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New Houston Ad Campaign

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Speaking of off topic,  did you see Houston's new ad campaign to attract people:



"This community-wide effort will allow us to tell the full story of Houston as the great American and global city that we know it to be,” 


The Full Story, HA! It's a 30 second commercial with nothing but goofy 20-somethings listening and dancing to music. The song is mediocre (sounds like every song in a cleaning/cereal/apple commercial, and the clips they used weren't even that flattering.

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I think the new "Houston: The City With No Limits" brand should go on our city limit signs... lol.  Actually, I think it's pretty good.  Love the clever logo.  The extended video at www.thecitywithnolimits.com is better - I think it does a good job showing people outside of Houston that we're a pretty good place to live with a high quality of life.


Totally agree with these quotes from the articles:


"Key message points focus on the area’s confidence, ambition, supportive nature, harmonious spirit, openness and forward-looking perspective, according to GHP."
"While the Convention and Visitors Bureau targets convention and tourist business, the Partnership's campaign is designed to get people to move here, Harvey said."
Those are very different things, and I'm glad the GHP sees that.  It's why so many of the past campaigns have been so ineffective.
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I'm always dubious at best as to the value of civic advertising campaigns in drawing in businesses or residents, no matter how catchy the slogan or logo. That said, you really want to get people to move here, people who would be receptive to the message of "the area’s confidence, ambition, supportive nature, harmonious spirit, openness and forward-looking perspective"?  Take the full advertising budget, and use it to show these ads in cities like Mumbai, Guangzhou, Mexico City or Sao Paulo.  That's where you'll find a critical mass of people who would love to come to a place in the US that they felt would be supportive of their ambition.  

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That said, you really want to get people to move here, people who would be receptive to the message of "the area’s confidence, ambition, supportive nature, harmonious spirit, openness and forward-looking perspective"? Take the full advertising budget, and use it to show these ads in cities like Mumbai, Guangzhou, Mexico City or Sao Paulo. That's where you'll find a critical mass of people who would love to come to a place in the US that they felt would be supportive of their ambition.

That's a great idea! Our city is so multicultural and receptive to others that you are onto something with that IMO

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I've always thought the Greater Houston Partnership / GHCVB keeps dreaming up these shiny happy people campaigns more as an ego thing than anything else.  Do they really think something this shallow is effective (well maybe, these are the kind of people that brought us "Eado" *gag*)?  They are delusional if they think so.  Where we can really grow and make a difference is if kids in Shanghai or Delhi grow up thinking that Houston is the best destination in the world to help them get rich.  


Their advertising agency should have pointed out that marketing is most effective when it plays off of your strengths.  I wouldn't spend a nickel on domestic advertising.  

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