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Does Anyone Else Think This Is Messed Up?


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does anyone else think the suggested gift list for this minister's wife seems a bit outrageous? btw, he is a televangelist (can be seen most mornings on local television).

i do not attend this church and so do not know this woman or the pastor, but i think it is strange to ASK for the kinds of gifts you want people to give you. especially designer handbags, cash, and gift certificates to expensive stores. she could very well be a saint, and the church doing wondrous deeds, but for a public party ... i dunno.

i've had several friends and relatives look at this site and we are all shaking our heads at this.

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does anyone else think the suggested gift list for this minister's wife seems a bit outrageous? btw, he is a televangelist (can be seen most mornings on local television).

i do not attend this church and so do not know this woman or the pastor, but i think it is strange to ASK for the kinds of gifts you want people to give you. especially designer handbags, cash, and gift certificates to expensive stores. she could very well be a saint, and the church doing wondrous deeds, but for a public party ... i dunno.

i've had several friends and relatives look at this site and we are all shaking our heads at this.

The presence of her members, friends, and family at her party is Dr. Bridget's greatest wish.

But just in case you can't can't take the time off from your 3rd night job so your kids can have breakfast in the morning to make it to Bridget's Christian-time Gala Birthday Bacchanal, here's a few gift suggestions that would make the Mrs. Ed (jo beth) Young and the Mrs. Joel (victoria) Osteen absolutly GREEN with envy:

Hand bags by Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton! Still can't decide? How about gift certificates from Neimans [if only my mother were alive!!!!], Saks and Escada, just to name a few. Can't do that? Well, as much as God enjoys a chic sling back accompanied by a sensible bauble from IW Marks, there is always Monetary Gifts of large, un-marked denominations!!!!

So don't forget to give generously and often because "Dr. Bridget" only turns 50 once and you don't want to go to a burning hell with flames that never consume like our friend RedScare, do you?

I didn't think so. ;)


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I actually sent the good "doctor" an email, asking her how in the hell she sleeps at night ? I am not kidding, I told her that she was not being very "Christian" by asking people for "specific items" and that she ought to be thankful that the good lord has given her 50 years. I also informed her that I found it appalling that she would fleece her own flock for materialistic things. It was more indepth, I wish I would have copied it. I gave her my full name and email, just in case she wanted to discuss her greed further. I figure if you are gonna call out a "reverend" might as well not hold back and hide behind anonymity.


Hey ! Looky what we got here, they responded with a form letter, can't wait to get the real feedback.


Thank you for contacting the Light. We will personally reply to your

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New Light Church

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BTW, Red, sorry to hear about the whole "flames that never consume" thing that nmain was writing about. You know I went to Hell once, I got kicked out............... I tried to take over, Satan is such a P*ssy! Oh well, better to be serving in Heaven than ruling in Hell anyways. :closedeyes:

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What's all this whining about Hell, anyway? I've lived in Houston for 30 years. How tough could it be? Besides, they got booze, loose women and good music down there.

Heaven, if I understand it right, is like living in an eternal Waco! No wonder Christians aren't trying very hard to get there. At least Muslims get the virgins.


PS - nmain, that flag on my avatar is one of those special anti-protester flags. It never burns up. Really pisses off the un-American crowd.

Edited by RedScare
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What's all this whining about Hell, anyway? I've lived in Houston for 30 years. How tough could it be? Besides, they got booze, loose women and good music down there.

Heaven, if I understand it right, is like living in an eternal Waco! No wonder Christians aren't trying very hard to get there. At least Muslims get the virgins.


PS - nmain, that flag on my avatar is one of those special anti-protester flags. It never burns up. Really pisses off the un-American crowd.

you are so ... wrong. lol

but funny as all get out!

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What a sham. Obviously there's no shortage of sheep to be fleeced. A real person of God is someone you'd likely never see or hear about.

