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Terrorist in Houston?

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Dear Houstonians,

I'm writing this letter to let the Houstonians know that there's a possibility terrorist to be in our city. But, why Houston? Well, very simple. Houston has the oil & gas refineries, chemical plants, energy corridor, space (NASA), etc. Houston also plays a major role in America's economy today.

I've received important info from a good friend of mine that works directly for the Government in D.C. This person have mention to me that the terrorist already in place waiting for the word to set bombs in serveral different cities in America, and one of them is... Houston, TX. I've told this person when you think it will happen? Anywhere between this year, or the 1st quarter of next year (2007). It's people that you probably see, or assoicate with everyday and you wouldn't have a clue their a terrorist.

This unnamed person also mention that there will be no stopping terrorism. Don't care how much President Bush does to stop terrorist in America. America will forever be threaten by these types of people. It's alot of Americans joining the terrorist for money, or even for higher power. This person even told his/her family about the 9-11 attack before it happened, they laughed and thought it was a joke. When 9-11 happened they all cried, and thought the world was coming to an end.

I'm telling y'all, as a friend, as a Houstonian, keep your eyes open. Look for suspicious people, or things that may not seem right. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, anybody that would help to stop terrorist from crippling our city, and America's economy. BE ON GUARD!

Edited by houstonsemipro
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Thanks for keepin us updated on the chain e-mails


Geeze, why the hell would they bomb Houston? We destroy anything structure with a lifespan of 30 years anyways... well excluding "historic" (psh, who needs that anyways) or skyscrapers.

There, the job is already done for them.

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Terrorist's work on instilling terror and fear in a populace which then hurts the economy. So with that understood it would be smarter for any terroroist to target a highly recognizable symbol of the USA such as the Sears Tower, Seattle Space Needle, Golden Gate Bridge, etc.... gas prices would most likely go up higher on one of those attacks then if they blew up a few tanks at a refinery and as Niche said that is only hurting them.

Scharpe St Guy

Why would a terrorist target refineries? Doing so would only reduce our capacity to use resources that we import from the middle east. They'd be hurting their own pocketbook. And NASA is a terrible terrorist target.
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Dear Houstonians,

I'm writing this letter to let the Houstonians know that there's a possibility terrorist to be in our city. But, why Houston? Well, very simple. Houston has the oil & gas refineries, chemical plants, energy corridor, space (NASA), etc. Houston also plays a major role in America's economy today.

I've received important info from a good friend of mine that works directly for the Government in D.C. This person have mention to me that the terrorist already in place waiting for the word to set bombs in serveral different cities in America, and one of them is... Houston, TX. I've told this person when you think it will happen? Anywhere between this year, or the 1st quarter of next year (2007). It's people that you probably see, or assoicate with everyday and you wouldn't have a clue their a terrorist.

This unnamed person also mention that there will be no stopping terrorism. Don't care how much President Bush does to stop terrorist in America. America will forever be threaten by these types of people. It's alot of Americans joining the terrorist for money, or even for higher power. This person even told his/her family about the 9-11 attack before it happened, they laughed and thought it was a joke. When 9-11 happened they all cried, and thought the world was coming to an end.

I'm telling y'all, as a friend, as a Houstonian, keep your eyes open. Look for suspicious people, or things that may not seem right. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, anybody that would help to stop terrorist from crippling our city, and America's economy. BE ON GUARD!

Hmmmmm....sounds like one of those chain emails. Do we need to forward this info to ten of our closest friends?

Edited by west20th
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Alot of y'all taking it as a joke, good. Because, don't come on here crying saying they bomb downtown, or somewhere. Furthermore, this is not a chain email. I wrote this last night when I was on the phone with my friend from D.C. So, take it as a joke. I'll be safe.

How will you do that? I'm curious.

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Alot of y'all taking it as a joke, good. Because, don't come on here crying saying they bomb downtown, or somewhere. Furthermore, this is not a chain email. I wrote this last night when I was on the phone with my friend from D.C. So, take it as a joke. I'll be safe.

Wow, what a "co-inky-dink". This is just like the time my cousin from Cleveland called to warn about Pop-rocks & Pepsi.

Good looking out SEMIpro.

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I just saw a new study that says that it is the BULLETS that actually KILL the people, NOT the gun, so watch out for BULLETS. ;)

Semipro, you are right, we should always keep a watchful eye. Trying to pick out a lone terrorist in a populace of 6 million or so is a huge crap shoot. Your odds might be better by playing a few Quick Picks in tonight's Lotto. Be vigilant, but don't be scared, and when you see a terrorist, kill them, that is how you beat them.

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He's already hoarding duct tape and plastic....oh, and he doesn't hang out at Starbucks anymore.

Thanks Red,

I now have an image of semipro and plastic hunkered down somewhere in the greater Houston area playing a game of scrabble!

Edited by KinkaidAlum
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This my last comment for this thread, cause many people on here are jokesters and will be crying later. Remember that friend I have in D.C.? Who do you think he, or she going to warn first when something about to happen to Houston? Me!

Hell, he/she tried to warn the family when 9-11 going to attack in NYC, and they act just like y'all, but when it happen that laughter turned into hurt and tears. He/she also mention that Houston is too spread out in the open, and easy for terrorist to plot. Furthermore, it's other cities they want to do damage in trying to hurt America's economy. The government already know about it, but can they stop it? No! They just could slow it down.

I know it's hard to watch over 6 million people in this well-spread out city, but all I'm saying is keep your eyes open for anything that looks suspicious.

