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I'm not a professional critic by any means, but here goes...

World War Z. Awful. How could a zombie out burst possibly start in the middle of Downtown Philadelphia when it clearly should have been the airport. Secondly, an out burst doesn't just happen. There would have been clear warnings, especially because the military was there in such a short period of time.

Also, how/why would Israel build 100ft walls before the out break, and only one CIA agent locked up in South Korea knows about it? I felt like the story didn't go anywhere. Only Brad Pitt's character flew around the world to the most random places for a "lead".

And, how come it took until the end of the movie for him to realize they avoided the sick? I knew it the second that kid didn't get eaten. And why wouldn't they eat the sick? Doesn't make any sense!

I feel extremely frustrated that so much money went into it's production and the hoarding masses of the undead looked like completely fake crap.

And one last thing, it felt like the movie 2012. Every scene is the character making it out by the last second and inches from death. Except it was better then 2012 because it didn't have John Cusack trying to get the girl and he is the nice guy but it didn't work out. I feel like he plays the same person, just in different movies. Like Nicholas Cage. Yawn.

Edit: I almost forgot! How could the stewardess on the plane only discover the zombie then? What about on the flight to Israel? I mean come on...

Edited by Montrose1100
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That's so funny you posted this. We saw WWZ today and came out saying, 'hey, that was better than we expected."  I still think 28 Days Later is the best zombie flick.  One of the reasons I wanted to see WWZ was not for close-up zombie action but those big wide shots of entire cities and landmarks being swarmed with the undead. Ehhh....Those shots left me pretty tired of the same'ol same ole GC. I actually found the Israel stuff plausible. It is a paranoid state, not without reason.  The whole drama of Brad Pitt in the WHO vault with the freaking ebola, marburg etc.  was too much. Really? Let's just randomly stuff a couple of dozen vials in the box and pick one that works???? But of course, after he was impaled on shrapnel and didn't die, and the one-handed soldier girl never went septic.  And can I just say how tired I am of Brad and his crinkly-eye close ups? Reminds me of the American Dad episode about Clooney and his squinting. Brad is tons worse. On balance though, I'm still glad we saw this instead of Man of Steel. Yawn. Superman has to be the most boring of the superheros.  The trailer for Elysium looked promising. That will probably be the next movie outing.


Re: John Cusack. No way can he be compared to that waxy marionnette  Nic Cage!!  Yes, I will admit in public to watching Hot Tub Time Machine twice, and was not even baked when doing so.  Yes, he frequently plays the same character. But he also uses money from  crap films to  bankroll  stuff like War, Inc.    What about  The Paperboy? Eww. Not your  usual JC.  admittedly Cusack has been my fantasy BF for like 20 years. Except for  Say Anything, which is the Stairway to Heaven of Cusack movies. No Stairway!


In other news, I've been really enjoying HAIF lately, esp with the Chevron tower news. I actually think the design is not as dull as could be.   The 3 grouped together won't suck. Some great  things starting to happen in Houston.

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John Cusack trying to get the girl and he is the nice guy but it didn't work out. I feel like he plays the same person, just in different movies. Like Nicholas Cage. Yawn.

Edit: I almost forgot! How could the stewardess on the plane only discover the zombie then? What about on the flight to Israel? I mean come on...

John Cusack's best work was when he was working with savage Steve Holland.

A lot of Cage's work is very predictable, but he's in some really fun movies. Raising Arizona is horrible, but brilliant, and I highly recommend. Face off is another horrible piece of work, but is still worth the ride.

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This is a conversational gambit that has failed for me before, so I know that I'm the only person who remembers the Nicolas Cage/John Cusack vehicle "Con Air" with great fondness. "Con Air" - now that's entertainment!

But I'm partial to movies in which the ragtag band of bad guys or misfits or Little Leaguers have to save the day.

Brad Pitt and his crinkly eyes came to my local theater to promote the zombie movie the other night. I told my friend: "We missed him!" She expressed surprise that I was a Brad Pitt fan. It's true I have not seen his movies particularly, nor am I likely to, but his celebrity hobby is architecture, which is a refreshing change from world peace.


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Hot Tub Time Machine is a pretty funny movie. But again his character is what I described. Except it wasn't so emphasized that it ruined the movie.

What was the N.Cage movie where he is some business executive and travels to a parallel universe where he's married with kids to that woman who was in Deep Impact? That was an ok movie.

28 Days later is by far the tops zombie movie. No questions about it!

I recently watched a movie called Europa Report. I thought it was a really well made movie. I felt a little underwhelmed after the climax, but I enjoyed the idea of it. Spoiler Alert: the alien creatures are actually believable. It kinda felt like I was watching sphere during some of the intense scenes, but it wasn't so make believe.

I think I'll spend $1,000.00 and go see The Conjuring in theaters. The first paranormal activity is the only movie to scare me in my adult life.

Crunch: I know the Superman movies don't do it for me! Infancy the last batman movie was such a let down from the first two in the series. I'll have to YouTube Elysium.

Edit: did they say the name of the title on WWZ? Another let down. Why was it called World War Z?

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I'm not a professional critic by any means, but here goes...

