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Walmart Supercenter At 111 Yale St.


Walmart at Yale & I-10: For or Against  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Q1: Regarding the proposed WalMart at Yale and I-10:

    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • Undecided
  2. 2. Q2: If/when this proposed WalMart is built at Yale & I-10

    • I am FOR this WalMart and will shop at this WalMart
    • I am FOR this WalMart but will not shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart but will shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart and will not shop at this WalMart
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Q3: WalMart in general

    • I am Pro-Walmart
    • I am Anti-Walmart
    • I don't care either way
    • Undecided

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This theory has no validity in the case of a large box store with dozens, or even hundreds of employees and customers, not to mention that the store is too large to see all of the interior from store front windows. In fact, if these "professionals" had done any study at all, they would realize that windows in big box retail stores can encourage 'smash and grab' burglaries, in which thieves smash a window, enter and grab numerous items and flee before police can respond to the burglar alarm.

From what I've seen in Europe, when big box stores (also grocery stores) in center cities with window displays close for the night, garage door-like contraptions close so thieves cannot break glass.

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From what I've seen in Europe, when big box stores (also grocery stores) in center cities with window displays close for the night, garage door-like contraptions close so thieves cannot break glass.

You know, this is a good point, problem is, you aren't talking about 'big box stores' in the USA traditional fashion. ie. walmart, home depot, costco. you're talking about the equivalent of a macys, or department store, they have something called 'store fronts' and use 'window dressing' in those store fronts, very similar to the USA department store.

the closest equivalent to big box they have in europe is ikea, which, we have here too (and actually is a big box store)! guess what, the stores are all built with the same premise, and that premise in europe (as it is here in the states) there are no windows. surprising.

what other big box stores exist in europe? I end up traveling over there about once a year, and in my travels, I don't recall seeing any walmarts, targets, or other big box stores....

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While s3mh wishes to make it sound as if Walmart steamrolled our poor mayor, nothing could be further from the truth. Fact is, Parker wanted this development and proposed the 380. Just as Parker crushed the majority opposition to her pet historic district project, she crushed the minority opposition to Walmart. The Walmart opponents have stopped nothing, changed nothing. Kind of shame, really. Parker actually asked them what changes they'd like. Those morons only said, 'no Walmart'. They went all in and lost.

Stop Heights Walmart did suggest bioswales, which were incorporated into the Walmart design. They also suggested a smaller footprint, parking garage, not open 24/7. Walmart wouldn't negotiate at all on anything else. Stop heights walmart also wanted either protection from through traffic or upgrades to the 18' wide streets in the adjacent West End neighborhood. City did nothing. And if you really think that Mayor Parker was sincere when she was asking residents for input on how to make the development better, you are a fool. It was just carefully crafted PR to try to co-opt opposition without creating the appearance that she was running interference for her donors and political allies.

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Stop Heights Walmart did suggest bioswales, which were incorporated into the Walmart design. They also suggested a smaller footprint, parking garage, not open 24/7. Walmart wouldn't negotiate at all on anything else. Stop heights walmart also wanted either protection from through traffic or upgrades to the 18' wide streets in the adjacent West End neighborhood. City did nothing. And if you really think that Mayor Parker was sincere when she was asking residents for input on how to make the development better, you are a fool. It was just carefully crafted PR to try to co-opt opposition without creating the appearance that she was running interference for her donors and political allies.

Either way, if our mayor was steamrollered, or just didn't care about the majority of her constituents, while we may not agree on the reasons why, we do agree that the mayor is doing a very bad job.

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I don't know you, but I bet you use an electronic device that was made in China by people who are underpaid, and work in a harsh (in some cases deadly) environment all so you can have a little more convenience in your life.

I have little respect for someone who claims to be a herald for the working man when they support the same, or in this case, worse conditions, all because it is in a land far away. But by all means, don't let me stop you from making a point.

It's kind of like that lady who was going to go picket at Steve Jobs' funeral because iPhones were unholy, and she posted the tweet from her iPhone...

