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Man Who Walks Around Montrose With A Staff

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There's a man with some kind of medical condition, maybe scoliosis or something. He walks with a pretty significant hobble, and he's got this big Gandalf-looking staff that he walks with, plus a bunch of stuff he carries on his back. He has a pretty bohemian style of dress, and I think at least one earring. He does a lot of walking in the Montrose area. I've seen him walking all over the place in Montrose for years and years.

He has a really positive energy about him and I've wondered what his story is.

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He works/hangs out at the Magic Cauldron. Talked to him briefly in the past and seems like a pretty cool cat.

The character *I* miss is "Island man" I always wonder what happened to him.

I've also met up with him at KPFT's "After Hours" program.

Haven't seen Island Man in a long time. True story: about 15 years ago, a friend saw him in his usual spot, but huddled under a blanket. Concerned, he went up and tapped him on the shoulder - "Are you OK?" Island man peeked out, and my friend could see that he had a tiny portable TV. "Shh!," he said "I'm watching Oprah!"

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Ah yes... I have purchased this man many 18-packs of cheap Texas beer. One time I actually stuck around with him after a beer run. Turns out he lost his entire family while serving in Vietnam. He came back to an empty home. He was of course devastated. Never recovered. I dont think any sane person would ever recover from something like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

He's a very nice guy, but strange. He participates in Wiccan/Pagan religions and is often seen with them at the Gay Pride parade. i believe his lover died of AIDS about 15 years ago because they were in the room next to my partner.

He's a small spark of the "old Montrose."

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  • 2 years later...

He is a dear friend.I used to work as production manager at Opera in the Heights and I needed a staff for this one opera that I was prop master for.I saw him walking down Waugh with one of his staffs and asked him where he got it.He said he made it and gave me the fee for such a treasure.Well, it wasn't in the budget but we became good friends as a result.This friendship was kindled deeper when I worked at Lobo Bookstore where he was a regular.He likes to go by Merlyn.You can see him as a wizard on commercials advertising The Magic Cauldron.He was born with spinalbifida but it doesn't stop him from anything...have you seen this guy booking down Montrose?...Amazing! His real name is Bobby Paganno so I was told  by him.He was at my last Thanksgiving Party much to my joy and honor.He is a sweetheart and a Montrose Legend. I love him dearly!


Edited by whoopitman
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting that video. He walks past our house often and I've admired how he manages to cover so much ground

with his disability. When I hear about people complaining about having to walk a block or even across a parking lot to get to

their meeting or dinner I think of Merlyn(Bob), and shake my head. He is an amazing person who doesn't let anything slow him

down. I liked his christmas lighting on his staff during the holidays. Not only could you hear him humming but you could see him coming in the dark with those blue lights blinking.

Edited by bobruss
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  • 2 months later...
  • The title was changed to Man Who Walks Around Montrose With A Staff

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