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For those about to rock: KACC 89.7 - The Gulf Coast Rocker!


Alvin Community College Radio. Great reception on the South side and Galvetson. It's my beach house fave.

They had a funny slogan this weekend:

"Proudly keeping Salsa off the air, and where she belongs: In your fridge!



here is what Myspace.com said (KRBE's Myspace.com page)


"http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=23446914&blogID=142075132&MyToken=7e234914-ecfa-44b1-91af-604edeb16834" what the fans say!

"About me:

104.1 KRBE is the biggest radio station in Texas with 1,000,000+ listeners. " -on myspace... WOW is that about to change!!!

Looks like Scott Sparks is leaving too, going to 107.5. All the radio stations are a joke anyway, and probably second least to advertising, DJ's are not the reason I listen to the radio.

Scott Sparking is the cracker of crackers! I laugh everytime is see that beer belly bastard smoke a cigar. Does he really think his image is still cool. I don't know how his wife (who was my high school teacher at one time) puts up with his nasty tired looks.


The format has definately changed. Old Creed and En Vouge for Christ's sake. I already turned off 104 in my office. It's what I used to keep on all day. And I'm very far from the 20 year olds that Corporate Radio Hacks think were attracted to the Atom and Maria show.

I may be old but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy a rap or hip-hop song. I loved Maria Todd and thought Atom was a good mix to her.

Thank goodness my iPod speakers for my office came in the mail yesterday. Not a day too soon.

Here's another article from this morning's Chronicle:


Actually the article is WAY wrong about Scott, I know for a FACT that he was on the radio yesterday between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. They must have meant to say he was leaving this Friday. He is also still featured on the 104 website too.

Good riddance anyways, what a dweeb he was. (he was always playing old crap during he time on the air)

So what happened to the model wannabe Johnny Bravo?

Posted (edited)

Changes are good. I think ever since Sam Malone left ( although I didn't like him) things started to go downhill and just became too repetitive. C'mon, how many times in a day can we listen to Kelly Clarkson, All American Rejects, Mariah Carey, Fall Out Boy etc...

I do support the more of a mix type music or probably go back to a techno-like station at night.

Edited by emirate25
Posted (edited)

I just don't want the Staind, Nickelback, Hoobastank, Linkin Park, Incubus, The Killers tired stuff to play all the time.

Edited by Pumapayam

Hey, all I have to say is that any idiot that calls himself "Atom".... and then adds to that "Smasher".... needs to go away..... Far away!!! The new team, if you can call them that, will be a much welcomed return!!!!! Trust me!!!!!



ACK! :o:o:o

He is DEFINATELY not photogenic, why did you do that Coog, you almost cracked my screen!

I saw him one time at a restaraunt with his One 2 One Personal trainer. I assumed it was his "lover" at first before I saw the uniform and put 2 and 2 together.

He fits the stereotype well although.


I for one think the new format sucks, I think the new 107.5 format sucks even more. How can the 4th largest city in the nation be without a Top 40 station?

I really thought Roula and Ryan would be a great fit for 104 in the Top 40 format. But they need an older team if they're switching to a Mix format.

BTW, I like the Staind, Nickelback, Hoobastank, Linkin Park, Incubus, and Killers stuff. That's Top 40, it's what is selling today, not yesterday!

BTW, I like the Staind, Nickelback, Hoobastank, Linkin Park, Incubus, and Killers stuff. That's Top 40, it's what is selling today, not yesterday!

Yeah, I agree, I like them too, but I hate hearing them every 2 hours! :closedeyes:

Looks like it is leaning more towards Ryan and Roula

Trying to follow that 96.5 vibe, eh? Definately headed on the right track.

I predict that Maria Todd and Atom Smasher will both dj for another radio station. If Atom wanted to, why not get himself an XM show?


Interesting. I had stopped listening to KRBE about two years ago. They had stopped playing a lot of the music I liked and were playing more hip hop and rap that I don't like. I used to listen to Sam and Maria every morning, but toward the end, their show just wasn't what it used to be.

I'd love to see KRBE return to being more like it was in the late 1990s, with more new music that wasn't being played everywhere else.

But these days, when I'm in my own car I've usually got XM on or a CD playing. When I'm traveling for work, I try to stick to the rental cars with XM too. I haven't really listened to much Houston radio, other than NPR, in the last year.


i wonder if mariah todd will join sam malone at 96.5. or did they part ways on 104 on bad terms?

they were the only duo that i could tolerate here in town. dean and rog are cool too though. they still around?

i wonder if mariah todd will join sam malone at 96.5. or did they part ways on 104 on bad terms?

they were the only duo that i could tolerate here in town. dean and rog are cool too though. they still around?

Sam already took on his old midday DJ co-worker from 104, Michelle Fisher, as his sidekick. I doubt they'd bring in Maria now that Michelle is under contract. And pretty good I might add.

Sam already took on his old midday DJ co-worker from 104, Michelle Fisher, as his sidekick.

He stabbed her in the back, that makes him a back stabber. No love from him.

Posted (edited)

They are going to announce the new morning show tomorrow at 9 a.m on KHOU. They have been plugging it all day on 104. That is when "Great Day Houston" comes on. "Coincidentally" Roula is on that show.

What really sucks is Roula is a good friend of Atom

Edited by nonnahs
Something tellls me they will not be friends anymore, I wish I could hear that converstation! :blink:

Oh she probably won't answer his calls. :blush: They keeps saying they are making Houston history with the new show. I am guessing they think just switch talent from one station to the next is history. It's the same ole thing we had a year ago sans Maria only on diff stations! :angry2:


Until hip hop dies the death it deserves, and fools continue listen to Kelly Clarkson, Hillary Duff, et. al, I have no hope for Top 40 radio.

Video did NOT kill the radio star.

Stupid tween girls and wanna-be white boys did.

and fools continue listen to Kelly Clarkson

Actually Kelly has become her own artist rather than an American Idol winner. That is just me. I am going to see if my friend who works out at One 2 One knows anything about Atom.

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