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What a win. My fingernails could use a day of rest too. Did anybody go downtown to watch it? I heard that the streets were blocked off and they were showing the game on a big screen. I couldn't make it tonight, but if they do it again for game 6 (that's all we need) then I'm there.

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I heard that the streets were blocked off and they were showing the game on a big screen.

Big screen? Try the side of one of the buildings!! Fox News (after the game) showed folks downtown watching the game as it was projected on the side of a huge building!! TOO COOL!!

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We watched the 'Stros play on one screen, and the Sox on another. Both these games were nail-biting tense playoffs. Everytime they showed the Boston fans, all bundled up in their coats and jackets, they had their fingers crossed or were shown with their hands in praying position. I got the distinct impression that all those fervent prayers must've helped put them over the edge! It also made my glad that our guys were playing at MMP and not there. I wonder what the weather is supposed to be Wednesday for our game...

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Yes, the Red Sox/Yankees series is one of best rivalries ever and will most likely get more attention from baseball fans nationwide, but the lack of coverage for the NLCS is really sad. St. Louis and Houston aren't exactly the Sox/Yankess but it has been a really exciting series with better team stories this season. The Cards with the best record in the league and the Astros unbelievable second half surge.

I was browsing the Boston Globe website and it doesn't mention ANYTHING about this series on their sports section. Granted, they are East coast and it was a "late game" to cover...But the NY Times managed to post an article with a picture of Kent's game winning homer next to it.

I know we're low market teams, but seriously...the coverage is ridiculously lopsided. Should the Astros win the World Series, it will be downplayed as a fluke. But if the Yankees win, the media will make it seem like it's one of the most amazing achievements all year. If the Red Sox win, it will be a great story and may end the stupid curse talk.

Go Red Sox, Go Astros....Go Balanced Sports reporting...and Boston Globe, get your head out of your ass.

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Your last comment about the Boston Globe made me laugh because it reminded me of my grandfather (long since departed). He was a die-hard Steelers fan living in Pittsburgh all his life. Every year he would send me a five-dollar bill enclosed in a card on my birthday. It always read the same: "Have a great birthday! Love always, Grampa P.S. Tell them Oilers to get the lead out of their pants!!!"

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What's going on right now is incredible. There has been nothing like it in Houston sports history. They were saying on the sports radio shows this morning that as fans came out of Minute Maid Park, they were just yelling on the sidewalks, running out into the streets yelling, making noise for the pure sake of making noise. Marc Vandermeer, who has the 9-11 show on 610, said that he now understands why fans overturn cars after big victories - because he felt exactly like overturning a car. It was also pointed out that a whole generation of Astros fans are being built right now. This could have big long-term implications for the city, about our sense of civic spirit and pride, the way we think of ourselves as a whole and identify with Houston. It may sound farfetched, but I wouldn't doubt that it could even carry over into architecture and public works issues.

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Marc Vandermeer, who has the 9-11 show on 610, said that he now understands why fans overturn cars after big victories - because he felt exactly like overturning a car. 

And that is exactly why I felt (feel) some trepidation about having sports stadia downtown.

At The Summit (Compaq) or the Astrodome, there wasn't a lot to destroy to 'celebrate' a winning game. Perhaps that's why we haven't seen the disgraceful behavior in Houston that other cities have suffered. But now...now these thugs posing as fans have a focal point on which to vent their destructive urges.

If winning the Series causes riots, I hope we lose.

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I have to disagree with you, Tex.

Basketball fans are known to be a bit more "Enthusiastic" in thier celebrations over the years. Yet when we won the first world championship, it was rowdy, but there wasn't the violence that plagued many of the other cities around the nation. Then we won the 2nd one...and guess what? Nothing really happend aside from alot of Public Intoxication arrests. And we were talking about when the rockets were at the summit and the celebration took over a good sized portion of Richmond from the strip to almost 610, I believe.

Baseball fans are generally more sedate (but just as rabid, so to speak) then other cities. While we generally celebrate the games, we don't go out of our way to be destructive.


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I hope you're right.

I'd love to see us win the World Series, of course. It's just the senseless destruction that seems to have become more prevalent in the past few years that bothers me.

As an example, Denver won some sports event a few years ago - I have no idea what - and celebrated by overturning cars, setting fires, breaking windows, etc. It certainly made a bigger impression on me than whatever it was they were celebrating. Not a good impression, either.

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Big screen? Try the side of one of the buildings!! Fox News (after the game) showed folks downtown watching the game as it was projected on the side of a huge building!! TOO COOL!!

YEAH! And during the super bowl, you could play a few old schiool video games on a few buildings! :lol:

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