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Bin Laden is dead


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This is too momentous for this to go unmentioned on HAIF.

This is awesome.

How very politically convenient that the news breaks at a time when Democrats desperately need to end their protracted wars and cut military spending in order to save face with their base. And just about the moment where a contender would have to step up to challenge Obama in the primaries, too...

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How very politically convenient that the news breaks at a time when Democrats desperately need to end their protracted wars and cut military spending in order to save face with their base. And just about the moment where a contender would have to step up to challenge Obama in the primaries, too...

Someone's a cynic. Seriously? Does everything with Obama have to be some conspiracy?

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How very politically convenient that the news breaks at a time when Democrats desperately need to end their protracted wars and cut military spending in order to save face with their base. And just about the moment where a contender would have to step up to challenge Obama in the primaries, too...

Actually, the politically convenient time would have been just a month or two prior to the 2012 election.

In order not to distract from this historic moment, this will be my only response to your ignorant post, regardless how desperate your future posts become in an attempt to hijack the moment and this thread.

To all of those who have sacrificed in order that this day may eventually arrive, I give my heartfelt thanks, and I wish you well during the inevitable attempts at retribution that will come in response to this assassination.

To the Navy SEALS, job well done!

Edited by editor
Removed personal attack
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To all of those who have sacrificed in order that this day may eventually arrive, I give my heartfelt thanks, and I wish you well during the inevitable attempts at retribution that will come in response to this assassination.

To the Navy SEALS, job well done!

... America !! Yeah !!!!


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I did not suggest a conspiracy, merely that it was politically convenient. Your mind bridged the gap.

I disagree. There was going to be a political boost anytime that this happened. It would have been far more politically convenient if it had happened prior to the midterm elections, or after the nominating conventions. If the administration had chosen a time to release this, this would hardly have been it.

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Actually, the politically convenient time would have been just a month or two prior to the 2012 election.

In order not to distract from this historic moment, this will be my only response to your ignorant post, regardless how desperate your future posts become in an attempt to hijack the moment and this thread.

I disagree. There was going to be a political boost anytime that this happened. It would have been far more politically convenient if it had happened prior to the midterm elections, or after the nominating conventions. If the administration had chosen a time to release this, this would hardly have been it.

I said that the timing was politically convenient, and it is. Military spending as a component of the budget debate is something that Democrats can now reduce in order to advance their policy objectives without being labeled as 'weak on terrorism' by Republican. This is a big deal--if they play the cards right.

Just prior to elections would also have been convenient, however mostly just as a matter of maintaining political power.

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I said that the timing was politically convenient, and it is. Military spending as a component of the budget debate is something that Democrats can now reduce in order to advance their policy objectives without being labeled as 'weak on terrorism' by Republican. This is a big deal--if they play the cards right.

Just prior to elections would also have been convenient, however mostly just as a matter of maintaining political power.

I understand your point. My point is that this is significant enough news that the timing could be labelled "politically convenient" at virtually any time that it occurred and I don't believe that this is the time that anyone in the administration would have chosen if they had that ability.

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I saw the address last night, and thought it would make a great drinking game to take a swig every time Obama said "I".

Seriously, however, what does this all mean? It's not like airport security is going to go back to pre-9/11 levels.

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Dubya had 8 years to do this. Obama did it in 3. Obama is the man. Republican'ts may resume their non-constructive, non-productive, hapless, helpless whining.

By that logic, FDR took 4 yrs to fight the war, and Truman took Hitler in a few months.

What's your point?

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The point is that if you want things done - vote Democrat. And that Obama is the man. And that the people who put dubya into office were idiots and probably still are.

Do you really think that there was an increase in amount or quality of resources allocated to chasing OBL when Obama took office as opposed to W? This was like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. They worked hard at it for years and finally caught the break that they needed. To make this a political thing is a discredit to the hard-working people under both administrations that made this happen.

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Do you really think that there was an increase in amount or quality of resources allocated to chasing OBL when Obama took office as opposed to W? This was like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. They worked hard at it for years and finally caught the break that they needed. To make this a political thing is a discredit to the hard-working people under both administrations that made this happen.

I think we're screaming in the wind.

While I'm not a "D" or "R", I am well aware of those in their respective parties are the political version of UBL(May he be cursed): They believe their own version of the truth. Evidence be damned.

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The point is that if you want things done - vote Democrat. And that Obama is the man. And that the people who put dubya into office were idiots and probably still are.

Guess I missed something. Did Obama kill Bin Laden himself? Were the Navy Seals all democrats?

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The point is that if you want things done - vote Democrat. And that Obama is the man. And that the people who put dubya into office were idiots and probably still are.

This folks, for those that don't know, is what you call trolling.

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I saw the address last night, and thought it would make a great drinking game to take a swig every time Obama said "I".

An even more fun game would be to take a drink every time someone in the media calls Osama, Obama by mistake.

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Do you really think that there was an increase in amount or quality of resources allocated to chasing OBL when Obama took office as opposed to W? This was like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. They worked hard at it for years and finally caught the break that they needed. To make this a political thing is a discredit to the hard-working people under both administrations that made this happen.

Yes, I do.

First, we got the hell out of Iraq for the most part. Osama was NEVER in Iraq and Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. Secondly, we turned our focus onto Afghanistan where we thought Osama was all along. We increased our troop levels and changed commanders under Obama. Finally, and in a move I totally disagreed with, we've basically been at war with Pakistan for the last two years with constant drone attacks and now an actual military operation within Pakistan's borders.

