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Houston, Best City in America

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18 Facts That Make Houston The Best City In America
When you think about Houston, Texas, you probably picture massive oil refineries, oppressive humidity, and a sub-par baseball team — a far cry from one of the nation's most up-and-coming cities. 

But you shouldn't dismiss Houston so easily; the Bayou City is an economic juggernaut.

It's by far the country's No. 1 job creator and home to 26 Fortune 500 companies. A paycheck goes farther here than anywhere else in the country, and it has a medical center larger than downtown Dallas. Add a thriving restaurant and cultural scene, and you've got a winning case for Houston as the best city in America. Here are 18 reasons you may want to pack your bags and head south. 






But you all already knew that..

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The first thing the article says "When you think about Houston, Texas, you probably picture massive oil refineries..."


How accurate do you think that is? When people think of Houston why would they think of the oil refineries? Sprawl and junky buildings on the side of the freeways I could believe, but all the refineries are confined to the east side and there is no reason to go to the east side unless you live there or you work there (not counting San Jacinto Monument or Battleship Texas).  I lived in Houston for years and very seldom had a need or desire to drive to Pasadena or points east where all the refineries are located. 


When people come to town, is that where they go? Do they drive right past downtown, uptown and everything else and head straight to the Houston ship channel where the image of refineries are baked into their long term memories? And when they leave, is that all they can remember?


L.A. has lots of refineries. The San Francisco bay area has lots of refineries. The entire Texas coast has refineries sprinkled all over it. 


Or is this another one of those articles that think they are being clever by starting off with a few negative qualities because they are really going to focus on the positives for the rest of the article?

Edited by Metro West
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I assume the point is- that when someone who is not from here, and has maybe never been here or even only visited a few times, when you think Houston you think oil and gas which often equates to 'refineries' as an initial thought.

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All Houston needs is a popular T.V. show based here about the beginnings of NASA or maybe a medical drama set in the TMC and that would change our perception overnight.


After people saw how cool the TMC is they couldn't wait to get sick so they could come here.

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I find the sterotypes quite humorous because it only blows their minds more when they actually do visit texas! I mean geographically Texas is actually the most geographically diverse of any state :P Now time to prep my horse for tomorrow's commute ;)

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True, arche.  I've heard people make comments that assume that we drive from Houston to Mexico for lunch.


And yet we do.  Or to Turkey, or India, or Vietnam... A great reason to love and enjoy Houston is the diversity.  But I'm preaching to the choir here.


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And yet we do.  Or to Turkey, or India, or Vietnam... A great reason to love and enjoy Houston is the diversity.  But I'm preaching to the choir here.



(*snort*...) I love it when people refuse to read something literally.   :lol:

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My favorite part of the article is this...



The Texas Medical Center is the largest single employer in Houston, and the largest medical center in the world, with 21 hospitals, eight academic and research institutions, and 50 total related organizations, all not-for-profit.


The complex is larger than downtown Dallas. 



Emphasis is mine.


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