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Shady Acres Information & Developments

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I typed out a long drawn out response as to why this is one of the most unsafe neighborhoods in town, then I realized, it said "Shady Acres" not "Acres Homes".

What a waste!

Cliffs: Don't move to Acres Homes.

GWilson, I would like to see your drawn-out response to Acres Homes (maybe you can start a thread on it).

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GWilson, I would like to see your drawn-out response to Acres Homes (maybe you can start a thread on it).
I second that.

I selected all and hit the backspace button when I finally looked up and realized the question was on Shady Acres, not Acres Homes.

Sorry. =(

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've never heard a really good definition, but it is more or less the area bounded by:

610 on the north

E TC Jester on the west

16th St. on the south (maybe a bit further north)

Shepherd Dr. on the east (maybe a bit further east)

That sounds about right to me, except that I'd maybe extend the southern boundary down to 14th Street. If not 14th and 14 1/2, then definitely down to 15th. But look on a map and from 14th and up kind of makes sense given the street network street grid. No further east than Shepard, and even that little sliver between Durham and Shepard is kind of in-between what I'd call the Heights and Shady Acres, but I think most people consider it Shady Acres territory. Wow, that was way too specific, but since I typed it all out I'll go ahead and post it. Here is a photo thread (click on the link in the thread for the full thing if interested) of the area and my map cuts the northern border a little too short now that I look at it.


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I think those streets Prince, Diane, and Nashau are Heights Annex, but along Beall St is Shady Acres. I live south of 18th on Beall and I'm in Shady Acres, not to mention the neighborhood association meets at 15th & Beall. However below 15th is still up for grabs I guess, since it's not Heights Annex and Timbergrove Manor won't claim it either (their northern boundary is Wynwood). It would make the most sense as being part of Shady acres since it's connected best to that neighborhood or Heights Annex and there really is no direct way to get to Timbergrove from there (direct invery simplistic terms); however the style of homes make it appear more like Timbergrove Manor but those are slowly being replaced as well with homes more like those in Shady Acres where possible.

Here are some links:




I feel confident in my answer this time even if it is a complete waste of energy on something utterly meaningless.

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I typed out a long drawn out response as to why this is one of the most unsafe neighborhoods in town, then I realized, it said "Shady Acres" not "Acres Homes".

What a waste!

Cliffs: Don't move to Acres Homes.

Apparently the Acres Homes residents are getting tired of finding dead bodies on their streets - amongst other issues..... go figure.....

from the Chronicle:

...And, lately, the bodies of dead women, seven since January 2006, have been dumped much like trash along roadways and fields in this northwest Houston neighborhood. At least three were slain, their killers still at large. The cause of death for the remaining women has yet to be determined. The latest possible victim was found Saturday. A passer-by spotted the naked body of 18-year-old Willie Bianca Jones near a ditch in the 1100 block of Bland. Houston Police are treating her case, along with the three other unclassified deaths, as a possible homicide.


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does anyone know if the dead bodies are Acres Homes residents? My initial understanding (and personal belief) is that they are not.

to the OP, Shady Acres, and just about anywhere else in the city of Houston is just that - in the city. If you are in the city, you will have to be aware of crime, but not "afraid" of it.

A nice bike has a good chance to be stolen out of your garage if you leave it open and unattended over night, and possibly in the daytime if it's an easy snatch and go, but generally, you don't have to worry. However, a bike on a patio (front or back) that isn't secured will be gone eventually. It's a city of 2.2MM and a MSA of about 4MM people. Crime is everywhere - even the Woodlands.

Personally, you will be safe - unless you spend time amongst criminal-type people. Most crimes of the person are among people that know each other - regardless of where you live.

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Shady Acres has come a long way in the last three years (new development). Crime can occur anywhere like most people have mentioned. My neighborhood (Houston Heights) has experienced a rash of petty crime recently (theft and vandalism). Gun fire is another common occurrence to the area. The most recent episode, this past Thursday (early evening), we (and neighbors) heard gun fire coming from the Valero Corner Store/West 16th Street area. My advice

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to the OP, Shady Acres, and just about anywhere else in the city of Houston is just that - in the city. If you are in the city, you will have to be aware of crime, but not "afraid" of it.

A nice bike has a good chance to be stolen out of your garage if you leave it open and unattended over night, and possibly in the daytime if it's an easy snatch and go, but generally, you don't have to worry. However, a bike on a patio (front or back) that isn't secured will be gone eventually. It's a city of 2.2MM and a MSA of about 4MM people. Crime is everywhere - even the Woodlands.

Personally, you will be safe - unless you spend time amongst criminal-type people. Most crimes of the person are among people that know each other - regardless of where you live.

Many thanks for your intervention, as well as everyone else's! We WILL lock the garage AND the bike away and not leave anything valuable outside.

I don't usually spend too much time amongst criminals (!! ;-) ) so I guess I shouldn't be overly worried about my own safety in Shady Acres!!

The house does have an intruder alarm and the landlord told us he's never had any problem in the house or garage, so hopefully this will continue to be the case with us.

I am feeling more confident about the whole thing... thanks a lot everyone!

