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Kanye West Comment


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There sure is a lot of finger pointing going on surrounding who is a fault for the Katrina disaster.

Just to point out a few things that haven't been mentioned - at least not that I read, so sorry if I'm repeating someone else.

1. Everyone is acting like there should have been some massive Federal relief on the ground in NOLA the day Katrina hit and cleared NOLA.

Today someone at work had an interesting point about this. His view is that what we're seeing isn't only a division between the able bodied/disabled and the poor/not poor. What we're seeing is the manifestation of America's entitlement mentality. The division of people who take care of themselves and those who expect the government to take care of them.

In the "take care of themselves" group you have people who got out early, and those people we've seen on TV news who have formed their own search and rescue groups in their own neighborhoods (NBC) and set up their own soup kitchens to take care of people near where they live (ABC).

On the other side are the people who within hours of the storm passing were shouting "Where's the government?" Who started pointing fingers and laying blame and were crying "woe is me" when there are real victims of the storm like the elderly, disabled, sick, desperately poor, and those living in the Superdome.

It's not too hard to imagine the political alignments of these two groups.

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I saw one woman on NBC News who was being rescued in a dump truck.  The rest of her family was rescued days earlier by helicopter, but she was too fat and they couldn't take her. 

That's it -- no more pie for me.


This may not be the time to do this, but when this is all said and done, the finger-pointing has to happen. I don't agree with Kayne West that the extremely late rescue mission had anything to do with Bush and black people, but I agree with him that it needs to be debated. I DO agree with Mayor Nagin that there may be an issue with financial status. Once again, we'll debate that later.

The thing that blows my mind is that the only reason why Kayne West's comments are famous is that many people seem to agree with him in some way or another. I think he definately had the right to say what he said, and I think in some ways it actually helped the federal government get into a "let me prove you wrong" mode.

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I think he definately had the right to say what he said, and I think in some ways it actually helped the federal government get into a "let me prove you wrong" mode.
I disagree. The program was a fundraiser; not a political platform. I think the producers probably let the participants know that. It was the producers venue, not Kanye's. He has the right to his opinions, and he has the right to air them, but at the right time and place. That show was neither.
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I'm wondering why the mayor of NOLA didn't mobilize the cities buses and school buses (which now sit flooded in a parking lot) to move the people who didn't have a means to evacuate.

To me, the largest part of the blame falls on the State and Local officials.

FEMA didn't need to rush into New Orleans because the damage wasn't that bad. After the levee broke a day later is when the conditions got much worse.

If the levee didn't break, the work could be done a lot easiers. The rising waters prevent most if not all vehicles from getting to the people that had to be evacuated.

I can easily show you people that racist issue is not present. What about neighboring St Bernard Parish and the city of Chalmette? This people are just as much flooded as New Orleans, have been waiting just as lon and the place is close to 80% white. 50 people died in a nursing home because no one showed up (and they were white). Race in no way can be used as a reason for lack of response.

To me, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton showing up is because they are trying to get camera time and they care very little for these people.

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Have any of yall herd what rapper Kanye West said about Bush, something about "President Bush don't care about black people" and "When people see on the news black people are looting and white people are getting food".  I personaly think he needs to shut his fu**ing mouth up. I know Bush isn't the best President we've had but I hate it when people blame politics (presidents) without knowing how the system works. People think Bush has a little magic wann and he can make things happend with it. I also know the whole Katrina situation wasn't handle like it should have been and if I was a politician I would have done everything in my power to get all those people out of there.....

  Well as for Kanye West he's an IDIOT insted of him spending millions in stupid ____ he should help those people, in other words he should put his money where his mouth is.

I disagree. Bush doesn't care about black people. He doesn't care about ANY people. Unless they have money or in the oil business. Otherwise, let them eat cake.

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I disagree. Bush doesn't care about black people. He doesn't care about ANY people. Unless they have money or in the oil business. Otherwise, let them eat cake.
To quote Groucho, "That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!"

And that's about the nicest thing I can say about that statement.

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Fictitious conversation . . . but might have a shred of truth.

Mr. West: Yo! publicist! I've been toiling in obscurity, and need to break into the really big time. What can I do?

Publicist: Well Kanye, you can give it all you got, and record a kick-ass album.

Mr. West: No, can't do that . . . don't have the talent.

Publicist: I know! You can say something really controversial, and that will guarantee your name will be on the headlines.

Mr. West: Like what?

Publicist: I don

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As long as Jesse can keep black people believing they are helpless and everyone is against them, he'll have a job. As soon as the black population believe they can think for themselves and do for themselve, he'll be jobless.

Some have already done this, but not enough.

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I don't care about K. West, Oprah, Jesse, Al, etc...What I do find interesting is all the effort I see posted about these people when so little is posted about the incompetence and ineptitude of Bush and FEMA. I think there's more we could do any day of the week to expose the fraud that is the Bush administration instead of babbling on about some 2-bit rapper-wanna be.

