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7 Teens Arrested in Sugar Land Home Invasion


Copryight 2007 Houston Chronicle

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Sugar Land police arrested seven teenagers accused of a brutal April 19 home invasion in which the invaders held the homeowner at gunpoint while they beat him and broke his nose.

Those arrested are: Travius Joseph, 18, Reginald Ward, 18, Jacob Rockward, 18, Jacolby Johnson, 18, Scottie Taylor, 17, Justin Cleveland, 17 and Patrick Thomas, 17. (shown in order)



I wonder which Sugar Land subdivision these seven fine young gentlemen hail from?

Edited by Jeebus
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Probably in jail or nowhere to be found. A lot of kids born in the late 80s grew up in really messed up households and environments. They either stayed with relatives or lived in packs on the streets like animals. You have to realize that this was when the drug known as crack really took hold in our society.

I think this is the worst case scenario. Many parents just don't instill respect in their children. A few days ago, a lady and her small child were in front of my parents house. my parents had just had some sand put near the driveway to fill in a few holes. The child had a small shovel and started digging up the sand and throwing it on my parents driveway.

If it was my mom, she would have said something to me. This lady didn't say a thing and when my mom told her something, she got irritated. The lady was probably in her 30's. something comes to mind but I'll keep it rated G.

Edited by musicman
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7 Teens Arrested in Sugar Land Home Invasion


Copryight 2007 Houston Chronicle

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Sugar Land police arrested seven teenagers accused of a brutal April 19 home invasion in which the invaders held the homeowner at gunpoint while they beat him and broke his nose.

Those arrested are: Travius Joseph, 18, Reginald Ward, 18, Jacob Rockward, 18, Jacolby Johnson, 18, Scottie Taylor, 17, Justin Cleveland, 17 and Patrick Thomas, 17. (shown in order)



KHOU is reporting that all seven went to Elsik High School in Alief, on Houston's southwest side. This further backs what I said in another forum that Sugar Land isn't the problem, it's neighbor to the north: Southwest Houston, is. Maybe Sugar Land need the Army Corp of Engineers to come in and build one of those nifty walls they're building in Iraq?

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Sugar Land may not be where 'the problem' originates in many cases, but it certainly is the recipient of more than its fair share of these kinds of incidents. All of those neighborhoods located right off the freeway make for an inviting target.

The solution?

Pass a mandatory gun law like they have in Kennesaw Georgia.

Edited by mrfootball
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Sugar Land may not be where 'the problem' originates in many cases, but it certainly is the recipient of more than its fair share of these kinds of incidents. All of those neighborhoods located right off the freeway make for an inviting target.

I don't even think its that. I think its just the closest "easy" target to the thugs of the "S.W.A.T." aka, Southwest Houston.

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It never crossed my mind that the teens were from Sugarland. If it had been 2 teens doing the home invasion, then possibly... 7 teens doing it, no way. It would be very hard to find 7 teenagers from Sugarland who are willing to break into a home, assault and injure the homeowner, and then rob him of all his possessions.

Just look at those 7 guys. Same story, new generation. When will these black women learn to stop letting these druggies, criminals, and lazy losers impregnate them so that 17-18 years later, the child bands together with other guys who have the same father situation and they go out and terrorize people all over the city. This whole thing could have been prevented if only these urban black women in the 80s understood the concept of family planning and not getting pregnant if you can't provide for the kids financially, parentally, and morally. I understand that the moms could have been rape victims, but if that was the case, the kids should have been put up for adoption in good homes so they wouldn't grow up to be these selfish, uncivilized creatures roaming the streets terrorizing people, injuring them, and taking what does not rightfully belong to them in 2007. It's getting to the point where I'll see a woman out in public with her small children around 6-7 years old, and I look at the woman and all I can think about is how the kids will be future criminals in 2019. They need to take pre-emptive measures to stop certain people from having children until we have a civilization of people who were raised properly. Then again, maybe the teens simply lost their minds because they couldn't stand living in Alief. That area just looks so depressing now. Okay, done with my rant for the night.

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7 Teens Arrested in Sugar Land Home Invasion


Copryight 2007 Houston Chronicle

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Sugar Land police arrested seven teenagers accused of a brutal April 19 home invasion in which the invaders held the homeowner at gunpoint while they beat him and broke his nose.

Those arrested are: Travius Joseph, 18, Reginald Ward, 18, Jacob Rockward, 18, Jacolby Johnson, 18, Scottie Taylor, 17, Justin Cleveland, 17 and Patrick Thomas, 17. (shown in order)



KHOU is reporting that all seven went to Elsik High School in Alief, on Houston's southwest side. This further backs what I said in another forum that Sugar Land isn't the problem, it's neighbor to the north: Southwest Houston, is. Maybe Sugar Land need the Army Corp of Engineers to come in and build one of those nifty walls they're building in Iraq?

Now KPRC is reporting that six of the thugs shown above admitted to being in a gang called the Rolling Sixties.