Oh please. If the standard is that you can only oppose something if you live a life completely free of any ideological contradictions, then no one would be able to take a stance on anything ever. Many tea partiers are medicare recipients. Should they have to go without healthcare in order to be able to oppose bailouts for Wall Street? Should people concerned about Houston's air quality be required to walk or bike everywhere in order to complain about a refinery that is not operating with proper emissions controls? Of course not. Life is complicated.

But, there is no company in the world that is more responsible for sending jobs out of the US and into China than Walmart. Thus, if anyone wanted to take a stand for the working man, opposing Walmart is the best first step. Plus, thanks in large part to Walmart, it is virtually impossible to find consumer goods in any store that are not made under terrible conditions in third world countries. So, people do not even have a choice to operate under your ideological purity and function in modern society. The argument is just a red herring because there is no good argument for Walmart.

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Either way, if our mayor was steamrollered, or just didn't care about the majority of her constituents, while we may not agree on the reasons why, we do agree that the mayor is doing a very bad job.

Funny thing is that I actually think Mayor Parker has, on the whole, done a good job. She balanced the city budget, got a plan to pay for drainage infrastructure into place (albiet a very flawed plan) instead of passing the buck to the next administration, has started to make inroads into the City's municipal pension problems and has pushed back against high-rise developments in residential areas. She is a smart politician and took the side of money and political power over the neighborhood when it came to Walmart, knowing that incumbent mayors always get reelected as long as they do not piss off the big powers (developers, construction, engineering, retailers, etc.). There are lots of things she could do better, but on the whole she has managed City government well. It would have been interesting to see how Bill White would have dealt with the same situation. He had more latitude because he was self funded. He was able to put the full force of the City behind the Stop Ashby people. It would be interesting to see whether he would have done the same for the far less connected West End/Heights constituents.

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Oh please. If the standard is that you can only oppose something if you live a life completely free of any ideological contradictions, then no one would be able to take a stance on anything ever. Many tea partiers are medicare recipients. Should they have to go without healthcare in order to be able to oppose bailouts for Wall Street? Should people concerned about Houston's air quality be required to walk or bike everywhere in order to complain about a refinery that is not operating with proper emissions controls? Of course not. Life is complicated.

But, there is no company in the world that is more responsible for sending jobs out of the US and into China than Walmart. Thus, if anyone wanted to take a stand for the working man, opposing Walmart is the best first step. Plus, thanks in large part to Walmart, it is virtually impossible to find consumer goods in any store that are not made under terrible conditions in third world countries. So, people do not even have a choice to operate under your ideological purity and function in modern society. The argument is just a red herring because there is no good argument for Walmart.

However you need to justify it to yourself so you sleep better at night!

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Stop Heights Walmart did suggest bioswales, which were incorporated into the Walmart design. They also suggested a smaller footprint, parking garage, not open 24/7. Walmart wouldn't negotiate at all on anything else. Stop heights walmart also wanted either protection from through traffic or upgrades to the 18' wide streets in the adjacent West End neighborhood. City did nothing. And if you really think that Mayor Parker was sincere when she was asking residents for input on how to make the development better, you are a fool. It was just carefully crafted PR to try to co-opt opposition without creating the appearance that she was running interference for her donors and political allies.

This is pretty funny. At 3:09 pm yesterday, s3mh was pleading that the powerful engineers, developers and others wielded their mighty clout, and that the Ashby people scared the poor mayor into caving to Walmart's demands. Today, at 10:20 am, s3mh has done a 180 by stating that Parker merely placated the masses while doing what she intended all along. That happens to be exactly what I have posted all along.

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"The argument is just a red herring because there is no good argument for Walmart."

Uh. They stock lot's of stuff, and sell it at a price low enough that even the most unfortunate of our citizens can afford big screen TV's?

Translation: they throw millions of Americans out of good paying manufacturing jobs that make quality goods, depressing wages so that millions of Americans can only afford to buy cheap low quality goods from Walmart that are actually more expensive in the long run because the cheap stuff wears out and falls apart so fast.

