell Smart would say, "The old dead batteries in the wireless keyboard trick." Now we know what the "F ." stands for Mark. "F lyin' High on the Hooka" :lol::lol::lol:

All I saw Rick Perry worried about was Mike Bell, since his only comments towards anyone in the debate were directed towards him.

Looked like Strayhorn got discombobulated. She was on the defensive most of the night. I don't think Kinky liked the forum much because he couldn't get off many of his colorful jokes. I did agree with him that you can't be afraid to offend someone, because as a politician you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try.


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i think i was just disappointed. regardless of political sway, it was just ... a joke. i realized that none of them (except bell ...and you know how i feel about him) had a grasp of the issues.

strayhorn doesn't even know the president of mexico's name! and all that handwaving and texas charm didn't save her.

kinky seemed out of water. while i think he is well meaning and probably the best PERSONALITY to run the state, i feel he is a little out of his league.

and rick perry. he just seems slick and deceitful ... is that the right word?

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I read in Texas Monthly recently that Chris Bell made an campaign appearance in Midland, and that he opened with something about being in the trifecta of unappreciated professions: Reporter, Lawyer, Politician. He said that if this running for Governor thing didn't pan out, he could always try Used Car Salesman.

And so, I'm wondering, what's on the resume of the other candidates. What's their backgrounds like? I'm still amazed that someone who was once a high school coach for Humble High could jump from that to being Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 4. (That would be Jerry Eversole.) :lol:

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have i been under a tree for the last 100 years? what did kinky say that was racist? i heard it hinted at in the debate, but never saw it reported anywhere.

He said that child molesters should be locked in a room with a negro talking to him self. then he said that the word negro was a charming word.

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damn, he actually said that?!?

well, as a 'negro' i take offense at that.

I did have a link to the story from the Houston Chronicle but it has expired. I will dig in the archives and update the link.

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I think cooler heads will prevail when you see what Kinky was saying. People getting their panties in a wad without knowing Kinky will freak. But he is the most non-racist person in the state. I love Kinky and godspeed him to the governor's office because he is head and shoulders above the rest of the scum we have in there.

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I think cooler heads will prevail when you see what Kinky was saying. People getting their panties in a wad without knowing Kinky will freak. But he is the most non-racist person in the state. I love Kinky and godspeed him to the governor's office because he is head and shoulders above the rest of the scum we have in there.

When you compare the word negro and child molester on the same level there's something wrong with him. I am a white honky cracker and i take offence to what he said two years ago.

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this is all very disturbing.

texas has become a multi-ethnic state with no clear racial majority (or soon will not have one) ...anyhow, i am in agreement that we face serious challenges that are gonna take all of us (white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.) to work through.

these kinds of things just polarize people.

perhaps kinky is a good person. perhaps these statements were done in his comedy routines or novels ... who really knows.

the fact is, that for a POLITICAL office, you have to account for many more things than you do if you are just a regular, private citizen.

again, i stand by my comment that the only viable candidate (so far and in my humble opinion) is chris bell, although he certain doesn't 'appeal' to me in any way.

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