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It's getting to the point where I'll see a woman out in public with her small children around 6-7 years old, and I look at the woman and all I can think about is how the kids will be future criminals in 2019.
Auteur, i think this is just hilarious! but then at the same time it is sad. Edited by musicman
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Proves my point.....Sugar Land is bordered by an area where it's easy to make a quick buck and get back home with no problem...especially Highway 6..again, it's the closest affluent area to Houston so it will also be targeted first...that's the way it is...

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Do the above posters know the accused? Can they say for a FACT that they're not from Sugar Land?

Or is there some 'assuming' going on?

I mentioned a source in my post. KHOU reported that all seven went to Elsik High School.

A couple of these thugs would have been better off aborted.

Not a single one of them look resentful in their mug-shots.

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Auteur, are you suggesting that abortion has its place when it comes to unwanted pregnancies?

Well, no, it doesn't need to come down to that. There ought to be pre-emptive measures to stop people from being born into these types of households, which lead to the attitudes and facial expressions you see on those photo mug shots of the 7 teens.

They need to start penalizing women for having children outside of a stable home, although I'm not sure how this measure would be defined for legal purposes, it's just an idea in progress. They could penalize women who are not financially able to provide for the child by limiting the number of children they are allowed to have to 1 child, or not letting them have any children at all, with penalty of imprisonment. We have to start thinking of child births as a future cost to society, and the best way to do this is to penalize the women, not just the loser fathers. Teens like those 7 in the photos will never be interested in working. They are permanent criminals, because they want immediate gratification and they have no sense of morality or respect, so breaking into someone's home and breaking their nose before stealing all their stuff is not a problem to them.

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So, you are against abortion, yet you have no problem imprisoning a poor woman who has a child? How would you limit them to one child...put them under the knife? Does the US Constitution mean anything to you?

Would it not be easier and cheaper and less constitutionally repugnant to pass out condoms to poor people and encourage their use? Would it not be cheaper to allow abortions to limit the unwanted pregnancies? If your real concern is the unwanted pregnancies that grow up to be unwanted criminals, why not make early term abortions easier to obtain for poor women, since it would be much cheaper?

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Well, no, it doesn't need to come down to that. There ought to be pre-emptive measures to stop people from being born into these types of households, which lead to the attitudes and facial expressions you see on those photo mug shots of the 7 teens.

They need to start penalizing women for having children outside of a stable home, although I'm not sure how this measure would be defined for legal purposes, it's just an idea in progress. They could penalize women who are not financially able to provide for the child by limiting the number of children they are allowed to have to 1 child, or not letting them have any children at all, with penalty of imprisonment. We have to start thinking of child births as a future cost to society, and the best way to do this is to penalize the women, not just the loser fathers. Teens like those 7 in the photos will never be interested in working. They are permanent criminals, because they want immediate gratification and they have no sense of morality or respect, so breaking into someone's home and breaking their nose before stealing all their stuff is not a problem to them.

Man, this thread is full of great ideas "sarcasm"

"abort them"

"they are never gonna work"


These guys screwed up and are going to pay for it in jail

When they are released they will be 10x the criminals they are today!!

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it's not their fault.....thank the people who forced alot of folks away from the inner city and in some cases, their support area, to far out places where people think everyone has "gold"
Wouldn't they be considered the the very same people that forced those with money away from the inner-city? And for what its worth, YES it is their fault - 100%. It's their fault and no one elses because unlike thousands of other people who live in the same living conditions and environment in Alief, they made the conscious effort to rob and beat a man.

What most disgusting about their crime is that they can't even justify that the robbery was for anything worthwhile, like buying food for their family, or paying rent to avoid eviction. Those selfish little turds went straight to the nicest mall they could find and went on a shopping spree.

I agree - we're looking at seven missed abortions. Absolutely disgusting.

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Just look at those 7 guys. Same story, new generation. When will these black women learn to stop letting these druggies, criminals, and lazy losers impregnate them so that 17-18 years later, the child bands together with other guys who have the same father situation and they go out and terrorize people all over the city.

It's getting to the point where I'll see a woman out in public with her small children around 6-7 years old, and I look at the woman and all I can think about is how the kids will be future criminals in 2019. They need to take pre-emptive measures to stop certain people from having children until we have a civilization of people who were raised properly.

How sad... I pray you're never in a position to make hiring decisions. I wonder if the parents of those black children you look at in disgust look at little white children and wonder how many will grow up to be ignorant and prejudiced.

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How sad... I pray you're never in a position to make hiring decisions. I wonder if the parents of those black children you look at in disgust look at little white children and wonder how many will grow up to be ignorant and prejudiced.

I'm wise enough to know that when I get these feelings about people, I am probably completely wrong, since I don't know anything about them, but I just think there are too many women who have no idea how to raise a child and who can barely take care of themselves that think having kids is required of them or something.

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I blame Shelly Sekula Gibbs. Ever since she started her 2 week fill-in term, things in Ft. Bend County have gone rapidly downhill.

And this topic just got much bigger under Nick Lampson's watch...After all, no one else has a congressional district that is home to a posh suburb (SL) that is the target of home invaders, another suburb (Mo City) under fire because of their city leadership (and no term limits unlike well-managed SL), another suburb (Pasadena) that gets a derisive nickname because of its refineries and the smells they emit, and another suburb (Clear Lake, which is actually part of Houston) that is home to a part of the government that's a mess because of reasons I'll explain later...