Obama made bringing Osama to justice a priority. Bush's priority was bringing down Iraq.

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Obama made bringing Osama to justice a priority. Bush's priority was bringing down Iraq.

Spot on. Dubya only cared about getting revenge on Iraq on behalf of his daddy's failed war. ...who between the 2 of them (Bush Senior and Junior), have sent thousands (and counting) of American Soldiers to die for their own personal agenda and to save the family name.

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I saw the address last night, and thought it would make a great drinking game to take a swig every time Obama said "I".

Seriously, however, what does this all mean? It's not like airport security is going to go back to pre-9/11 levels.

or said 'merica.

or that he stumbled over the teleprompter. his recital of the speech was most disappointing. the last lines were great though.

I don't expect this is changing many American lives, we're still in debt to our ears, we're still embroiled in war zones across the world, there's still a massive terrorist organization that is well funded and hates USA, as well as other western countries.

It is a vindication for our country and can help to close one chapter.

I am saddened that the jubilation that people had for this will be misinterpreted by those who would wish continued harm to us, they will use it as propaganda that we were cheering the death of an innocent.

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Back to the conspiracy theory...what show did BHO pre-empt to make the live announcement? Coincidence it was "Celebrity Apprentice"? It is very strange that UBL lived in a walled compound just a few blocks from a military training facility in a major Pakistani city and no one knew he was there? Seriously?

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Yes, I do.

First, we got the hell out of Iraq for the most part. Osama was NEVER in Iraq and Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. Secondly, we turned our focus onto Afghanistan where we thought Osama was all along. We increased our troop levels and changed commanders under Obama. Finally, and in a move I totally disagreed with, we've basically been at war with Pakistan for the last two years with constant drone attacks and now an actual military operation within Pakistan's borders.

Obama made bringing Osama to justice a priority. Bush's priority was bringing down Iraq.

This ball was in motion long before Obama took office and has little to do with increases or decreases in overt activity in Afghanistan or Iraq. This came from years of pavement pounding by the intelligence and military communities during both administrations. It wasn't Obama that got this guy any more than it would have been Bush. It was the people working for years following up leads and squeezing those detainees behind the scenes who got him. If we have to give politicos credit, then it was Bush who started the ball going almost 10 years ago and Obama who finally caught it.

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This ball was in motion long before Obama took office and has little to do with increases or decreases in overt activity in Afghanistan or Iraq. This came from years of pavement pounding by the intelligence and military communities during both administrations. It wasn't Obama that got this guy any more than it would have been Bush. It was the people working for years following up leads and squeezing those detainees behind the scenes who got him. If we have to give politicos credit, then it was Bush who started the ball going almost 10 years ago and Obama who finally caught it.

Was Bush going to find Osama in Iraq? Was he going to find him in Afghanistan after he neglected that front?


Sorry, but it was the Obama Administration who spearheaded the movement by beginning to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan about two years ago. It began with drone attacks within Pakistani borders and ended with the Navy SEALS operation yesterday. By international law, Obama's Admin. had started a third war; a war within Pakistan. It was via this third war that the U.S. operatives were able to kill OBL.

Also, just as an fyi, we've been searching for Osama for a lot longer than ten years. George W. didn't begin the search for him and he didn't end it either.

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Was Bush going to find Osama in Iraq? Was he going to find him in Afghanistan after he neglected that front?


Sorry, but it was the Obama Administration who spearheaded the movement by beginning to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan about two years ago. It began with drone attacks within Pakistani borders and ended with the Navy SEALS operation yesterday. By international law, Obama's Admin. had started a third war; a war within Pakistan. It was via this third war that the U.S. operatives were able to kill OBL.

Also, just as an fyi, we've been searching for Osama for a lot longer than ten years. George W. didn't begin the search for him and he didn't end it either.

You could politicize this either way. If it weren't for the torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2007, under the detention and interrogation structure set up under Bush, we wouldn't have started the intelligence chain on the couriers' identity that led to the actionable intelligence that led to this mission. Obama did a great job, but he couldn't have done it without Bush. Both administrations deserve credit.

This should be a victory for all Americans, regardless of your views on Iraq. Anyone who tries to politicize this so soon will be marginalizing themselves greatly.

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You could politicize this either way. If it weren't for the torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2007, under the detention and interrogation structure set up under Bush, we wouldn't have started the intelligence chain on the couriers' identity that led to the actionable intelligence that led to this mission. Obama did a great job, but he couldn't have done it without Bush. Both administrations deserve credit.

This should be a victory for all Americans, regardless of your views on Iraq. Anyone who tries to politicize this so soon will be marginalizing themselves greatly.

KSM did not reveal the courier's name during the torture. He gave it up months later during regular interrogation, leaving the use of torture question unanswered. However, the satellite and drone surveillance of the courier was spectacular.

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Back to the conspiracy theory...what show did BHO pre-empt to make the live announcement? Coincidence it was "Celebrity Apprentice"? It is very strange that UBL lived in a walled compound just a few blocks from a military training facility in a major Pakistani city and no one knew he was there? Seriously?

There is more than just one channel on t.v. Also, who is your neighbor say.. 8 houses down? It's plausible to not know someone is there if they never make their presence known. HOWEVER, I do NOT think that's the case. I was only making a point. I am 100% confident that he had a very vast support network around him.

KSM did not reveal the courier's name during the torture. He gave it up months later during regular interrogation, leaving the use of torture question unanswered. However, the satellite and drone surveillance of the courier was spectacular.

How was this confirmed?

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