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The Beatles By David Adickes

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I saw on Channel 2 last night that all four Beatles, instruments and all (during their Sgt. Petter phase) will soon be standing 35 feet tall somewhere along I-10 brought to us by David Adickes.

Mr. Adickes purchased the land himself.

Adickes is also doing Texas Legends, in Mount Rushmore fashion, along I-10 as well.


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I love his Sam Houston. You can't touch that.

Well, I'll agree that at least the site seems appropriate. I classify it with the giant balls of twine, mud huts and "mystery spots" you see on the side of the highway during road trips.

Seriously, had they put Sam in a park on the campus of SHSU, it might have made sense...I guess. I'd still be more interested in a carved stone sculpture instead of this thing that looks like plastic.

Sorry, but I think Big Sam is trailer trash.

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The Beatles project has been in the works for years. It's not because they have any connection to Houston, is because the sculptor likes them. I believe the site is around Shepherd and I-10.

To be honest, I kind of like the idea. I just have a weakness for madcap roadside art.

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I'm definitely in favor of this. Since I am a huge Beatles fan, I am slightly biased but, hey, they are the greatest rock and roll band ever and had a huge impact on our culture.

A cowboy or an astronaut is so predictable. Let's do something different. Somethng that will get more attention. If nothing else, people will be scratching their head...Beatles....Houston...okay, I give up!

There is one connection. Ringo Starr wanted to move to Houston as a teenager to be near his musical idol Lightnin' Hopkins. He and a friend actually filled out the preliminary paperwork before they decided it was just too much of a hassle.


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The Beatles project has been in the works for years. It's not because they have any connection to Houston, is because the sculptor likes them. I believe the site is around Shepherd and I-10.

To be honest, I kind of like the idea. I just have a weakness for madcap roadside art.

I'm with you. I'm a big fan of David Adickes and this project. Has anyone ever been to his studio on Summer? It's so fun.

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