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This is pretty funny. At 3:09 pm yesterday, s3mh was pleading that the powerful engineers, developers and others wielded their mighty clout, and that the Ashby people scared the poor mayor into caving to Walmart's demands. Today, at 10:20 am, s3mh has done a 180 by stating that Parker merely placated the masses while doing what she intended all along. That happens to be exactly what I have posted all along.

No, entirely consistent. But for the powerful interests lined up against the Stop Heights Walmart people, Mayor Parker may have very well taken a strong pro-community stance. Mayor Parker used run an independent bookstore. She lost her business when Barnes and Noble and Borders came to town. But, she is now a politician and a fairly smart one. She knew that if she pissed off the big power players that they would fund an opponent (Ainbinder did not support Parker when she was first elected and fund raised for her after she won). Thus, she did everything she could to appear to care, all the while knowing all along that politically she had to back the developers. As GHW Bush used to say, your first job in elected office is to get relected.

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Translation: they throw millions of Americans out of good paying manufacturing jobs that make quality goods, depressing wages so that millions of Americans can only afford to buy cheap low quality goods from Walmart that are actually more expensive in the long run because the cheap stuff wears out and falls apart so fast.

If your claim is that Walmart sells cheap low quality goods, then it is impossible that manufacturing jobs that make quality goods are lost. They are too different things. Only cheap manufacturing jobs would be lost. But, I completely understand your disgust at poor people only buying cheap goods. The poors are stupid like that. Why can't they be enlightened like you an I?

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No, entirely consistent. But for the powerful interests lined up against the Stop Heights Walmart people, Mayor Parker may have very well taken a strong pro-community stance. Mayor Parker used run an independent bookstore. She lost her business when Barnes and Noble and Borders came to town. But, she is now a politician and a fairly smart one. She knew that if she pissed off the big power players that they would fund an opponent (Ainbinder did not support Parker when she was first elected and fund raised for her after she won). Thus, she did everything she could to appear to care, all the while knowing all along that politically she had to back the developers. As GHW Bush used to say, your first job in elected office is to get relected.

Umm, she also spent 20 years as a software analyst in the oil industry, primarily Mosbacher Energy. Funny how you left that out. Oh, I know! Because that would identify her as a member of the big money players you are trying to portray her as against. Look, she is who she is. She didn't amass her formidable war chest from used bookstore owners. Annise Parker is well connected to big money Houston. Sorry if that ruins your idyllic view of her, but she is who she is, and damn good at it. That's fine when she is on my side, but it sucks when she is not.

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The Chronicle had an article on the vast swath of food deserts in Houston. The map of grocery stores by zip code helps show why it is so critical to divert funds to building big grocery stores in 77007.


This is besides your point, but their definition of 'food desert' is misleading. Zip code 77006 has access to plenty of supermarkets, including the remodeled Montrose Kroger and nearby H-E-B. Only the zips that have no supermarkets and are far removed from those in neighboring zip codes should really fall into that definition.

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The Chronicle had an article on the vast swath of food deserts in Houston. The map of grocery stores by zip code helps show why it is so critical to divert funds to building big grocery stores in 77007.

I get where you're coming from, and that's why I'd oppose the Kroger 380, which was a give-away to the grocer. But the Ainbinder 380 only funds infrastructure improvements around the development, including street repaving and widening, and the extension of the Heights bike trail. It wouldn't matter who the tenants were; these were improvements best undertaken during construction of a new [anything] on that site, and it was just icing on the cake that the developer pays up front and is indemnified for completing them to City specs before eventually being reimbursed. Its one of the few competent 380 Agreements, IMO.

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I agree, I am not sure if 006 falls out by HEB being too new and fiesta and kroger being on the border with 098. 019 is a stretch too with Randalls and Central Market being so close.

This is besides your point, but their definition of 'food desert' is misleading. Zip code 77006 has access to plenty of supermarkets, including the remodeled Montrose Kroger and nearby H-E-B. Only the zips that have no supermarkets and are far removed from those in neighboring zip codes should really fall into that definition.