Edited by houstonsemipro
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This my last comment for this thread, cause many people on here are jokesters and will be crying later. Remember that friend I have in D.C.? Who do you think he, or she going to warn first when something about to happen to Houston? Me!

Hell, he/she tried to warn the family when 9-11 going to attack in NYC, and they act just like y'all, but when it happen that laughter turned into hurt and tears. He/she also mention that Houston is too spread out in the open, and easy for terrorist to plot. Furthermore, it's other cities they want to do damage in trying to hurt America's economy. The government already know about it, but can they stop it? No! They just could slow it down.

I know it's hard to watch over 6 million people in this well-spread out city, but all I'm saying is keep your eyes open for anything that looks suspicious.

Your saying your friend knew 911 was going to happen. Hmmmmmm.....Don't you think she should have warned the government instead of warning family? :ph34r: Oooooh do we have a conspiracy theory? :ph34r:

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Geeze, why the hell would they bomb Houston? We destroy anything structure with a lifespan of 30 years anyways... well excluding "historic" (psh, who needs that anyways) or skyscrapers.

There, the job is already done for them.

hear, hear fella. hear hear! :D

Edited by torvald
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This my last comment for this thread, cause many people on here are jokesters and will be crying later. Remember that friend I have in D.C.? Who do you think he, or she going to warn first when something about to happen to Houston? Me!

Hell, he/she tried to warn the family when 9-11 going to attack in NYC, and they act just like y'all, but when it happen that laughter turned into hurt and tears. He/she also mention that Houston is too spread out in the open, and easy for terrorist to plot. Furthermore, it's other cities they want to do damage in trying to hurt America's economy. The government already know about it, but can they stop it? No! They just could slow it down.

I know it's hard to watch over 6 million people in this well-spread out city, but all I'm saying is keep your eyes open for anything that looks suspicious.

That's right semi, the Govt. knew ALL about it, and they blew up the levees in New Orleans also. Here's what you can tell your "friend" from me.


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Terrorist's work on instilling terror and fear in a populace which then hurts the economy. So with that understood it would be smarter for any terroroist to target a highly recognizable symbol of the USA such as the Sears Tower, Seattle Space Needle, Golden Gate Bridge, etc.... gas prices would most likely go up higher on one of those attacks then if they blew up a few tanks at a refinery and as Niche said that is only hurting them.

Scharpe St Guy

... and destoying our economy won't hurt their oil sales? Their oft-stated goal is to kill all infidels, destroy western civilization... I'm thinking that might affect their oil sales too...

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... and destoying our economy won't hurt their oil sales? Their oft-stated goal is to kill all infidels, destroy western civilization... I'm thinking that might affect their oil sales too...

Actually, right now - that's not true - What they want to do is control the Middle East with an Islamic-style caliphate. The issue is that Western foriegn policy is in the way.

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Actually, right now - that's not true - What they want to do is control the Middle East with an Islamic-style caliphate. The issue is that Western foriegn policy is in the way.

Agreed. Their rhetoric is noxious...often even laughable...but their core intent seems to be psychological impact rather than economic impact. When terrorism is committed, the targets will always be located in the most populous areas so as to have the most impact on the greatest number of people. They must attack targets where everybody comes away thinking "that could've been me". That's why trophy office buildings, airports, and monuments/tourist destinations are the most at-risk. And in Europe, you can add train stations to the list.

In fact, the attacks on 9/11 managed to hit targets using all three of the elements that I just listed: trophy office buildings (governmental and private), they used airplanes that took off from domestic airports, and all of the targets were monumental, with the WTC even being a tourist draw.

In contrast, if a refinery blows up, it makes the news headlines for a week, helicopters buzz overhead filming the fireball, and people watch for the purposes of entertainment about as much as because it is actual news. But the average joe has never been in a refinery, doesn't know anybody who works at a refinery, and frankly couldn't give a damn except that gas prices go up by a couple dimes the next day...something the average joe is used to at this point. He isn't going to go around crying because Exxon lost a multibillion dollar facility and a few dozen or even a hundred or so employees...he could care less. All because it could never have happened to him.

...and it is the reactionary response of the average joe that the terrorists will count on to encourage a political response. All they have to do is hit on his nerves repeatedly and eventually the fighting response will be replaced by a defeatist mentality and ultimately capitulation.

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Houston/Harris County, Texas was on the moderate list for a terrorist attack. It was along with LA County, and somewhere else.

A few days or weeks after 9-11 the FBI had made a few raids and had gathered some intelligence that there were INDEED other "hotspots" for a possible terrorist plot. One of the spots was PASADENA. The media, showing just how truly ignorant they are, began questioning, "WHY Pasadena ? All they have is the Rose Bowl Stadium, maybe they were going to try and make a strike on another "symbol" of our American way of life ? "

Of course it turned out NOT to be Pasadena ,Ca. it was Pasadena,Tx. and the attention shifted quickly as to how many refineries there were, and the whole news media was astounded as to "How many facilities that were there, concentrated into one tiny town !", and of the questions that came about as to "How far was the safe zone if they all blew up ? How safe was Houston ?" I actually liked the fact that the media thinks everything happens in L.A. or New York, they literally has no clue that Pasadena, Tx. existed, not our local news mind you, I am talking about the national news services. Probably one of the reasons why Houston and Pasadena AREN'T on the "high priority" list of terrorist organizations. :ph34r:

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