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What Drives You Crazy?


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Especially in these times, when any place that grows hair is considered fair game for the razor.

Tell the management that you want 3-way mirrors installed, because you're having trouble shaving your back. Perhaps that will prompt them into establishing some sort of policy on this matter.

well, i kinda think God put my hair in certain places for a reason. buy when i do decide to trim/shave my 'delicates', i am certainly not gonna do it in the gym lockerroom bathroom.

Edited by bruce_oneal
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well, i kinda think God put my hair in certain places for a reason. buy when i do decide to trim/shave my 'delicates', i am certainly not gonna do it in the gym lockerroom bathroom.

The conservatives who always say things like "The problem with this country is..." "What we need is..."

They think that they have the answer to everything.

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You know what kind of bugs me? When you buy something, and they ask you if you would like something else. "Would you like a drink with that?" "Would you like a pastry with that?" Like you're too stupid to order what you want without prompting. Sometimes I just respond, "No, that's why I didn't order one."

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You know what kind of bugs me? When you buy something, and they ask you if you would like something else. "Would you like a drink with that?" "Would you like a pastry with that?" Like you're too stupid to order what you want without prompting. Sometimes I just respond, "No, that's why I didn't order one."

..................and that's when they SPIT in your food. Don't piss off the drive-thru people. Did you learn NOTHING from "Fight Club" !?

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..................and that's when they SPIT in your food. Don't piss off the drive-thru people. Did you learn NOTHING from "Fight Club" !?

well, they're not just asking out of the kindness of their hearts. the machines that they work for know that if one thousand extra people order an apple pie, that $500 extra dollars ... just for asking a simple question. multiply it by the thousands of restaurants and you get the picture... big bucks.

that said, it bugs me too .. "no, i do not want a meal ... i just want a sandwhich ... if i wanted a MEAL i would have ordered it that way ... trust me!"

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well, they're not just asking out of the kindness of their hearts. the machines that they work for know that if one thousand extra people order an apple pie, that $500 extra dollars ... just for asking a simple question. multiply it by the thousands of restaurants and you get the picture... big bucks.

that said, it bugs me too .. "no, i do not want a meal ... i just want a sandwhich ... if i wanted a MEAL i would have ordered it that way ... trust me!"

I am in total agreement, I was in the restaurant business for almost 10 years. Not fast food mind you, but the mentality is the same. It is SELLING ! Just like macbro says, 50% of people asked will automatically "upgrade" without giving thought that it's only 49 cents, "sure go ahead, supersize me". I'm not kidding about giving the sarcastic remark though. These folks are getting paid minimum wage for a crappy job. They don't need the rhetoric, they are just doing what they have been FORCED to do by "Management". Think about a possible "special sauce" on your burger, before you make the correction to the 17yr. old talking to you on the headset. B)

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My rant du jour is a Realtor rant. If you can take the time to meet with someone to take a listing, then take 5 minutes and click some pictures. It takes 2 minutes to download them on MLS. I HATE IT when you are trying to find houses for clients and you have no idea what one looks like because the listing agent can't get it together to download photos for up to a week after they have taken the listing.

If I am going to have photos professionally done, & that causes a delay, then I snap some to tide me over until the professional ones come in. It just isn't that hard.

Second worst is when there are no interior pictures. The MLS will take up to 16 photos, I believe 6 are required. I consider 10 to be the minimum on a house. Sometimes you will see 6 shots of the exterior taken at slightly different angles. Often times on houses that have great interiors. But the agent won't include those.

I always try to keep up with all the mid-century moderns, and it would be a lot easier to scan areas if agents would use the correct category on the architectural style category. You will have mods that are clearly as contemporary as they come, but instead of putting them under contemporary, they put them under "traditional" or "colonial" or something equally stupid. So you have to scan entire zones to make sure you don't miss anything good.

Anyone who scans HAR looking for houses themselves probably can feel my pain on this one.

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This may sound stupid, but one thing that drives me crazy is when a place goes out of business and they take down the sign outside of the building and you can still see outlines of the signs and marks it left. Then another business comes takes there place and you can still see the spots and marks on the building from the old sign. Why don't they ever fix that?????

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This may sound stupid, but one thing that drives me crazy is when a place goes out of business and they take down the sign outside of the building and you can still see outlines of the signs and marks it left. Then another business comes takes there place and you can still see the spots and marks on the building from the old sign. Why don't they ever fix that?????

prolly cause they don't know how.

but thanks for sharing that. i never realized it until now, but that bothers me too!

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The daytime news:

OK, so I'm off work today just lounging around watching the 4:00 news...I don't need to see the weather every 15 minutes - nothing has changed within the hour (much less the last 24 hours).

Now the 5:00 news is on. They are talking about the sames topics as the 4:00 news - oh, but wait, it's 5:02 and I get another weather forcast. Anything new? No!!

I just can't wait for the 6:00 news. I don't need 1 1/2 of local news between 4:00 - 6:30.

Edited by ToolMan
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  • 2 weeks later...
My rant du jour is a Realtor rant. If you can take the time to meet with someone to take a listing, then take 5 minutes and click some pictures. It takes 2 minutes to download them on MLS. I HATE IT when you are trying to find houses for clients and you have no idea what one looks like because the listing agent can't get it together to download photos for up to a week after they have taken the listing.

If I am going to have photos professionally done, & that causes a delay, then I snap some to tide me over until the professional ones come in. It just isn't that hard.

Second worst is when there are no interior pictures. The MLS will take up to 16 photos, I believe 6 are required. I consider 10 to be the minimum on a house. Sometimes you will see 6 shots of the exterior taken at slightly different angles. Often times on houses that have great interiors. But the agent won't include those.

