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HAIF LinkedIn Networking


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The last number I saw that told the percentage of people who get new jobs through someone they know was over 80%. 


Also, new business is also often done with someone you know or a referral.


I thought then, that it would be a good idea for us to network.


I'm not sure the best way to do this, maybe you can just say "yes" or "I'm in" in this thread and we can PM each other our Linkedin profiles so we can connect.


So if anyone would like to connect with me on Linkedin, please send me a message and email if necessary. Or I can send you mine.



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I don't want to connect with any of you weird HAIF weirdos, but LinkedIn has put me in many, many, interviews. Monster is ancient history. Of course, if you know someone in the company you are interested in, that COMPLETELY blows LinkedIn out of the water.


It's also fun to connect/match a face to the people I talk to on a daily basis around the country and globe. 

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I noticed we connected recently on linkedin lockmat; i figured it's because we are/were facebook friends too.  this might be a good idea.  ;)  i, like montrose, know the...ummmm..diversity of personality types on haif. heh heh....

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  • 2 months later...

I'm out.


Linkedin shouldn't be a contest to get as many friends as possible.

I see some of you saying you invited all your facebook friends..?? What's the point of that ?

Is your mom's friend going to get you a job.. how bout your cousin in a band or your best friend's goth little brother?


Linkedin should be lots more selective. I don't want it to be facebook part deux.


Creating a network just for the sake of having a network.. what does that achieve ?  Is Joe Bob architect that I know by 4th degree going to help me find a job? No.  It's better to have a smaller and more meaninfgul network -  Your coworkers, your former coworkers, your former classmates, your clients, vendors you've worked with.


If i were linkedin buddies with any of you and I were looking for a job would any of you, first off, be in my field and able to help me? Second would any of you be willing to help me?  I wouldn't be willing to help sopmeone I don't really know and can't vouch for.    "Hey boss, I have a resume of someone I want you to look at to fill this position" "How do I know em...?.. well.. he's on an internet forum with me and umm..ermm... well... that's it"     Really?  That's a sure way to torpedo your own career.


Furthermore..  Linkedin is less important for networking (except for easy contact/managment of your real professional network) and more important as your professional ad space.  Have a good profile. Have a professional photo. Have your profile public.  ...  Include your link in job searching emails or on your personal buisness card.   Assume any interview you go on, your interviewer wil be searching for your FB and your Linkedin.




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I'm out.

Linkedin shouldn't be a contest to get as many friends as possible.

I see some of you saying you invited all your facebook friends..?? What's the point of that ?

Is your mom's friend going to get you a job.. how bout your cousin in a band or your best friend's goth little brother?

Linkedin should be lots more selective. I don't want it to be facebook part deux.

Creating a network just for the sake of having a network.. what does that achieve ? Is Joe Bob architect that I know by 4th degree going to help me find a job? No. It's better to have a smaller and more meaninfgul network - Your coworkers, your former coworkers, your former classmates, your clients, vendors you've worked with.

If i were linkedin buddies with any of you and I were looking for a job would any of you, first off, be in my field and able to help me? Second would any of you be willing to help me? I wouldn't be willing to help sopmeone I don't really know and can't vouch for. "Hey boss, I have a resume of someone I want you to look at to fill this position" "How do I know em...?.. well.. he's on an internet forum with me and umm..ermm... well... that's it" Really? That's a sure way to torpedo your own career.

Furthermore.. Linkedin is less important for networking (except for easy contact/managment of your real professional network) and more important as your professional ad space. Have a good profile. Have a professional photo. Have your profile public. ... Include your link in job searching emails or on your personal buisness card. Assume any interview you go on, your interviewer wil be searching for your FB and your Linkedin.

Although I agree with most of your post, over the last ten years many of us have grown to respect the feedback of various haif posters. I do not mind including them in LinkedIn contacts should I require someone with their talents in my office or need services or input from their particular industry. I would be selective with who I connected with, yes. Would I eliminate all possibilities. ..no.
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Although I agree with most of your post, over the last ten years many of us have grown to respect the feedback of various haif posters. I do not mind including them in LinkedIn contents should I require someone with their talents in my office or need services or input from their particular industry. I would be selective with who I connected with, yes. Would I eliminate all possibilities. ..no.


I don't disagree with you on that.

But another aspect of all this is anonymity.  Same reason I dont like HAIF on FB, or twitter,  etc..  A few people on here know me, and I'd like to keep it that way... a few.   I'm sure it's like that for most haifers.

If i ever needed to consult Haif for professional help or jobseeking.. I could just as easily start a post to address that need.  

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I don't disagree with you on that.

But another aspect of all this is anonymity. Same reason I dont like HAIF on FB, or twitter, etc.. A few people on here know me, and I'd like to keep it that way... a few. I'm sure it's like that for most haifers.

If i ever needed to consult Haif for professional help or jobseeking.. I could just as easily start a post to address that need.

Good point.

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The amount of connections on LinkedIn when you're in sales is very important. You don't have to know the person. If you know them, you have access to their second and third degree networks. Plus you just never know when you might need eachother or what it could lead to.

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I don't disagree with you on that.

But another aspect of all this is anonymity. Same reason I dont like HAIF on FB, or twitter, etc.. A few people on here know me, and I'd like to keep it that way... a few. I'm sure it's like that for most haifers.

If i ever needed to consult Haif for professional help or jobseeking.. I could just as easily start a post to address that need.

I actually like putting a face to a username. It makes me have sympathy for them and hesitate to say something when they post something dumb. Except Naviguesser.
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