Add Sugar Land's crime problems (mostly home invasions and robberies at FCM and such...even a bomb threat last year at Dulles HS), the mismanagement of Quail Valley C.C., a school district in disarray (FBISD), and controversy over a schoolteacher showing up on "The Bachelor" (not to mention the news stations filing suit against a landfill owner over a poorly-thought plan to raise the height of the landfill above the weather radars)...then throw in a U.S. News and World Report segment naming Fort Bend County among the worst commutes in the nation...and go east to find more trouble...residents having to deal with noise, evacuation and disaster ordeals because of the BP plant in Texas City (which I believe is actually in neighboring Ron Paul's district, not Lampson's, not sure about where the plant is evacuated) and whatever families within the 22nd District were affected by the explosion in '05...and all the recent troubles at NASA...with the space shuttle on the verge of retirement because of the Columbia tragedy, the recent standoff at JSC where one employee was murdered, the suspect committed suicide, and another employee got away...and because of Lisa Nowak, the official piece of clothing among District 22 residents is now a diaper...even Texas Monthly did a story on the Nowak love triangle...and mentioned the word "DIAPERS" in small print on the front cover...

Expect every news organization in the country that covers politics to have a reporter every day of the week in CD-22...because Karl Rove has made this district numero uno for the GOP. I wouldn't be surprised if this topic (and so many others) is a factor in Rove's decision to put this district at the top of the target list.

Oh, and btw, HPD needs to get involved to stop the criminals in SW Houston from crossing over and terrorizing the SL...and do something more like what a police department ought to do...I'm sick of hearing news stories about taser controversies, but I at least want to see HPD get rid of their pathetic "sanctuary" law...which to my knowledge Sekula Gibbs (courtesy of a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee flyer last year) approved of...

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Oh, and btw, HPD needs to get involved to stop the criminals in SW Houston from crossing over and terrorizing the SL...and do something more like what a police department ought to do...

Love to help you out there bud, but Mayor White just got slapped down for trying to help out our suburban cities.


Apparently, this is an issue of "city sovreignty", at least according to our Republican legislators, so Sugar Land is on its own. But, on a brighter note, since our thugs have found greener pastures out your way, Houston's crime rate is going down. Thanks for drawing them away from us with all that Sugar Land bling.

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The circumstances of your birth DO NOT determine what kind of person you will end up as.

There are people raised in warm families who are murderers and psychopaths. There are people who grew up in horrible families or no family at all who are walking angels.

Some of you need to set aside the creepy social theories and rediscover HUMAN LIFE in all its glorious unpredictableness.

If you think children in the inner city are going to end up as criminals, why don't you go volunteer in a tutoring or after-school program and try to touch their lives, instead of advocating inhuman regulations of childbirth?

If we start letting the govt. control how people give birth because we think such-and-such demographic is likely to become a criminal, what else does that open the door to???

And lastly... this is not going to be popular, but it needs to be said... contraception and abortion have led to FAR MORE "unwanted births" in this country by TURNING SEX INTO A COMMODITY and erasing the virtues of prudence and forethought practiced for thousands of years than whatever minor tally they have prevented.

Alright, flame away!! :D

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And lastly... this is not going to be popular, but it needs to be said... contraception and abortion have led to FAR MORE "unwanted births" in this country by TURNING SEX INTO A COMMODITY and erasing the virtues of prudence and forethought practiced for thousands of years than whatever minor tally they have prevented.

Alright, flame away!! :D

I"m sure a Democrat will respond! :)

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More lowlifes, this time young hispanic and black women assaulting elderly white women in their driveways. Similar to those 7 losers from previous discussion, these cowardly black and hispanic women go on a shopping spree afterwards with the money they stole, this time at the Wal-Mart on Dunvale. I feel really bad for those old white ladies. They probably never thought that in 2007, they'd be beaten in their driveways by some stupid young girls. I really wish they had been caught, because people like this are what is ruining our city; basically these people in their early 20s who live in apartments and can't seem to figure out a morally acceptable way to make money when they "need to get paid quickly".


Edited by PureAuteur
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More lowlifes, this time young hispanic and black women assaulting elderly white women in their driveways. Similar to those 7 losers from previous discussion, these cowardly black and hispanic women go on a shopping spree afterwards with the money they stole, this time at the Wal-Mart on Dunvale. I feel really bad for those old white ladies. They probably never thought that in 2007, they'd be beaten in their driveways by some stupid young girls. I really wish they had been caught, because people like this are what is ruining our city; basically these people in their early 20s who live in apartments and can't seem to figure out a morally acceptable way to make money when they "need to get paid quickly".


Maybe stiffer punishments for crimes of moral repugnance. For example, since these girls, and the doofuses (sp?) from last week went on shopping sprees with their looted money, that would show that their crimes we repugnant in nature. For losers like that, I'd vote to make it legal to chop off a hand, or maybe a public branding. Once you've chopped off a few hands, or branded a few peoples faces, the rest of the morons out there might not be so inclined to commit stupid acts of violence. As for second time offenders, shoot them.

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