As Calvera (the leader of the Mexican bandits in "The Magnificent Seven") said of the townspeople he terrorized...

"If God did not want them sheared, why did he make them sheep?"

Ken Ley and Jeff Skilling prertty much followed the same Gospel.

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Looks like "Dr" Ira V. Hilliard bought his degrees...uh I meant earned his degrees...YEAH! THATS what I meant from The First Church of International Association of Christian Clinical Counselors dba Friends International Christian University. Formally run out of a PO box in Hawaii, the "University"-because of a troublesome, goddless Hawaii state government's petty complaint that there were no actual facilities in their state actually ACCUSED Edward N. Michaelson, "Ph.D" of FRAUD!!!

With god's infinate guidance, "Dr" Michaelson high-tailed it ...uh...left the godless Hawaiian islands and settled in Merced, Ca. to rebirth the afore mentioned Friends International Christian University as Inter-Continental Christian University. I guess you could call it a "Born Again" university...and again...and again...

God indeed does work in mysterious ways!

Shall we pray? -_-


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Looks like "Dr" Ira V. Hilliard bought his degrees...uh I meant earned his degrees...YEAH! THATS what I meant from The First Church of International Association of Christian Clinical Counselors dba Friends International Christian University. Formally run out of a PO box in Hawaii, the "University"-because of a troublesome, goddless Hawaii state government's petty complaint that there were no actual facilities in their state actually ACCUSED Edward N. Michaelson, "Ph.D" of FRAUD!!!

With god's infinate guidance, "Dr" Michaelson high-tailed it ...uh...left the godless Hawaiian islands and settled in Merced, Ca. to rebirth the afore mentioned Friends International Christian University as Inter-Continental Christian University. I guess you could call it a "Born Again" university...and again...and again...

God indeed does work in mysterious ways!

Shall we pray? -_-



yeah, i am sure this ain't no ad eundem degree...

oooooooh....and if you can't make it to the party, don't forget:



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I am surprised and not surprised. My mom actually saw it before me and had the same sentiments as I did. Hypocrisy at its best and I pretty much agree with danax. I know all of us are not perfect but its only natural to get aggravated when the people who are suppose to be serving a purpose are the most pretentious ones.

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So I see this thread and I am appalled by what I see. No, not about the link but to how the people here have responded, considering no one here has stated they know these people, have attended their church, nor know what they are about.

1. I am TERRIBLE with gifts and every year ask my friends and family what they want. Dare I say they ususally specifically tell me what they want?

2. Everything on that link appears to be voluntary. If someone has the means to afford to buy someone a Gucci bag if they so choose, what is the big deal? Besides, do we know if someone gave her a nice purse that wasn't Gucci she would throw it away? Do you think she would throw a watch from Hermes away because it wasn't specific to what she asked for on the list?

3. Televangalist? Why don't some of you write the church and ask who pays for the Television time.

4. It would probably be a good thing to also ask how they make their money or better yet attend their church to find out how they make their money.

5. I am a Christian and if I made a half million dollars a year, would it be un-christianlike to purchase a Mercedes if I so chose?

6. Oprah Winfrey is a Christian as well, and I have seen some SERIOUS bling on her ears. Is the un-Christian like?

7. Who here knows this woman or what she is about?

8. Who here knows the history of the church and what they do for Houston?

9. As I often hear people say about Christians, I say the same to the critics on this board...."Don't be so quick to Judge" because you don't know what is going on with these people.

10. I am a member of this church and pretty much am aware of how it functions more than most on this site.


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Velvetj, yes I am sure you know a lot more than us, but for a minister to have a national audience or local, what does it sound like to ask for luxuries from Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Saks, Neimans and Escada from someone who does not attend the church or even members. I am a Christian also, but certain things can get annoying from both ends of the spectrum: People who think certain Christians have some sort of agenda and then the people who feed off of that stereotype, especially when it is someone in a high position such as a minister who usually teaches against such things. Just like my mom told me, I cannot be judgemental about the situation, but as a whole the situation comes off as tasteless. I believe my church does much for the community too, even overseas, but I would have a hard time to commend or accept this situation.