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For the right home size, price, and lot, I'd move to Shady Acres in a heartbeat. I want a real yard (one child with another planned next year) and 2500 sf home (i need two home offices for wife and i). We choose not to afford Shady Acres... we can afford it American style, but like having savings and very little debt, which is unAmerican right now... sadly.

Enjoy it!

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For the right home size, price, and lot, I'd move to Shady Acres in a heartbeat. I want a real yard (one child with another planned next year) and 2500 sf home (i need two home offices for wife and i). We choose not to afford Shady Acres... we can afford it American style, but like having savings and very little debt, which is unAmerican right now... sadly.

Enjoy it!

Shady Acres still has some deals that won't put in debt up to your eyeballs, but with those requirements you will definitely have to go outside the loop unless you are willing to pay some serious cash.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Shady Acres Civic Club will have a meeting with special guest Mayor Bill White on Tuesday, October 23, 7PM at the SPJST Lodge Annex 1435 Beall St. (at W.15th St.)

The Agenda Will Include:

Discussion on the floodway/floodplain designation in Shady Acres

The effects of the floodway designation on Shady Acres property owners

Strategies to mitigate the floodway designation

Potential future development actions in Shady Acres to mitigate flooding

Sorry for the late notice. My neighbor just told me about it and I thought I would post it here.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a young professional working downtown looking for a place near it (inside 610). Of the places I've checked out, Shady Acres seems to fit nicely within my price range. Specifically, several places on 25th street, one on 17th and Beavis st, and one on 12th and 18th st.

I'm interested in any general thoughts on the outlook for Shady Acres and/or any of the specific places above. I saw some previous threads here but would like to get a fresh/current take. I'm looking for a place I can grow into (go from single guy to married with a before-school-age kid [unless the schools are found to be good]). I think I've found some possibilities but would like to know if: future/resales look promising? is it safe? any annoying trains or other loud noises? any insider pros and cons? anything else to consider?

I know this is asking a lot of questions but I want to get all the info. I can before jumping into my biggest ever investment. Thanks for sharing!

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My wife and I live on Beall St in Shady Acres and we love it. The location is great and we got a decent sized house with detached garage for a bargain compared to the prices in the Heights just across Shepard for the same type house. We're getting a new restaurant, Cedar Creek, same as Onion/Dry Creek on Beall and 20th so the retail may be catching up with the residential growth. Petty theft is a minor problem, but not worse than any inner loop neighborhood and once all the construction is finished and people move into the new homes that should really help. Overall our neighbors are great and there are plenty of young families so we are really happy with the area.

The only thing to pay attention to (ok not the only, but a big thing in our neighborhood), especially on Bevis or west of that, is the flood plain you are in. If the house in the floodway don't even bother, the 100yr floodplain or better and you're ok so long as the house is elevated to code. You can find more info and look up potential houses at http://www.tsarp.org/. All I know about the area up around 25th is that you might want to check it out on a Saturday afternoon because C&D is up there and there can be lots of truck/crackhead traffic trying to make a quick buck. Not sure which street exactly but I was up there one day and it was horrible trying to get through.

Hope that helps.

Edited by Urbannomad
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I'm a young professional working downtown looking for a place near it (inside 610). Of the places I've checked out, Shady Acres seems to fit nicely within my price range. Specifically, several places on 25th street, one on 17th and Beavis st, and one on 12th and 18th st.

I'm interested in any general thoughts on the outlook for Shady Acres and/or any of the specific places above. I'm looking for a place I can grow into (go from single guy to married with a before-school-age kid [unless the schools are found to be good]). I think I've found some possibilities but would like to know if: future/resales look promising? is it safe? any annoying trains or other loud noises? any insider pros and cons? anything else to consider?

I know this is asking a lot of questions but I want to get all the info. I can before jumping into my biggest ever investment. Thanks for sharing!

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My wife and I live on Beall St in Shady Acres and we love it. The location is great and we got a decent sized house with detached garage for a bargain compared to the prices in the Heights just across Shepard for the same type house. We're getting a new restaurant, Cedar Creek, same as Onion/Dry Creek on Beall and 20th so the retail may be catching up with the residential growth. Petty theft is a minor problem, but not worse than any inner loop neighborhood and once all the construction is finished and people move into the new homes that should really help. Overall our neighbors are great and there are plenty of young families so we are really happy with the area.

The only thing to pay attention to (ok not the only, but a big thing in our neighborhood), especially on Bevis or west of that, is the flood plain you are in. If the house in the floodway don't even bother, the 100yr floodplain or better and you're ok so long as the house is elevated to code. You can find more info and look up potential houses at http://www.tsarp.org/. All I know about the area up around 25th is that you might want to check it out on a Saturday afternoon because C&D is up there and there can be lots of truck/crackhead traffic trying to make a quick buck. Not sure which street exactly but I was up there one day and it was horrible trying to get through.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the information, it's definitely helpful. FYI, the C&D Scrap Metal Recycling is on 8th and 25th street. This is good, I think, because the places I'm looking into are closer to Ella Blvd (16 and 17 on 25th street). I love Onion Creek (been there twice) so I look forward to the possibility of one day being a local at Cedar Creek. Hope that venture goes well!

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