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Dominique Sachse went downhill after giving birth

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  • 1 month later...

I just don't think Dominique has really earned her position. She really never covered many stories as a reporter and jumped to anchor position. I think the station promoted her for her looks. You could see the writing on the wall when Channel 2 was using three anchors on their ten o'clock news several years ago. You knew Linda Lorelle was going to get squeezed out. You had a feeling it wasn't going to be Dominque or Bill.

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I just don't think Dominique has really earned her position. She really never covered many stories as a reporter and jumped to anchor position. I think the station promoted her for her looks.

Dominique has NEVER covered a story, because the news director knows better than to let her outside the station. There's just no other way to say this, but she's an air head. She's one of those people who looks great on camera and who can read well with authority and sincerity. Outside those duties she's useless. And her news stories are written for her. That's what local TV news has come to, at least at Channel 2.

I remember when KPRC TV had the most respected news department in this part of the country. That was a long time ago. Now it's just a warmup lead-in for Entertainment Tonight.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like this thread. This forum allows people to say what they think and shatter the false illusion of "we all agree" that we see and read in the media. If the reporters can't handle reading bad reviews they should be in another line of work. If you can't deal with someone's opinions you should not be on a web forum.

Sachse, well you can search my older posts for my opinion on her. In short, yes she is overrated, annoying, and has a major ego problem where she thinks she is #1 when she is not.

Lauren Freeman was okay when she started out but she has had the ways of Sachse rub off on her. I can't stand her stupid comments and opinions interjected into the news stories. Her teasing and banter with the weather guy and Conflenti is very unprofessional and just bad television. Freeman's personality also seems to be one of "Do whatever it takes to get the most stuff you can cause whoever has the most stuff before they die wins". That's fine if you are a Wall Street shark but she tries to pretend she cares about the news and the community when she just wants to do what it takes to just further her career; the end justifies the means if you will. She lacks being genuine and this is what I dislike the most.

I miss Gasia cause she would smile and stare into the camera as Conflenti spoke of a murder suicide overnight but that was just her style and it was hillarious dark comedy. Yes that too was inappropriate was an anchor but I would say she did not do that as a means to an end she desired. She was more real and that I liked.

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Dominique has NEVER covered a story, because the news director knows better than to let her outside the station. There's just no other way to say this, but she's an air head. She's one of those people who looks great on camera and who can read well with authority and sincerity. Outside those duties she's useless. And her news stories are written for her. That's what local TV news has come to, at least at Channel 2.

Proof of this was during the Rodeo, when she did live remotes on location, during the evening newscasts. Very amatuer indeed.

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  • 3 months later...

Gasia Mikaelian is in San Francisco now. I saw her when I was out there a few weeks ago. She was the best this city ever had - professional, well spoken, intelligent, gorgeous, etc. It was good to see her again. Forgot the channel though. San Francisco is where she's from, by the way, so I imagine she's glad to be back home.

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Who else will agree with me on this? Don't you think Dominique lost some appeal to her after giving birth to her son?

In my opinion, I think she did. Laura Freeman is a hottie...I saw her covering the past flooding and she is quite an eye catcher.

You are one screwed up dude. I feel sorry for any woman that would even consider dating you, forget marriage.

I take spin class with Dominique and she looks fantastic. She could kick your ass any day. I would LOVE to see what you look like. I'm sure you're nothing to brag about. Ugh, I hope I don't see your posts on here anymore since this was from a year ago. Disgusting.

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Who else will agree with me on this? Don't you think Dominique lost some appeal to her after giving birth to her son?

In my opinion, I think she did. Laura Freeman is a hottie...I saw her covering the past flooding and she is quite an eye catcher.

Can you do a side-by-side comparison of before and after. I've seen her before, but not sure I have seen her since (I do not really watch a lot of local news).

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  • 10 months later...
for you dominique fans.

Dominique Sachse has signed a new seven-year contract with KPRC (Channel 2), but not before considering other job opportunities that may have included a shot at the Big Apple.

Um...yeah...sure. What with Channel 2 being a ratings juggernaut, the New York stations were probably all over it.

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I love how Joe and Jane Six Pack criticize local news for being shallow and all about flash over substance, then write dozens of messages on an internet forum talking about an anchor's looks.


No kidding. The talent aspect of newscasting (known as the 'meat' in some circles) is way the hell overrated.

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I love how Joe and Jane Six Pack criticize local news for being shallow and all about flash over substance, then write dozens of messages on an internet forum talking about an anchor's looks.


I'm shocked someone didn't close this thread before it was allowed to take off. The subject line alone would get you fired from any company just for saying it out loud.

Besides, if we're going to judge someone, lets base it on their talent - and not their looks.

Edited by Jeebus
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Slam the door on this POS, not worth the bandwidth or hard drive space.............

Yet... this thread is one of more viewed threads on HAIF... 10,660 views... definitely has that tabloid/train wreck appeal - everyone just has to look... say what you want about the topic

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Jeebus has thrown down the gauntlet.

Anyone want to continue the discussion based on merits other than physical and perceived?

I believe my post makes a passing grade. I commented on the low ratings, no doubt based on Channel 2's insistence on sensationalism over content, and the on-air talent willingly adds to it with their breathless delivery.

(Note that I was unimpressed with this newscaster's looks BEFORE she gave birth, so the original title did not impress me.)

Edited for poor spelling.

Edited by RedScare
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  • 8 months later...
I think the best looking (and performing) person on our local news is Kristi Powers.

Have you noticed that the news casters on 26 are funnier in the early hours?

Seriously? Best performing? She was a train wreck when she was at 39. Funny how her KRIV online biography doesn't mention that she used to work across the street.

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This is the first time I clicked on this thread. I am dissapointed there are no pictures. So yes thread is useless.

I think we can agree that the reason this thread has so many views is that people came to it to see if their were comparison pictures.

If this thread is going to continue to exist someone needs to get off their arse and post pictures.

Edited by westguy76
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This is the first time I clicked on this thread. I am dissapointed there are no pictures. So yes thread is useless.

I think we can agree that the reason this thread has so many views is that people came to it to see if their were comparison pictures.

If this thread is going to continue to exist someone needs to get off their arse and post pictures.

Why would we want to scare people away from HAIF posting photos of Dominique?

Here's a picture, happy now?


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Seriously? Best performing? She was a train wreck when she was at 39. Funny how her KRIV online biography doesn't mention that she used to work across the street.

She always smiles, doesn't dilly dally (from the couple of times I've seen her), looks well put together, and doesn't talk so much that is feels like you know her. Its more Tantilizing to conceal then reveal... as creepy as that sounds.

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