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My apologies. Being agnostic, I haven't attended church in years. Back then, it WAS considered un-Christianlike to flaunt your wealth. I hadn't realized that God had changed his mind. How 70s of me to think God was still old-fashioned.


I now see the connection. Heaven must be one hip place these days.

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Velvet, Oprah is not running a church and preaching the word of GOD to people. You are so off the mark with that analogy it is a wonder where you pulled that one from. So, you go right ahead and buy that Prada and Gucci for that woman.

I don't usually judge a book by its cover, but this woman has made her own bed, by ADVERTISING IT ! What's wrong with a purse from Wal-Mart ? It will carry just as much stuff won't it ? She didn't ask for a gift card from Target now did she ? This is the kind of woman that shops on Harwin for purses then walks through Neiman's with her "DOLCE & GARBONZO" bag, instead of a "Dolce and Gabanna". I don't recall Jesus saying, "HEY, it's my 30th birthday, I need a couple of mules, some new fine italian leather sandals and some new duds from Habib's in Bagdad ! A "Hermes" watch you call that a downgrade ? What do you think she would do with an Armitron or a Timex ? They tell just as good a time as a "Hermes".

As far as "knowing" about this "doctor", perhaps you should do a little more investigation yourself, I think Nmain has a good place for you to start with his post above. This woman is obviously materialistic, but you go ahead, you buy that "BLING" for that plastic woman, she has obviously blinded you by "THE LIGHT !" God Bless You !

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So I see this thread and I am appalled by what I see. No, not about the link but to how the people here have responded, considering no one here has stated they know these people, have attended their church, nor know what they are about.

1. I am TERRIBLE with gifts and every year ask my friends and family what they want. Dare I say they ususally specifically tell me what they want?

2. Everything on that link appears to be voluntary. If someone has the means to afford to buy someone a Gucci bag if they so choose, what is the big deal? Besides, do we know if someone gave her a nice purse that wasn't Gucci she would throw it away? Do you think she would throw a watch from Hermes away because it wasn't specific to what she asked for on the list?

3. Televangalist? Why don't some of you write the church and ask who pays for the Television time.

4. It would probably be a good thing to also ask how they make their money or better yet attend their church to find out how they make their money.

5. I am a Christian and if I made a half million dollars a year, would it be un-christianlike to purchase a Mercedes if I so chose?

6. Oprah Winfrey is a Christian as well, and I have seen some SERIOUS bling on her ears. Is the un-Christian like?

7. Who here knows this woman or what she is about?

8. Who here knows the history of the church and what they do for Houston?

9. As I often hear people say about Christians, I say the same to the critics on this board...."Don't be so quick to Judge" because you don't know what is going on with these people.

10. I am a member of this church and pretty much am aware of how it functions more than most on this site.


you're absolutely right about not attending this church, but let me reply to a few of your points.

first of all oprah makes no pretense of being a PASTOR or LEADER of a congregation. she is first and foremost a business person. period. whatever she does is out of the kindness of her heart or her sense of obligation to the human race (not to mention advertisers).

i listened recently to rick warren who was on nightline (i think?) the other night. he has one of the LARGEST and most prosperous churches in the WORLD. you know what he did. he takes his earnings from books, etc. and lives off just 10 percent of it ... in fact, he still lives in the same house as he did before he became famous and fabulously wealthy. you know what he does with the other 90 percent? he gives it away.

try that newlight or... dare i say, lakewood...

i am not downing this church or the pastor. what i do find strange is that a person of God is blatantly asking for such lavish gifts. is she is really a christian (and i am sure she has everything she could possibly want already) wouldn't she ask that any gifts be made on behalf of some church fund or even a personal charity?

just my 2 cents.