World War Z. Awful. How could a zombie out burst possibly start in the middle of Downtown Philadelphia when it clearly should have been the airport. Secondly, an out burst doesn't just happen. There would have been clear warnings, especially because the military was there in such a short period of time.

Also, how/why would Israel build 100ft walls before the out break, and only one CIA agent locked up in South Korea knows about it? I felt like the story didn't go anywhere. Only Brad Pitt's character flew around the world to the most random places for a "lead".

And, how come it took until the end of the movie for him to realize they avoided the sick? I knew it the second that kid didn't get eaten. And why wouldn't they eat the sick? Doesn't make any sense!

I feel extremely frustrated that so much money went into it's production and the hoarding masses of the undead looked like completely fake crap.

And one last thing, it felt like the movie 2012. Every scene is the character making it out by the last second and inches from death. Except it was better then 2012 because it didn't have John Cusack trying to get the girl and he is the nice guy but it didn't work out. I feel like he plays the same person, just in different movies. Like Nicholas Cage. Yawn.

Edit: I almost forgot! How could the stewardess on the plane only discover the zombie then? What about on the flight to Israel? I mean come on...

When you wrote better than expected. . . .

I thought about the article I read on Max BRooks (author of the Book the movie is based on)----That was the feeling the article gave me-


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I did see District 9 ---- solid dystopian story set in an unexpected place, but sort of a let down with the usual sci-fi bug alien stuff. Visually very cool.

Just watched a (straight to video?) Cusack thriller called Numbers Station that kept my interest better than most, only because my partner kept explaining to me all the code-cracking lingo and history that to me was really cold war and WW2  history. 


I guess we get another Cage/Cusack film here soon, IMDB sez there is one where Cusack is a serial killer in Alaska and Cage is the cop on his trail.

Bonus points if Steve Buscemi shows up.

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28 Days Later was a great movie but my personal favorite zombie flick is Sean of the Dean. It's hilarious!


I thought Henry Cavill was a fantastic Superman in Man of Steel but the story felt unimportant to me. It seemed more like it was just a setup for a series of sequels (of which I look forward to).


Interesting note about District 9 is that it was originally going to be the film adaptation of the video game Halo but Microsoft pulled the plug. Peter Jackson and Neil Blomkamp went ahead and made a sci-fi flick anyways since they were into pre-production anyways.


Montrose, I want to see the Conjuring for the exact same reason you do. Paranormal Activity is the only film to scare me since I was a child. There's something about showing me less in a horror film that makes it scarier. I think my imagination is better than any foam or cg monster! :-)

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I guess we get another Cage/Cusack film here soon, IMDB sez there is one where Cusack is a serial killer in Alaska and Cage is the cop on his trail.


Well, you won't have to choose between waxy biceps guy and highstrung guy with the pretty mouth. But I don't think anyone will be seeing that movie. I hope not. I realize I'm on slippery moral footing since I found "Con Air" good, clean fun but I don't understand America's romance with serial killers.

In fact, I am hard pressed to think of anything Americans share, culturally, more than a fondness for serial killers.

There was one where Cusack and a bunch of people are stranded in a storm at a motel, then they start getting bumped off, 10 Little Indians-style. But it turns out they are really the fragmented personalities of a serial killer that are slowly being "integrated"  (a psychiatric fraud Hollywood likes).

I at least won't spoiler the title, I don't remember it.

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Not a big Cuasack fan, but Better Off Dead was always one of my favorites growing up.


My vote for best zombie movie goes to the original Dawn of the Dead.

The Battery is a reccent indie zombie movie that I really enjoyed. Pretty slow though.

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All the zombie movies in recent years has gotten the attention of the cdc...


Dr. Ali Khan, notes, "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack." So please log on, get a kit, make a plan, and be prepared!

Why didn't they tell us earlier that the best way to prepare for a hurricane is to be ready for the zombie apocalypse?

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  • 4 months later...

I'm hoping the zombie craze has played its course.  The Walking Dead is still the best of that whole sub-genre (is it horror, or is it sci-fy).


And I've never really seen the attraction of zombies.


I guess its a sort of apocalyptic "escapism" minus the actually tearifying and realistic ideas presented in movies like "The Road" among a few others.

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A great movie is well scored.  I've never seen a great movie with a horrible soundtrack, although I have seen bad movies with great soundtracks (like "The Edge" which wasn't bad, but far from great).


I'm waiting for "Gravity" to come to disk and contemplating a purchase.  I'm very careful when buying movies and won't budge for one unless its really worth its weight.


I'm also intrigued by "12 Years A Slave"


on the historical note:  "Lincoln" is worth anyone's time just from the standpoint of historical accuracy.  Yes there are a few flubs, but I think it gives a great insight towards our most significant historical figure during our most significant historical event.

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I know it would be nearly impossible to beat but I think a remake of Bladerunner (using modern filming techniques/technology) would be AWESOME. If done right.



And maybe something by Stephen Baxter or Asimov. I can imagine the skyline composed of the artificial buildings erected by the Qax or the skyline of Trantor at night against the core of the Milky Way. Awesome.

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