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World Cup 2010


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I think a lot of the doubting of NK had to do with the fact that they don't play many WC qualifying matches. Their FIFA ranking of 105th has a lot to do with this.

You are right, it is partly about the rankings. Also the fact that North Korea hasn't been in the World Cup final series since something like 1966. And that Brazil has been given best odds to win this year, so in theory they should walk over anyone. More broadly, though, there tends to be a broad set of assumptions about which nations field good teams. Even without knowing the FIFA rankings, commentators would give Brazil better odds because they have a long history of top-notch soccer. That's why people were so surprised that England didn't put on much of a match the other day, and why it is a perpetual surprise that the US does well, because expectations are perennially low for US sides.

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Rachel Maddow had a segment on how the North Korean fans in South Africa were actually PAID CHINESE actors. For realz.

The only thing I don't like about soccer is the "add on" time. Seems they should stop the clock for "injuries/acting" and goals scored rather than just randomly pick how many extra minutes will be played. Today's Spain vs. Switzerland match was a prime example. They added FIVE MINUTES to the game and Spain nearly scored. Was pissing me off...

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I missed where anyone bashed soccer.

Some soccer fans - and I'll stick with the general passive-aggressive tone running rampant in this thread and just stick with the word "some" - are taking this a little too personally. (As an aside, Jeebus, that's not directed at you.) It seems to me everybody who doesn't get the sport has asked for clarification in order to increase their understanding, and perhaps even to get to a point where they might enjoy it too. Some people, I won't mention names because again that's not passive-aggressive enough, just choose not to be helpful in this pursuit of knowledge. And that's ok. Some people are natural teachers and other people naturally get frustrated with people seeking knowledge.

But whatever. It's equally as fun to bjtch about people bjtching as it is to bjtch in the first place.

So - I came into this thread really late, but I still feel the urge to reply to it.

I grew up playing competitive soccer - I started at 5, and quit playing competitively after my second ACL tear in college. That said, I can only watch so much soccer because it is a long match, and even to someone who loves the game, I get bored after about 30 minutes. However, I get bored of watching most sports. Baseball being the worst of the worst in terms of out right bordem, but I like beer and I have friends that drink beer when they watch baseball, so I digress.

At any rate, to someone who did not play soccer it may look like nothing is going on. But if you look for a second away from the ball, the majority of the action is taking place where the ball is not. I watched the whole US/England game, and thought it was great. What came to mind by watching it for me, was that the US played an entirely different style of soccer than the English. I grew up learning English style...the English style, utilizes the outsides of the field, and concentrates on keeping the ball away from the middle 1/3 of the field thereby spacing your opponent out, and offering more 1 on 1 opportunities to the forwards.

England did a MUCH better job of keeping the ball on the outsides, executing 1/2 plays and overlaps. The English looked more refined, because their places were not so bunched up. Throughout the whole game we had 2 US players tripping over each other ,and having to make suicide passes just to keep from losing the ball. The US just played like an unorganized team who had not practiced long enough together....In the US most players play more of the English style...I think most trainers, train the Enlish style, but when you mash up players trained under both, it takes adapting...I think the US just has not played together long enough.

That said the rules of soccer are simple, and can be easily explained. 1) no hands (anything below elbow is hand) 2) stay on sides - opposing forward must stay in front of the last defender at the moment the ball is played forward, or you are offsides. 3) fouls - pretty self explanatory - you cant play dirty (though the Mexican team is a VERY dirty team) 4) indirect kicks -have to be touched by another person before a goal can be scored (refs hand is in air till its touched again) 5) direct kick - can be a shot.

Most other rules are pretty obvious.

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Rachel Maddow had a segment on how the North Korean fans in South Africa were actually PAID CHINESE actors. For realz.

The only thing I don't like about soccer is the "add on" time. Seems they should stop the clock for "injuries/acting" and goals scored rather than just randomly pick how many extra minutes will be played. Today's Spain vs. Switzerland match was a prime example. They added FIVE MINUTES to the game and Spain nearly scored. Was pissing me off...

Stoppage time makes sense, keep the clock rolling, it adds to the pressure of the game, especially if you are the team that is trying to get back in the game, when the ball goes out, you want players to get in position asap, and get the ball back in asap. you don't have to make unnecessary rules like delay of game (cause if you waste time, it's added back on), so the ref doesn't have to keep track of other clocks that would monitor a penalty like that. it's kind of like in football when a team is down by 4 and there is under 2 minutes to go in the game, they're going to hurry up, and take advantage of the rules as much as possible (running OOB to stop the clock, passing to the sidelines, etc). if they do have to run it, they are going to get back on the ball and spike it to stop the clock.

anyway, if they allowed for stopping the clock during play, it would necessitate a whole new set of rules that just aren't needed when they have an elegant system as it is. so long as the stoppage time is a realistic number.

typical stoppage times are 1 minute added to the first half, and 3 to the second.

