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Your Idea Of What Would Be The Ideal Nickname For Our City's New MLS Franchise


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......if this were Mexico City, the name "CORONAS" just may work. For I'm most certain that it could envoke a bit of national pride for the very citizens that stir the hops, add the yellow coloring, and produce this beer product.......but please know, that Mexico City has a few ultra conservatives as well......

NOW, please allow me the honor of welcoming you to the CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS. For we are a city that is fast becoming the new beacon of the south. Our city is so diverse, that it is almost safe to say that the beacon that glows atop Williams Tower, actually shines it's light on all of the world by way of Houston...........

.........we are building up and growing like crazy.......and we are fast becoming extremely sosphisticated along the way......

The name "Coronas" would surely do well in Cozumel, Mexico City, etc....but it could never work here in the largest city within the LONE STAR STATE. I can only imagine the laughter that this insult would provoke among the citizens of SAN JOSE, for whom just lost their beloved team to the City of Houston.........we would certainly become a national laughingstock..........just like the TEXANS.......a team that I have been a season ticket holder with since day one, and a team that I love dearly!

NO SKWATRA, we are going to do this right this time. We are going to show the soccer world just what Houston has now become..........a Texas sized city where anything and everything is possible. A city with style, taste, infused with a bit of dignity...........the beacon is starting to glow.......




Are you done........of all the cheesiest things to post

It's a freaking soccer team name. Yeah let it be a good name, but lay off the melo drama kid

Edited by JGraspo
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Are you done........of all the cheesiest things to post

It's a freaking soccer team name. Yeah let it be a good name, but lay off the melo drama kid

Thank you kindly for the compliment..... for you would think that as cheesy or as melo dramatic as you so eloquently anointed my post........somewhere in there you would have come to a stark realization that I am certainly no kid.........but thanks anyway.......peace.



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Thank you kindly for the compliment..... for you would think that as cheesy or as melo dramatic as you so eloquently anointed my post........somewhere in there you would have come to a stark realization that I am certainly no kid.........but thanks anyway.......peace.



I always like your posts-cheese and all. I find your prose flowing and flowering! However...

I'm sticking with the Challangers: Space heros and bring it on all in one name.

MC Houston...that's just maybe too much to explain to the clueless.

Edited by nmainguy
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Here's a combined list of what I think measures up so far. Any favorites among these?

Houston Challengers

Houston Energy

Houston Cozmos

Houston Apollos

Houston Heat

Houston Orbit

Houston Launch

Houston Strikers

Houston Kicks

Houston Challengers: That's been my pick.

Houston Apollos: I think that was a Houston hockey team...been there-done that.


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Let us not forget Danax, that this team has just left the state of California, from a city with a Spanish name

"San Jose" simply because the economics/finances were very obviously in big time shambles. And I am certain there were many "Latins" in attendance at those games....right!

I'm guessing that support for the Quakes must've dropped off quite a bit since the 70s when San Jose had a larger Hispanic population. Now it's an expensive yuppie haven, but apparently the city council not approving the new stadium was the biggest issue.

I haven't seen any names that really sound fantastic. Wildcats maybe, Tejanos....hmm. Rovers? Challengers sounds decent. Coronas? Let's not slink to the depths of advertising beer, please. The new stadium might end up being the Corona Center though, or most appropriate would be Bud Light Park.

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Somehow "Apollos" doesn't seem very "Houston-ish". For that matter, neither does "Challengers", although I kind of like Challengers better. I guess it sounds more like a team name.

I'm still drawing a blank on this whole space theme business though. :mellow:

How about the Houston Big Bangs................yeah Baby !

I would suggest the Houston Novas, but I know the first thing that comes to mind is old Chevy cars.

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Is it not kosher to use the word "soccer" in MLS team's names. Would it be possible to use "SC" instead of "FC"?

Certainly, the purists would object to using that term. For that reason alone, since the purists make up a big portion of the fan base, I would think that soccer would not be used in the name...even though it is in the name of the league.

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Is it not kosher to use the word "soccer" in MLS team's names. Would it be possible to use "SC" instead of "FC"?

There are non-professional SCs or Soccer Clubs. I suppose there's no reason why they couldn't do it at the professional level, except for having to keep explaining what SC stood for.

"La Industria"? I think no.

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Buffs is good, if you have to do the mascot thing. I like the fact that it is not boringly obvious like oil and space references. Locals get it. Tourists, not so much.

Now, if anyone picks something lame like "Americans", I think I'll scream...or worse. And, sorry Kym and elecpharm, but Lonestars? Haven't we beat the lone star and Texas angle to death as it is? Dallas has Stars, star logos and Rangers. Houston has Texans. I bet they are sick and tired of Liberty Bell references in Philly as well.

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I gotta tell ya', these names are pretty BORING! Hasn't anyone on their staff discovered our friendly little forum yet? I only see a few of our ideas listed.

On chron.com/contests they list "Gatos" (spanish word for cats)? Is that supposed to be "Gators?" And what's with "Americans," when we get hockey will we name them "Earthlings" so we can complete the trifecta?

I do like Buffalos though, and I've always been partial to Apollos. I think Buffs would be the best mascot though.

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Houston Force?

Alrighty, I found a glossary of space terms (http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/basics/bsfgloss.htm)

I say keep it space related, but pick something more obscure sounding than something like, say, Rockets or whatever. Easy to do since we're running out of space names.

Most of these are just common words, but let's see how they sound:

Houston Acceleration

Houston Asteroids (nah, too corny and too Astros. Also too Atari)

Houston Carriers (sounds diseased)

Houston Horrizons

Houston Jovians (defination: Jupiter-like planets, the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)

Houston Lasers (too simple and lame?)

Houston Light Speed

Houston Pathfinders

Houston Velocity

Oh, nevermind. So when is the team named revealed anyway?

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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Houston Force?

Alrighty, I found a glossary of space terms (http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/basics/bsfgloss.htm)

I say keep it space related, but pick something more obscure sounding than something like, say, Rockets or whatever. Easy to do since we're running out of space names.

Most of these are just common words, but let's see how they sound:

Houston Acceleration-

Houston Asteroids (nah, too corny and too Astros. Also too Atari)

Houston Carriers (sounds diseased)

Houston Horrizons

Houston Jovians (defination: Jupiter-like planets, the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)

Houston Lasers (too simple and lame?)

Houston Light Speed

Houston Pathfinders

Houston Velocity

Oh, nevermind. So when is the team named revealed anyway?

Yeah, Kimberly, those probably wouldn't work.

The Asteroids would end up being, "The Roids". Not good in sports these days. The Horizons would just end up being called the "the Hos", the Jovians.....a bunch of running gas giants? :lol: Then would the cheerleaders be the Black Holes? Pathfinders...are they lost?

OK, the space theme just won't go away. What about the (corny)Shooting Stars? You know, a combo of the Texas gunslinger image, Lone Star and space theme. Have a logo of a star with a cowboy hat and gun drawn. Cute, huh? Actually, that might look like we're copying the Cowboys with the star logo, we can't have that.

Or, the Celestials?

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