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What Do You Want For Christmas?


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My wife keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. The answer is: I don't know. I used to be all hot on the iPod nano, but not so much anymore. I'd like a really expensive pair of shoes, but she doesn't think I'm serious. What are your Christmas wishes, and do you have any suggestions for me?

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My wife keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. The answer is: I don't know. I used to be all hot on the iPod nano, but not so much anymore. I'd like a really expensive pair of shoes, but she doesn't think I'm serious. What are your Christmas wishes, and do you have any suggestions for me?

Zeno Zit Zapper-Invented by a Houston doctor and it really works.

1st ever acne machine approved by the FDA



TV/Camera/Video Camera/Phone/Nextel Walkie Talkie


Any cool watch




But all of that I can get myself, I want:


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I want a new cell phone, I droped mine in a cup of water... Yes, a cup of water.

I actually want some DVDs for christmas, and some c.d.s. I've been missing out as far as new c.d.s and DVDs go. Simply because I use to download illegally (for shame, I know, tell the RIAA, I don't care). But when my computer decided to explode, I couldn't run websites that use javascript. And Now I can't find any MP3 free down-loaders. So I'm currently 3 1/2 weeks behind in music. Except on the radio... But I hate the radio..

Oh yeah, xm!

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I was thinking about that the other day. I'm not sure she would know where to look for one. Neiman's suck as much as any other place. Any suggestions of a place that specializes in umbrellas?

I've got a couple of those little umbrellas for my briefcase, for when you get surprised, but any Houstonian knows that you need a big one to keep the rain off your legs.

I found the most comfortable big umbrella at Academy. It is a Wilson golf umbrella, supposedly good to 50 mph....like I could hold onto an umbrella in tropical storm force winds. Can you say Wayne Dolcefino?

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Wayne Dolcefino, ace reporter, STALKER ! That guy is 10lbs. of crap stuffed in a 5lb bag. <_<

But, back to umbrellas, I got a 2 pack of umbrellas at Sam's Club, one briefcase type and a Big Mamma Jamma, you could fit 3 people under this one. It is black with wind vents at the top, $12 dollars for both. HELLO !

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Wayne Dolcefino, ace reporter, STALKER ! That guy is 10lbs. of crap stuffed in a 5lb bag. <_<

What does that have to do with this topic.

If you want a different ipod how about the new video one. The screen is awesome, I was using a friends the other day.

For me I want to get a 42" plasma TV (or around that size, I have waited way to long to replace my current TV), and find time to finish building my computer.

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What does that have to do with this topic.

If you want a different ipod how about the new video one. The screen is awesome, I was using a friends the other day.

For me I want to get a 42" plasma TV (or around that size, I have waited way to long to replace my current TV), and find time to finish building my computer.

NOW, NOW, you took it out of context, quote the whole post chief ! :lol:

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Oh, admit it. You had to edit that second paragraph in to get it back on topic!


:lol::lol: NO, I swear it, I just wanted to vent on it for a second. I have a personal gripe with that guy, he really did what I said to a family member. Charges were filed ! We can use another thread to discuss or I can PM, if you want the lowdown. :lol: No editing was used in the above listed thread.

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I think I edited a word or a puncuation, not the contents of my vent. :lol: Man, I don't want to Hijack this thread, yes, a cousin a few years ago. I don't know if Channel 13 is aware of that piece of info. Think it would make a nice story for Channel 2. Make it a "Christmas Special", whew ! I got us back on topic. I want a new 455 enigine for my '72 cutlass. That would be sweet ! :D

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I said I didn't want anything. Christmas reminds me of the old "Wheel of Fotune" where you'd win a certain amount of money and then have to use it to buy the garbage prizes up on the panel. There's really nothing I desire right now. I'll mention something and then someone asks, "Oh, you want that for Christmas?" and I say, "No, I want it right now" and if I really want it, I'll buy it myself. I can't think up a bunch of crap I just have to have by December 25th just because the calendar says Dec. 25th. I always end up with a bunch of stuff that I don't need and then later, like February 21st or something, I'll think of something I really want or need, only it's no longer Christmas and I then I have to buy it myself.

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I said I didn't want anything. Christmas reminds me of the old "Wheel of Fotune" where you'd win a certain amount of money and then have to use it to buy the garbage prizes up on the panel. There's really nothing I desire right now. I'll mention something and then someone asks, "Oh, you want that for Christmas?" and I say, "No, I want it right now" and if I really want it, I'll buy it myself. I can't think up a bunch of crap I just have to have by December 25th just because the calendar says Dec. 25th. I always end up with a bunch of stuff that I don't need and then later, like February 21st or something, I'll think of something I really want or need, only it's no longer Christmas and I then I have to buy it myself.

i agree - "christmas" is much more fun and rewarding year round :)

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i agree - "christmas" is much more fun and rewarding year round :)

You should always buy it the last few days of the year, after xmas though, SUPER DUPER SALES, and they gotta get rid of as much as possible to avoid paying taxes on it. :D

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nmain, I won't be so greedy, you can get me a 48" LCD, they aren't so expensive, tell Santa to bring it 3452 Blghtphbt Lane, thanks buddy, Happy Kwanza ! :D

Uhhhh...Santa and I are kind of on the outs due to an unfortunate incident with an elf, Rudolph and a whip on my roof...don't think he'll be coming around here anytime soon...but be greedy! Ask for a 50"!!! :lol:


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