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So I see this thread and I am appalled by what I see. No, not about the link but to how the people here have responded, considering no one here has stated they know these people, have attended their church, nor know what they are about.

1. I am TERRIBLE with gifts and every year ask my friends and family what they want. Dare I say they ususally specifically tell me what they want?

Some would find this crass, tasteless and crude...but not me!

2. Everything on that link appears to be voluntary. If someone has the means to afford to buy someone a Gucci bag if they so choose, what is the big deal? Besides, do we know if someone gave her a nice purse that wasn't Gucci she would throw it away? Do you think she would throw a watch from Hermes away because it wasn't specific to what she asked for on the list?

Well if it wasn't a Gucci, she could take it back for a refund and pocket the cash...but not I!

3. Televangalist? Why don't some of you write the church and ask who pays for the Television time.

I'm sure their TV time is paid for by their devoted followers050131224946.JPG

4. It would probably be a good thing to also ask how they make their money or better yet attend their church to find out how they make their money.

See #4

5. I am a Christian and if I made a half million dollars a year, would it be un-christianlike to purchase a Mercedes if I so chose?

Absolutly not. Besides, do we know these people drive Mercedes? It would be wrong to accuse them of being Mercedes drivers when they may very well be more along the lines of a Rolls or a Bently. The Mercedes accusation is merely another smear tactic by liberal, atheistic, godless, baby killers who are all going to the afore mentioned hell...and YOU know who YOU are!.

6. Oprah Winfrey is a Christian as well, and I have seen some SERIOUS bling on her ears. Is the un-Christian like?

You have to admit, that Oprah knows how to do bling! But is she REALLY a Christian or is that what she WANTS you to beleive?

7. Who here knows this woman or what she is about?

Who here WANTS to know this woman? Until I see a bling-improvement...

8. Who here knows the history of the church and what they do for Houston?

Well, go to their website, silly http://www.newlight.org/about/history/ ...it's all there. What are you accusing them of? Fraud???

9. As I often hear people say about Christians, I say the same to the critics on this board...."Don't be so quick to Judge" because you don't know what is going on with these people.

Me? Judge? I think NOT!!!

10. I am a member of this church and pretty much am aware of how it functions more than most on this site.

So hows kicking back and listening to a couple of Pastors with fake PhDs from Post Office Box U working out for you? {Ref: post #18}


In summation, I think it would be completely inappropriate to term these people as crass, tasteless, devious, hypocritical money changers with bought diplomas from fake universities in order to deceive their followers. To say all those things would be...wrong-just WRONG, I SAY!!!

I wish them all the luck in the world and that they haul in enough cash and loot to fill their 4 Houston area homes.

Now if we could all bow our heads, I'd like to ask Jim and Tammy to lead us in prayer




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In summation, I think it would be completely inappropriate to term these people as crass, tasteless, devious, hypocritical money changers with bought diplomas from fake universities in order to deceive their followers. To say all those things would be...wrong-just WRONG, I SAY!!!

I wish them all the luck in the world and that they haul in enough cash and loot to fill their 4 Houston area homes.

Now if we could all bow our heads, I'd like to ask Jim and Tammy to lead us in prayer




you forgot the pilot and the helicopter.

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you forgot the pilot and the helicopter.

Now do all of you see what's going on here? The way houstonmacbro twists the Truth into a pretzel with his hateful accusations of excess? I don't know anyone who pilots their own helicopter. I thank GOD the "Dr.s" Hilliard have a good pilot to ferry them from Niemans or Saks to their private jet to fly to Miami so they can host another fabulous"pay-for-play...uh...I meant PRAY" 7-Day Eastern Carribean Cruise [May 20 - 27, 2006-full payment due 2.19.06]

I think if people like houstonmacbro would spend a little less time nit-picking and more time GIVING he wouldn't have to worry about going to you-know-where with flames that you-know-what.


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