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Looting In Houston


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I wasn't here in 2001 for TS Allison. Was there looting? Was it bad? What about this time around? With Hurricane Rita as a CAT 5 bearing down on us, do you think some Houstonians will take this limited opportunity to increase their wealth.. illegally?

Secondary Question: If there is looting going on in Houston, where do you think it would be most prevalent?

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Alison had no looting. Everyone's car was stuck on the freeway. Who'd want to plunge in Gulf Water anyway ;) Wait the people in Louisana already did :(

But seriously, I don't remember any looting. I remember a lady dying in an elevator from drowning (after she was told by security to move her car to a higher level at a business)

I remember alot of the "Art District" business places being flooded.

Well if you don't get blown away like Mary Poppins do you think there'd be looting?

If anything the only place to loot around Houston is "CVS"

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If it does happen I think it will be in areas that are easiest to navigate without the use of vehicles (i.e. the densest parts). I can't imagine anyone in my neighborhood wading or kayaking the 1 1/2 or so miles to the nearest CVS to loot, and then going another 2 miles to Kroger.

The non-flooded parts will probably have police protection so I guess there wouldn't be looting there.

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CVS might be open. They are open 24 hours. Beat that Walgreens! ;)

Houston hopefully don't become into a bad situation like New Orleans and Mississippi.

Not just the flooding i mean the crime people stealing wrong materials in stores.

And are people in the Astrodome are willing to follow with the Gal-HOU Citizens as they leave for shelter into a new area.

Will there be more of domations if it becomes really occupied. :unsure::blink:

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The real question is will there be an abundance of looting opportunities? If so, then there will be an abundance of looting. Some people will take advantage of lawless situations. Who are those people? The ones who have criminal tendencies and who are ate up with "demons".

A hurricane is fairly quick and, although possibly very destructive, will be over and "the law" can move in fairly quickly.

I'm afraid someone will loot my plywood on my house since many didn't make the cut. That would suck.

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Odds are it will not happen. Sure there will be an isolated incident or two, but not the large scale like there was in NOLA. The dynamics in NOLA are much different than Houston. We lack the downtown retail that NOLA has. Not too much in the way of glass storefronts. I'm sure the folks at "Just a Dollar" and Chester Fried are just trembling in fear.

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If anything I would think that there would be more burglaries. Especially at apartment complexes where there is a higher density of people.

I've got family that are paranoid to leave their apartment complex because of this. They swear that just as soon as they leave, neighbors will break-in and loot their apartment.

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I wasn't here in 2001 for TS Allison. Was there looting? Was it bad? What about this time around? With Hurricane Rita as a CAT 5 bearing down on us, do you think some Houstonians will take this limited opportunity to increase their wealth.. illegally?

Secondary Question: If there is looting going on in Houston, where do you think it would be most prevalent?

Only looting I noticed during Alicia was from young white male firefighters. Man, they were the worst! No shame whatsoever.

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Looting at a triple-x vid and Blockbusters?!! What the . . .?!! That's like looting a wig shop or florist or carwash or sumthin. Those looters must have been die-hard movie fans.

Oh . . . forgot to add, that if things had degraded to the point that the city is looting, I would head straight to Oshmans or Academy for their camping gear . . . this was my back-up Y2K plan.

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