I think overall, the stoppage times added to the games in this world cup feel like they have been more than that. 5 minutes is pretty excessive, but then, they tend to add time based on how much is lost for injury, etc.

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Oh, I totally get why they do stoppage time. I think I was just commenting specifically on the ridiculousness of putting 5 minutes onto the end of the Swiss-Spain game. That was redonk. They actually let them play on for almost six full minutes in a game that had 1 goal and 1 minor injury timeout.

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Oh, I totally get why they do stoppage time. I think I was just commenting specifically on the ridiculousness of putting 5 minutes onto the end of the Swiss-Spain game. That was redonk. They actually let them play on for almost six full minutes in a game that had 1 goal and 1 minor injury timeout.

oh absolutely, 5 minutes is silly long. I think overall the stoppage time added to most games I've seen has been too much this WC.

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Stoppage time = extra time.

Speaking as an Irishman.....muchas gracias Mexico!!!!

And speaking as an Irishman again - Please USA beat Slovenia to possibly put England into second place in the group and play Germany in the second round....mwohahahahaaaaaaaaa....

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France is so close to being OUT! haha. I think we kind of have to win tomorrow. If we don't, Slovenia will have 6 points, and we can only get 4. England is going to win a game, so they will likely beat us out for 2nd. So let's not leave anything to chance and just go up 4-0 in the first 12 minutes.

WTH on Spain? Totally laid an egg. They can still win out but dang, not a great way to start a march toward a cup trophy.

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Wow U.S. got dominated pretty badly. Two goals from the "flailing around on the ground" offensive strategy is a good haul but doesn't leave much hope for the U.S. assuming it can even make it out of the group stage.

In the first half? Yes. Second? No way.

Feilhaber and Edu came in and locked down the field save for a few counter attacks. I still like our chances to get out of the group stage. Our real problem is giving up early goals. It really puts you in a hole when you are constantly trying to come from behind.

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In the first half? Yes. Second? No way.

Feilhaber and Edu came in and locked down the field save for a few counter attacks. I still like our chances to get out of the group stage. Our real problem is giving up early goals. It really puts you in a hole when you are constantly trying to come from behind.

I agree, it's giving up easy, early goals and not putting an attack worth a crap until at least half an hour has passed.

I would argue that we got robbed by the refs, but we got gifted a draw in the last game so karma comes back around.

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Luckily for the US, Algeria came to play...either that or England didn't. This leaves us in the driver's seat so long as we can actually win against Algeria.

I think both were the case - Algeria played well and England looked nothing like a team most of the time. They might be full of talent, but they don't play together worth a crap.

Win and move on!

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Luckily for the US, Algeria came to play...either that or England didn't. This leaves us in the driver's seat so long as we can actually win against Algeria.

It looks good for the US. I think the odds against Algeria are better than for England v Slovenia. England seems be consistently playing weakly, while America again exceeds expectations.

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After watching a ton of matches now, is it just generally accepted that all soccer referees are bad and will get about half of the calls wrong? Because that's what I'm seeing. No one really seems to care. Half of questionable calls out-of-bounds for throw-in or corner are wrong as I'm watching replays. Fouls are 10 times more arbitrary than they are in basketball. I've seen far less drama queen acting than I remember during the last world cup, but still some. That to me is the worst part of the sport. Whiners should be shot, not rewarded.

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I feel bad for the North Korean players...who knows what Kim Jong Il has in mind for losing 7-0.

North Korean news stations will report:

"The North Korean team was only just defeated at the hands of Portugal, the referees had made a few misjudged calls and had they gone the way we believe they should have, the game would have ended differently"

"In other news, the airplane carrying the team back home crashed, there were no survivors"

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Incredible game! I hope some of you got to see it. USA advances off of Landon Donovan's put back in stoppage time. Simply awesome

Great game!!!! Way to stick with it after being screwed out of another goal.


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Incredible game! I hope some of you got to see it. USA advances off of Landon Donovan's put back in stoppage time. Simply awesome

Couldn't watch it from work but we were getting web updates. Good show! England (somewhat surprisingly) also advances into the next round, so it's good for me in two ways. And in yet more good news, France is out of it and left South Africa. I couldn't believe their stupid mini-strike.

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