I always try to keep up with all the mid-century moderns, and it would be a lot easier to scan areas if agents would use the correct category on the architectural style category. You will have mods that are clearly as contemporary as they come, but instead of putting them under contemporary, they put them under "traditional" or "colonial" or something equally stupid. So you have to scan entire zones to make sure you don't miss anything good.

Anyone who scans HAR looking for houses themselves probably can feel my pain on this one.

Furthermore, I believe the listing agent is subject to a $250 fine for a listing that goes 5 days without at least one picture posted. I may have the amount and time period wrong, but I'm sure there's a fine...at least there was when I was doing that.

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You know what kind of bugs me? When you buy something, and they ask you if you would like something else. "Would you like a drink with that?" "Would you like a pastry with that?" Like you're too stupid to order what you want without prompting. Sometimes I just respond, "No, that's why I didn't order one."

I usually end my order with "...and that will be all..." Many places they continue to ask "Would you like blah blah blah?"

I notice that Jack in the Box is much less likely to do that - if I order a Jumbo Jack they do not ask me if I want cheese on it - they just give me my Jumbo Jack - and that makes me happy! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hate it when slow people drive in the fast lane, I cut them off as retaliation.

I can't stand the many commercials on TV. Now, I can understand network stations having them because we don't have to pay to watch them. But we have to pay for cable and dishes. Then why do cable stations have just as many if not more commercials than network? They shouldn't have any at all since we are paying to watch their stations.

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I know I'm going to get killed over this, but the constant political rantings on this site sometimes irritate me.

BLASPHEMER !..................DOGPILE ON GARY ! ! ! ! DOGPILE ON GARY ! ! ! ! :wacko:

WTH Gary, are you a PodPerson or something, HAIF wouldn't be half as fun without all the political manifesto mumbo jumbo. :P

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When I have to touch a public doorknob.

You betcha. Nothing worse than washing ones hands in the bathroom, then discovering that the doorknob or handle is sticky. I'm not normally squeamish, but ew, ew!

Thank goodness the Jheri Curl is dead. I remember riding buses in the 80s where every handrail was absolutely greasy with that crap!

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You betcha. Nothing worse than washing ones hands in the bathroom, then discovering that the doorknob or handle is sticky. I'm not normally squeamish, but ew, ew!
When I wash my hands after using a public restroom, I use a paper towel or something to open the door with regardless.
Thank goodness the Jheri Curl is dead. I remember riding buses in the 80s where every handrail was absolutely greasy with that crap!


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i get ticked off when people don't use their blinkers. you're sitting at an intersection and a slow moving vehicle creeps up and turns, not using a blinker, while you wait. i want a sign i can hold up while i wait for some moron to turn that says "got a blinker?"

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I am in total agreement, I was in the restaurant business for almost 10 years. Not fast food mind you, but the mentality is the same. It is SELLING ! Just like macbro says, 50% of people asked will automatically "upgrade" without giving thought that it's only 49 cents, "sure go ahead, supersize me". I'm not kidding about giving the sarcastic remark though. These folks are getting paid minimum wage for a crappy job. They don't need the rhetoric, they are just doing what they have been FORCED to do by "Management". Think about a possible "special sauce" on your burger, before you make the correction to the 17yr. old talking to you on the headset. B)

I also am a proud member of the Retail Food industry and it is the best job in the whole world...I would do it for FREE!....Actually I do it for free because Mr. Crabs prefers to pay Squidward and I with Crabby Patties. He said something about taxes, or something about something. Besides, would I be employee of the month for 38 months straight if it were not THE BEST DARN'D JOB IN THE WORLD...



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I also am a proud member of the Retail Food industry and it is the best job in the whole world...I would do it for FREE!....Actually I do it for free because Mr. Crabs prefers to pay Squidward and I with Crabby Patties. He said something about taxes, or something about something. Besides, would I be employee of the month for 38 months straight if it were not THE BEST DARN'D JOB IN THE WORLD...



Don't listen to YellowStain Pants...he's a loser. I too am in the Food business and I'm here to tell you it's the most cutthroat business there is. Ya gotta bribe your suppliers, undercut your competition, hire the biggest pinheads, pay the lowest wages and skim all you can off the top just to survive in this Dog eat Dog racket. It's tough but it's the American way....No wait, it's bigger than that.....IT'S THE ENRON WAY!!!! Jeff...Ken...keep your chins up boys........it'll be good practice for the BIG HOUSE!!

Now get lost so I can get back to planning my next evil plan!

When I wash my hands after using a public restroom, I use a paper towel or something to open the door with regardless.


You use a restroom with a DOOR?? If you're a guy.......YOU WEENIE!!

If you're a dame.....is there 3/32" clearance under the door?

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BLASPHEMER !..................DOGPILE ON GARY ! ! ! ! DOGPILE ON GARY ! ! ! ! :wacko:

WTH Gary, are you a PodPerson or something, HAIF wouldn't be half as fun without all the political manifesto mumbo jumbo. :P

AAAGGGGHHHHHHH !!! There's that word again...MANIFESTO...First it was Beat your Meat Manifesto or somethin' like that..and..now it's mumbo jumbo ( Gumbo? ) manifesto....I think I see a dangerous trend developing....it's a manifesto manifestation...and they're the worst kind...mainly because I don't know what the hell is going on....but I will ! And when I do, THIS universe will be a living hell of MANIFESTO MANIFESTATION SATURATION....but right now I have to go potty....NO DOORS !!

Now get lost before someone drops a house on you...OOPS !! damn the Oz movie!....it keeps creeping back into my head..or maybe it's crawling...maybe it's a creepy crawler...or maybe not...


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