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Typical Liberal, ____. Blaming anyone else but them selfs. How about a liberal mayor and a governor that didn't step up to the plate. Didn't have local teams prepared. How about a liberal gov't that got billions of federal money that was given for flood control but spent on other things. Try to gather some facts before blaming any one. The flooding didn't happen till Tues. and the rescue crews were called in as soon as the storm past. No one knows the path of the storm once it hits land, for ex. Allison. The rescue crews needed to be camped out far enough away so themselves or vehicles don't get trapped They were called back when punks were shooting at them and then the national guard was needed and called. The national guard would not be needed if theis people weren't acting like animals and had local gov't prepare them properly. As far as Bush playing guitar at his ranch the night of the storm, so what. Thats where he like to work from, just like FDR spent majority of his time in office at his home in California and NY instead of Washington. As far as this being racist give me a break. Its another method the media and Michael Moore are trying to manipulate facts. The fact is go to S. Miss. where some towns that are virtualy all white. Their are are dead white people on the street getting eaten by rats and vulters. Not a single media person or any help arrived untill Sat. Ask Biloxi, Gulfport etc.. where is their help. The difference is any discussion with a liberal they form opinions with out proven or any documented fact. They just manipulate any thing to cause an issue instead of helping a issue that is already their.

Side note. To Micheal Moore, Instead of sitting their and writing a critical letter get of your fat ass and donate a single dollar from your millions or go down their and pass out water or anything and show some true compassion.

I never agreed with Clintons points of view but since he has been out of office, him and Bush 1 have been an ultimate team in all forms and acts of humanity. Is trully a wonderful thing that theis two leaders have become true freinds and team mates in helping in all aspects of life.

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Didn't Bush declare this storm a national disater two days before it hit land. Which empowered local gov't to prepare or do anyhting that was needed. Didn't local gov't not call Fema till the wee hours of Wed. morning and was their Fri morning when they started getting shot at. Isn't Fema still spread thin throughout FL and the last couple years have been two of the busiest hurricane seasons. Lastly didn't the LA governor refuse to sign power over to the national guard because she didn't want to feel powereless. More facts that people choose to ignore.

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how about this: liberal and conservative and moderates and everyone in between stepping up to the plate and pitching in now, after a general government-inaction-disaster...

there's something about getting defensive about one side's share of blame while blaming the other side....

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Hey they did it first.

The Mayor of NO just told CNN that President Bushed urged the governor of Louisiana to ask for help. FEMA and US Military had a plan to enact, but they are powerless unless the state governor asks for it. The feds can't do anything until state and local officials ask. Bush was forced to wait 24 hours before he could do anything.

The reason the federal government and the specifically the president is barred from providing direct immediate assistance is because it would trample on the state's rights to rule within their borders. The Governor Hailey Barbour ask and recieved assistance immediately. Mrs Blanco couldn't make the decision.

We can't blame the Bush or the Feds first because they can't act by law (from the 1800s) until they are asked. The biggest question is why the governor wanted to wait. Mayor Naggin also has some blame to take by not assisting his people to evacuate. He had over 1000 buses (school and mass transit) available to move people out. He also waited much longer than other surrounding parishes to put a mandatory evacuation into effect.

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Isn't Fema still spread thin throughout FL and the last couple years have been two of the busiest hurricane seasons. Lastly didn't the LA governor refuse to sign power over to the national guard because she didn't want to feel powereless.  More facts that people choose to ignore.

FEMA is spread thin due to $$ being diverted from FEMA to other Homeland Security Departments. FEMA is not inept just because they may lack funds-they are led by an inept and incompetant director who is a political appointee of a clearly incompetent President Bush. I'm not sure how his leadership of the American Arabian House Association [from which he was fired] qualifies him to lead a mutli billion dollar agency that so many lives depend on.

The Govenor of Louisianna rightly refused to let the National Guard be nationalized because she wants them to have the power to shoot if nessary-not just in self defense. A quick read of the Constitution would show you the military is not allowed to have the same police powers the National Guard does.

More facts that people choose to ignore? Ethanra: may I suggest you take a step back and check your facts?

By the way in your post where you were talking about a liberal mayor [who backed Bush-not Kerry; who backed the current Govenor's opponant-a Republican]

you opened your post with "Typical Liberal, ____. " Just wondering what invective fills in the blank?


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You can probably use the same invective Liberal have been posting all over the web.

Liberal? I assume what you intended to type is "Liberals".

Ya know, kjb, you really need to bone up on your spelling and grammer. You are by far one of the worst posters in that regard. Really man! If you want to be taken seriously then check yourself because all you end up doing is looking foolish and under educated.


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so little is posted about the incompetence and ineptitude of Bush and FEMA
No one is saying Bush and FEMA are blameless, but why should he get all the blame as Mayor Naggin' and Gov. Blank-o and Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus and so many others want you to believe?

BTW, didn't Jesse once have a job as Clinton's moral advisor, or something like that?

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No one is saying Bush and FEMA are blameless, but why should he get all the blame as Mayor Naggin' and Gov. Blank-o and Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus and so many others want you to believe?

BTW, didn't Jesse once have a job as Clinton's moral advisor, or something like that?

I don't place all the blame on him. Just alot of it. I don't care what others want be to believe. All I'm concerned with are the facts.

BTW, didn't Jesse once have a job as Clinton's moral advisor, or something like that?

What does that have to do with anything regarding bloated dead children floating in the streets of NO? Stay focused.

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My comment was about the hypocrisy of people like Jackson who use racism to decry racism. I think that is very relevant to a thread about a creep like West and his racist comments.

The comment was also in reference to Jackson taking his mistress to the White House when giving Clinton

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My comment was about the hypocrisy of people like Jackson who use racism to decry racism. I think that is very relevant to a thread about a creep like West and his racist comments.

The comment was also in reference to Jackson taking his mistress to the White House when giving Clinton

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