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Downtown Hotel Market


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Just to throw it out there, but what's up with the conversion of the old Sheraton Lincoln into an Omni Hotel? I thought that was supposed to be well on the way by now...

It will break my heart if this doesn't happen, but I would lay money it is effectively dead. So many redevelopment plans for the Sheraton Lincoln have fallen though for one reason or another. I hate to see that building just a shell for years on end.

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Actually they did start out as for sale, but I don't think they had enough people interested so now they are for rent. This happened well before all the harder financial situations happened with the banks and the economy though.

Check your history. You are completely, absolutely 100% incorrect. Finger's building has been planned as a rental from its initial conception forward, long before it had its name or exact size.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe when Savoy becomes a BIGGER pile of bricks, they'll knock it down and build something useful. that place has been vacant forever it seems. Go by there one day and see the brick pile behind the garage. The black widow gate is a nice touch! The newer side is not that bad looking, I guess its what's attached to it crumbling to the ground that's the problem. It still looks better than that fugly old Days Inn Building. I thought that sold recenty and there where high hopes of turning it into condos and businesses. That Days Inn seems to get a little uglier every day!! Does anyone know if that sale really went through with Days Inn?

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Maybe when Savoy becomes a BIGGER pile of bricks, they'll knock it down and build something useful. that place has been vacant forever it seems. Go by there one day and see the brick pile behind the garage. The black widow gate is a nice touch! The newer side is not that bad looking, I guess its what's attached to it crumbling to the ground that's the problem. It still looks better than that fugly old Days Inn Building. I thought that sold recenty and there where high hopes of turning it into condos and businesses. That Days Inn seems to get a little uglier every day!! Does anyone know if that sale really went through with Days Inn?

I'm assuming it sold because work had started several months ago and I remember reading that they were gutting it. However, I've not seen any further activity recently.

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  • 7 years later...

The JW Marriott is like you dug up a long buried corpse, replaces its rotting skin with saran wrap, and introduced it as your significant other to your family over Thanksgiving dinner,

As it shambled around, they would all smile and nod, but they would all be thinking the same thing:

The JW Mariott is an abomination.

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The worst thing about the J W Mariott is that it is literally directly across the street from the Gulf Building, one of the finest buildings in the city. It is a broken, wretched mockery of a building that, by its very existence, sickens and befouls everything around it. 

the J W Mariott is an abomination.

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So...the Carter was better off before the renovation?

That's an interesting viewpoint. I don't agree with it, but I certainly respect it. I look at the two buildings now, compare them to what they were prior to the redo, and find them to be to the betterment of the entire block. That's just one man's opinion, and admittedly I'm biased. 

Could be worse, I guess. It could've had its beautiful stone wall ripped off and replaced by a more modern wall of glass.


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Isn't it a bit too early to vote?  Several of these hotels have barely started construction.  And, as the skin of the Beige Boxes we call the Hampton and embassy suggest, it is not really possible to see how some of these buildings will turn out --- the renderings may or may not prove to be even close to the final product.



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