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I get where you're coming from, and that's why I'd oppose the Kroger 380, which was a give-away to the grocer. But the Ainbinder 380 only funds infrastructure improvements around the development, including street repaving and widening, and the extension of the Heights bike trail. It wouldn't matter who the tenants were; these were improvements best undertaken during construction of a new [anything] on that site, and it was just icing on the cake that the developer pays up front and is indemnified for completing them to City specs before eventually being reimbursed. Its one of the few competent 380 Agreements, IMO.

Except part of the rationale for this 380 was the underserved nature of grocery in the area. How is the yale developmet going to extend the Heights bike trail? I haven't seen anything about that, and can't imagine how they would do it. The bike trail pre-walmart extended from Washington to 20th so I am curious where it will go now.

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Translation: they throw millions of Americans out of good paying manufacturing jobs that make quality goods, depressing wages so that millions of Americans can only afford to buy cheap low quality goods from Walmart that are actually more expensive in the long run because the cheap stuff wears out and falls apart so fast.

Right, because America never built cheap goods like the Ford Pinto. It's a classic car now, don't ya know. And we sewed textiles waaaay better than them. Woo! YEAH! AMERICA! YEAH! Textiles plants were friggin' awesome! Wooooooooooooooooo!

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How is the yale developmet going to extend the Heights bike trail? I haven't seen anything about that, and can't imagine how they would do it. The bike trail pre-walmart extended from Washington to 20th so I am curious where it will go now.

I probably misspoke on that. I meant the jogging trail in the median of Heights Blvd.

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I agree, I am not sure if 006 falls out by HEB being too new and fiesta and kroger being on the border with 098. 019 is a stretch too with Randalls and Central Market being so close.

Fiesta and Kroger on Montrose are both inside 77006 while the HEB is west of the line. I don't know if those two did more than $10M in sales in a year. Montrose did need a bigger grocery store, and I'm glad they have one now.

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Yeah, a map that considers a zip code to be poorly served because there are not any grocery stores in that zip, even though there may be 3 or 4 right on the edge. Never mind how many people there are, or how small the zip code is. 023, my zip, there's Kroger within walking distance, fiesta within short driving distance, and heb down in gulfgate. Not sure where the 4th is and I'm pretty sure there isn't a 5 or 6?

Those poor guys that live in the Greenway plaza zip code aren't served by a grocery at all!

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Yeah, a map that considers a zip code to be poorly served because there are not any grocery stores in that zip, even though there may be 3 or 4 right on the edge. Never mind how many people there are, or how small the zip code is. 023, my zip, there's Kroger within walking distance, fiesta within short driving distance, and heb down in gulfgate. Not sure where the 4th is and I'm pretty sure there isn't a 5 or 6?

Those poor guys that live in the Greenway plaza zip code aren't served by a grocery at all!

I agree 006 019 are misrepresented, party because the zip codes are relatively small and other boundries being distort those zip codes. I don't think the article goes on to mention those neighborhods as food deserts either.

The point is the vast swath of NE houston and south houston that are barren. Not zip codes surrounded by plenty of options, but the ones surrounded by ones without options. But further to your point, with so many options so close why should we have to sponsor a supermarket cluster in an area with plenty of options when miles of the city have nothing.

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I agree 006 019 are misrepresented, party because the zip codes are relatively small and other boundries being distort those zip codes. I don't think the article goes on to mention those neighborhods as food deserts either.

The point is the vast swath of NE houston and south houston that are barren. Not zip codes surrounded by plenty of options, but the ones surrounded by ones without options. But further to your point, with so many options so close why should we have to sponsor a supermarket cluster in an area with plenty of options when miles of the city have nothing.

On top of that, I think the data isn't recent (well within 2 years) or they aren't counting data from within 2 years. I have a friend that lives in a pretty nice subdivision up in 044, there is a huge HEB over off of wlake houston and bw8 that was put in 2 years ago. where the map says 0. it's also worth pointing out that a lot of the red (south of 610 and between s.main and 288 down to orum basically) is desolate. next time you're adventurous hop on down 288, get off at holly hall and head over to almeda. ride it south.

that being said, there are definite areas of Houston that NEED more places to buy food, that map though, it stinks.

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