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Any Water-logged Stories Out There To Tell?

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Just wondering how all of our illustrious posters on this forum are holding up in different parts of town with all this (much needed) rain...

I think it's been pouring hard here in Spring since last night and it shows no signs of slowing up. How is everyone else doing with the deluge today?

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I had an enjoyable drive on TC Jester yesterday. White Oak Bayou looked like white water rapids in the mountains.

After three years here, I've learned what floods and doesn't and make my plans accordingly.

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Ahhhh good ole rain. Don't get any here. All we get is a 120 + degree heat. The closest thing we have to an overcast is when a dust storm hits us. Yeah the dust gets in and on everything but it knocks off a good 5 degrees or so off our high temp.


Here is a picture of one of my guys inside during a dust storm. The picture was taken about 5 feet away.

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Nice reality check, HII! ;)

I don't think I'll be complaining about the rain here anymore.

How long are you over there for?

Was activated 9 June 05(spent 5 months in NJ "training" :angry: ) Was in Kuwait 12 Nov 04. Been here since 6 Jan 05.

No idea when I'll be making my way back home to :wub: Houston. Who knows.....maybe by Christmas <_<

Yeah......one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year my butt.....Oh well ......Drive on... B) .

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Ahhhh good ole rain. Don't get any here. All we get is a 120 + degree heat.  The closest thing we have to an overcast is when a dust storm hits us.  Yeah the dust gets in and on everything but it knocks off a good 5 degrees or so off our high temp.


Here is a picture of one of my guys inside during a dust storm. The picture was taken about 5 feet away.

Hard to beat that one. I think I'll just sit this thread out.

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Was activated 9 June 05(spent 5 months in NJ "training" mad.gif ) Was in Kuwait 12 Nov 04. Been here since 6 Jan 05.

No idea when I'll be making my way back home to wub.gif Houston. Who knows.....maybe by Christmas dry.gif

Yeah......one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year my butt.....Oh well ......Drive on... cool.gif .

Thank you for being there for me. :)

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Thank you for being there for me. :)

Big Ditto! here. Too. Many thanks, HII. :wub: Btw, does "training" in New Joisey involve driving in traffic and surviving a night in Asbury Park? (Sorry for off-topic, I just have to know...)

They said it was bad in downtown when I left Thursday afternoon at three from Greenway, but I didn't hit anything bad except a flashing red light at Dallas and some smaller side street. And I did manage to creep through a 2 inch deep puddle on northbound 59, just before the Main St. exit.

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